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Summary catalogue - Related subfonds

Records of Persons and Institutions relating to Balliol College

The Balliol Family

There is a substantial collection of secondary material concerning the Balliol Family and sites associated with them ( Buittle Castle and Bailleul-en-Vimeu in particular); also the records of the 'Balliol Earthworks Survey' directed by JP Maitland, 1923-1938.

Vice Chancellor's Accounts

Roger Mander's accounts as Vice-Chancellor, 1700 - 1702.

New Inn Hall

Balliol purchased the site of New Inn Hall in 1878 and subsequently absorbed its assets and members.  The site was sold in 1895.  There are papers concerning the purchase and sale (with some detailed plans) and the members of New Inn Hall affected by the takeover.  New Inn Hall records which passed to Balliol include about 20 volumes of Battels Books, Buttery Books, Accounts, etc. of the period 1830 - 1887, and an Admissions Register for 1831 - 1886. No pre-1800 records for New Inn Hall or its members survive at Balliol. Detailed listing of New Inn Hall records here.

Leigh and Cooke Family Deeds

Approximately 160 items concerning properties and business of the Leigh and Cooke families and their connections, mostly 18th and 19th centuries. These do not concern College business: they were purchased because of their relevance to Theophilus Leigh, Master 1726-1785 (and great uncle to Jane Austen), many of whose relatives were members of the College [25]. Detailed listing by Robert Cooke here.

Blundell's School

AD Lindsay's papers as a Governor of Blundell's School, 1917 - 1934.

The Workers' Educational Association

Balliol was closely connected with the Workers' Educational Association (WEA) and related movements as a result of the activities of AL Smith (Fellow, 1906 - 1922, Master 1924 - 1949) through whose offices it was also regularly the venue for WEA Summer Schools.  Two files are of particular interest:

  • AD Lindsay's papers, mostly of ca. 1909, concerning the WEA (including a few letters of William Temple),
  • Wilson Wilson Fund papers, 1929 - 1959.  George Wilson Wilson (died 1925) made a bequest to the college to be used for the promotion of working class education. [Archives MISC 304]
  • Correspondence with William Miles (1883 - 1972), drafts, newspaper cuttings, etc. connected with, inter alia, his autobiography, William Miles: An Autobiography (1972), 1971 - 1972.  He was actively involved in WEA committees from 1907, and attended Balliol Summer Schools regularly, 1913 - 1930.
  • Papers of AL Smith, Letters WEA, contains a substantial group concerning WEA matters, 1916 - 1920.
  • other WEA related files in the College Archives:

The Balliol Boys' Club

A Boys' Club in South Oxford was started with Balliol support in 1907 and consolidated in 1921 as a memorial to Keith Rae (TEK Rae, Balliol, 1907).  It flourished until the late sixties, when it was swallowed by City developments [23].  The 1921 endowment survives as the Keith Rae Trust which supports Youth Clubs and similar organisations.  Material about the Club in the Archives includes:

  • The Declaration of Trust, 1921
  • 'The Opening of Keith Rae House Oxford. Saturday November 19th, 1921', printed 1921.  A brief history of the Club to 1921, and an account of its activities, etc., including detailed plans of the house.
  • The Club War Memorial for 1914 - 1918, listing 39 names.
  • A considerable volume of additional material.

N.B. Balliol College does not hold personal information about any of the boys who were members of the Balliol Boys' Club.

St Cross Church, Holywell

St Cross church was made redundant as a parish church in 2009 and leased to Balliol College. See here for more information. Parish records are at the Oxfordshire History Centre; Balliol has only a small amount of material regarding the handover and conversion, some of which may be closed for a time as current business records. This material will be listed here; it has not all yet been arranged and described in detail.

  • Dr Peter Lyne papers re history of St Cross Church, Holywell






- John Jones

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