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Summary catalogue - Ecclesiastical Patronage

Ecclesiastical Patronage

The ecclesiastical patronage of the various Colleges used to be summarised annually in the Oxford University Calendar (e.g. for Balliol in 1971 see the 1971 edition), but that useful practice has been discontinued.

Loose records
The loose ecclesiastical patronage records are mostly arranged by living.  They comprise documents relating to title and to presentations (often dating from well before the acquisition of the advowson), and correspondence and miscellaneous papers (sparse before 1700, becoming more extensive to 1880 and voluminous thereafter).  The correspondence and miscellaneous papers are very varied, including letters from and about prospective incumbents, valuations and surveys, correspondences about repairs to church and parsonage fabric, correspondence with Bishops about proposed appointments and unions with other livings, etc.  A few of the files contain maps: several contain some printed material (postcards, church guides, parish magazines, etc).  The principal livings (some of which have been held with shifting combinations of others not mentioned) are listed below:

Advowson acquired 1341
ca. 70 items, 1256 - 1951, and 4 files, 1883 - 1946. John Wycliffe is mentioned several times ca. 1360.

Aston Flamville with Burbage
Advowson acquired 1919
1 file, 1916 - 1940.

Bedford, St Mary's
Advowson acquired 1855
2 files, 1894 - 1902 and 1925 - 1945.

Bere Regis
Advowson acquired 1699
ca. 10 items, 1558 - 1868, and 4 files, 1899 - 1939

Advowson acquired 1919
5 files, 1918 - 1948.

Advowson acquired 1343, sold 1878
ca. 10 items, 1342 - 1837, and 1 file.

Advowson acquired 1692, subsequently alienated
4 items, 1692 - 1701

Advowson acquired 1919
3 files, 1919 - 1954.

The advowsons of several Colchester livings were acquired in 1714
There have been numerous complicated changes and additions resulting from reorganisation, exchanges, and gifts.
ca. 50 items, 1537 - 1927, and 4 files, 1893 - 1947.

Advowson acquired 1705
ca. 70 items, 1562 - 1860, and 4 files, 1887 - 1946.

Advowson acquired 1343
ca. 15 items, 1342 - 1852, and 2 files, 1891 - 1897 and 1913 - 1954.

Advowson acquired 1921
1 file, 1921 - 1936.

Great Horkesley
Advowson acquired 1921
1 file, 1927 - 1941.

Advowson acquired 1919
1 item, 1925, and 1 file, 1917 - 1952.

Advowson acquired 1724
ca. 100 items, 1701 - 1938, and three files, 1896 - 1966.

Advowson acquired 1688, sold 1892.
ca. 10 items, 1688 - 1873, and 1 file, 1887 - 1891.

Advowson acquired 1919
1 file, 1921 - 1943.

London, St Lawrence Jewry
Advowson acquired 1294, reluctantly surrendered 1951.
ca. 100 items, 1180 - 1947, and 4 files, 1894 - 1951.

Long Benton
Advowson acquired 1340
ca. 10 items, 1323 - 1969, and 2 files, 1912 - 1946.

Marks Tey
Advowson acquired 1722, sold 1877
No loose documents.

Pulloxhill with Flitton
Advowson acquired 1919
1 file, 1927 - 1954.

Advowson acquired 1343, exchanged 1855
ca. 15 items, 1342 - 1949.

South Luffenham
Advowson acquired 1855
ca. 40 items, 1694 - 1881, and 1 file, 1930 - 1949. See also the Kilve file, 1887 - 1891.

Advowson acquired 1714
ca. 15 items, 1615 - 1865, and 1 file, 1903 - 1946. See also Colchester items and files.

Advowson acquired 1701
ca. 50 items, 1634 - 1873, and 2 files, 1896 - 1952.

Ulceby cum Fordington
Advowson acquired 1942
ca. 40 items, 1702 - 1937, and 1 file, 1941 - 1965.

Estates and patronage business intermingles at all periods and loose material concerning patronage is also to be found with estates papers.

There is a General and Miscellaneous file of patronage papers 1890 - 1952 which includes the following items of special interest:

  • A draft (6pp) 'Memorandum as to the approximate value of the Advowsons of Sundry Livings of which the Master and Scholars of Balliol College Oxford are the Patrons', January 1890 (Duloe, Fillingham, Kilve with Stringston, South Luffenham).
  • A detailed report (4pp) on a visit to the College livings in Bedfordshire (Harrold, Clophill, Flitton and Pulloxhill), 24 - 25 March 1920, by the Master.
There are no Patronage Books as such, but the College Latin and English Registers contain information about patronage business, with especially useful detail from the beginning of the first English Register(1794) until about 1950.  The Lease Books contain not only leases but copies of other deeds executed by the College, including presentations to livings.  See also the Bursars' Book concerning the Williams Benefaction for the benefit and purchase of College livings.

- John Jones

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Updated 19.v.17
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