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Papers of Walter Turner Monckton, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, 1896-1957

Integrated index of Dep. Monckton and Dep. Monckton Trustees: C


NB. The indices for Dep. Monckton and Dep. Monckton Trustees are integrated here for ease of use. The collections are NOT integrated and it is still essential to note the difference when requesting files or citing the papers.

CADBURY (Laurence John) 1889-1982.

Telegram to and letter from Walter Monckton, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 144-5.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1962, Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 39-40, 49.

CADOGAN (Sir Alexander George Montagu) 1884-1968.

Letters from Walter Monckton, 1940-1, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 265-6; Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fol. 120b; Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 120-1.

Copies of letters from and concerning Jack Keeling, 1939, Dep. Monckton Trustees 54, fols. 291-2.

Copy of letter to Sir Horace Wilson, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fol. 107.

Minute by, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 8, fol. 54.

Copy of letter from Lord Lothian, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 118-19g.

Copy of letter from Sir Frederick Bovenschen, 1945, Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fol. 40.

Copies of letters from Head of Hyderabad delegation to the United Nations, 1948, Dep. Monckton Trustees 27, fols. 231-2.

CAIRNCROSS (Neil Francis) b.1920.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 28, fols. 380-402.

CALLAGHAN (James) see Callaghan (Leonard James).

CALLAGHAN (Leonard James) 1912-2005.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 48-9.

CAMPBELL (Sir Gerald) 1879-1964.

Letters and telegrams to and from Walter Monckton, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 23-7, 57-8; Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 185-6, 210-11.

Telegrams from Brendan Bracken, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 158, 162, 164, 218-19.

Letters and telegrams to and from Walter Monckton, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 23-7, 57-8; Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 185-6, 210-11.

CAMPBELL (Renton Stuart) 1908-66.

Letters to Walter Monckton, 1940-1, Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 155-7, 163-5; Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 1-2.

CAMPBELL (Sir Ronald Ian) 1890-1983.

Telegram and letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1941-8, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 173, 176-7, 220, 224; Dep. Monckton Trustees 23R, fols. 62-5; Dep. Monckton Trustees 27, fol. 81.

Telegram to Duke of Windsor, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 220.

CAMPBELL (Stuart), see Campbell (Renton Stuart).

CAMPBELL-JOHNSON (Alan) 1913-98.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1953, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 199-205.
Text of broadcast talk by, 1953, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 200-5.

CAMROSE, Viscount, see Berry.

CARINGTON (Peter Alexander Rupert) 6th Baron Carrington, b.1919.
Copy of telegram to Sir Gilbert Laithwaite, 1957, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 74.

CARISBROOKE, Marquess of, see Mountbatten.

CARLISLE, Earl of, see Howard.

CARRINGTON, Baron, see Carrington.

CARSON (Edward Henry) Baron Carson, 1854-1935.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1927, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 61.

CARTHEW (Thomas Walter Colby) 1880-1955.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 89-90.

CARY (Sir Roger Hugh) b.1926.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 401-3.

CASEY (Richard Gardiner) Baron Casey, 1890-1976.

Letter and telegrams to and from Walter Monckton, 1942, Dep. Monckton Trustees 9, fols. 70, 218-19, 297; Dep. Monckton Trustees 10, fol. 329; Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fol. 54.

Copy of telegram from Brendan Bracken, 1942, Dep. Monckton Trustees 9, fol. 228.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1955-63, Dep. Monckton 12R, fol. 233; Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 212-13; Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 274.

CATTO (Thomas Sivewright) Baron Catto, 1879-1959.

Letter to Walter Monckton, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 38, fol. 195.

CAVENDISH (Andrew Robert Buxton) 11th Duke of Devonshire,
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 126, 133.

CECIL (David George Brownlow) Marquess of Exeter, 1905-81.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 30R, fols. 244, 267, 275.

CECIL (Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-) 5th Marquess of Salisbury, 1893-1972,

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1940-7,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fol. 133;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 87-9;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fols. 190-2;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 10, fols. 8, 320;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fol. 224;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fols. 250-3;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 38, fols. 368-70;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fols. 43-5;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 38, fol. 322;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fols. 86, 119-21, 128-9, 131, 237-8.

Copies of telegrams to and from Malcolm Macdonald, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 118, 125-6, 164-5.

Copy of minute from Winston Churchill, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 162.

Miscellaneous Letter and telegrams to and from, 1940-2, Dep. Monckton Trustees 8, fol. 152c; Dep. Monckton Trustees 9, fol. 290; Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fols. 128-9.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1929-60,

  • Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 69-70;
    Dep. Monckton 2, fol. 133;
  • Dep. Monckton 3, fol. 86;
  • Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 222-4, 226-8, 241-5;
  • Dep. Monckton 53R, fol. 34.

Letter from Harry Crookshank, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fol. 243.

Correspondence and papers relating to Monckton Commission, 1959-62, Dep.Monckton 12-14R, 52R-63R passim.
See also Northern Rhodesia, 1962-3.

CHADWICK (Gerald William St. John) 1915-2001.

Letters to, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 206, 227.

CHADWICK (John), see Chadwick (Gerald William St.John).

CHAMBERLAIN (Anne) née Cole.

Letter to Walter Monckton, 1938, Dep. Monckton Trustees 1, fol. 172.

CHAMBERLAIN (Arthur Neville) 1869-1940.

Letters to Walter Monckton, 1939-40, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. i-ii, 74-5.

Copies of letters to and from Duke of Windsor, 1938-9, Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fols. 11-16, 149, 178, 182-93, 195-6, 218; Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fol. 4.

CHAMBERLAIN (Neville), see Chamberlain (Arthur Neville).

CHANDOS, Viscount, see Lyttelton.

CHAPLIN (Henry) 1st Viscount Chaplin, 1840-1923.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1913, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 35-6.

CHAPPELL (Robert Kingsley) 1884-1937.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fol. 224.

CHECKETTS (Sir David John) b.1930.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1963, Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 9, 37.

CHERWELL, Viscount, see Lindemann.

CHHATARI, Nawab of, (Sir Ahmed Said Khan).

Letters and telegrams to and from Walter Monckton, 1946-8,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 26, fols. 77, 112;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 28, fols. 64, 68-9, 134, 160, 236, 271, 303, 314-15, 335, 338, 347;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 29, fols. 218, 425-6;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fols. 42, 50-1, 289, 331, 409;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fols. 42, 50-1, 289, 311, 409A;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 31, fols. 41-3;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 34, fols. 23-4;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 39, fols. 3-239 passim;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 40, fols. 163-5;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 41, fol. 163;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 43, fols. 117-122.

Walter Monckton's notes of conversations with, 1946-7, Dep. Monckton Trustees 28, fol. 13; Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fols. 216-17; Dep. Monckton Trustees 39, fols. 77-80, 168-71.

Copies of letters to Sir Francis Wylie, 1946, Dep. Monckton Trustees 28, fols. 339-40.

Copies of letter and telegrams to and from Nizam of Hyderabad, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fols. 82-3; Dep. Monckton Trustees 39, fols. 45-6; Dep. Monckton Trustees 43, fol. 122.

Copies of telegrams to V.P. Menon, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fols. 280, 290, 293.

Copies of telegram from and letter to Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fol. 291; Dep. Monckton Trustees 39, fol. 107.

Copies of letters from Sir Sultan Ahmed, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fol. 292; Dep. Monckton Trustees 41, fol. 110.

Miscellaneous letters to and from, 1946-7, Dep. Monckton Trustees 39, fols. 36-7, 39; Dep. Monckton Trustees 40, fols. 174, 184-6, 206, 238-80; Dep. Monckton Trustees 43, fols. 116, 145.

Letter to Walter Monckton, 1946, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 171-206.

CHOLMONDELEY (Sybil Rachel Betty Cecile) Marchioness of Cholmondeley, née Sasson.

Letter from Walter Monckton, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 23R, fol. 66.

CHOPRA (Iqbal Chand) 1896-1976.
Telegram and letter from Walter Monckton, 1955, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 272-3.

Correspondence relating to committee, 1962-4, Dep. Monckton 32R, fols. 66-298.

CHURCHILL (Sir Winston Leonard Spencer) 1874-1965.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1937-55,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fol. 37;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fols. 251-2;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fols. 97-8;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 13, fols. 117-19, 166-8, 178-9;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fol. 261;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fols. 135-8, 185, 189, 194-203;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 61-4;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 26, fols. 67-72, 75-6;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 28, fols. 171-3, 204-6, 322-32;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 38, fols. 368-70;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 40, fols. 229-32;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 41, fols. 171-2.

Copies of telegrams and letters to and from Duke of Windsor, 1939-41, Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fols. 198-9; Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 45, 48-9, 51-5; Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 89, 102, 114, 148, 150, 216-19, 239, 241;

Copy of letter from Wickham Steed, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 300-4.

Walter Monckton's note of conversation with, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 46-7.

Memorandum from Duff Cooper, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fol. 95.

Copies of minutes to and from Lord Moyne, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 97, 159, 161-2.

Copy of minute to Anthony Eden, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 162.

Copy of minute to Lord Cranborne, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 162.

Copies of telegrams to and from Nizam of Hyderabad, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 29, fols. 201, 209.

Copy of letter to Brendan Bracken, 1950, Dep. Monckton Trustees 20R, fol. 221.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1946-64,

  • Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 210-21;
  • Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 238-40;
  • Dep. Monckton 4, fols. 78, 114-15;
  • Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 30-1, 109;
  • Dep. Monckton 8R, fol. 202;
  • Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 167-8, 176, 178;
  • Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 252-3;
  • Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 270-1;
  • Dep. Monckton 14R, fol. 306;
  • Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 238, 322-3;
  • Dep. Monckton 18, fol. 122;
  • Dep. Monckton 26, fols. 1-125 passim.

Copy of letter to Sir Vincent Tewson, 1951, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 53-4.
Copies of joint letter from Cecil King, Guy Bartholomew & Silvester Bolam, 1952, Dep. Monckton 26, fols. 108, 111.
Draft letter from Sir Hartley Shawcross, 1954, Dep. Monckton 4, fols. 20-1.

CILCENNIN, Viscount, see Thomas.

CLARENDON, Earl of, see Villiers.

CLARK (Sir Andrew Edmund James) 1898-1979.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1944-5, Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fols. 325-6; Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fols. 42, 44-6.

CLARK (Kenneth Mackenzie) Baron Clark, 1903-84.

Letter to Walter Monckton, 1943, Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fol. 1.

CLARK (William Donaldson) 1916-85.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 127, 312
Minute to Anthony Eden, 1956 Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 126.

CLARK KERR (Archibald John Kerr) Baron Inverchapel, 1882-1951.

Letter to Walter Monckton, 1945, Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fol. 163.

CLAVERING (Sir Albert) 1887-1972.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1944-5, Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fols. 354-5; Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fols. 11, 22-3.

Letter from F.W. Lawes, 1945, Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fol. 9.

CLIFDEN, Viscount, see Agar-Robartes.


Legal papers relating to, nationalisation of, 1948, Dep. Monckton Trustees 58, fols. 121-239.

COBBOLD (Cameron Fromanteel) 1st Baron Cobbold, 1904-87.
Letter to and from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 30R, fols. 281-2.

CODRINGTON (William Melville) 1892-1963.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1942, Dep. Monckton Trustees 9, fols. 288-9; Dep. Monckton Trustees 10, fols. 32-3.

COHEN (Sir Brunel) see Cohen (Sir Jack Benn Brunel).

COHEN (Sir Jack Benn Brunel) 1886-1965.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1954-5, Dep. Monckton 4, fols. 95-6; Dep. Monckton 5, fol. 231.

COLE (Sir David Lee) 1920-97.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1959, Dep. Monckton 52R, fols. 12-20.

COLEFAX (Sybil) Lady Colefax, née Halsey, 1874-1950.

Letter to Walter Monckton, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 9, fols. 91-2.

COLERAINE, Baron, see Law.

WILLIAM COLLINS SONS & CO. Ltd., Publishers.

Copies of letters to and from Messrs Allen & Overy, 938, Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fols. 171, 210.

COLVILLE (Sir John Rupert) 1915-87.
Letter to and from Walter Monckton, 1952-62, Dep. Monckton 2, fol. 259; Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 9-10, 18; Dep. Monckton 30R, fols. 16-18.

COLYER (John Stuart) b.1935.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 378-80, 396-7.

COLYER-FERGUSSON (Sir Thomas Colyer) 1865-1951.

Letter to Walter Monckton, 1942, Dep. Monckton Trustees 9, fols. 120-1.

COLYTON, Baron, see Hopkinson.

CONESFORD, Baron, see Strauss.

COOPER (Alfred Duff) Viscount Norwich, 1890-1954.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1941-2, Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 63-6; Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fol. 143; Dep. Monckton Trustees 10, fol. 324.

Telegram from Sir Stafford Cripps [1940], Dep. Monckton Trustees 8, fols. 2-3.

Minute to Winston Churchill, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fol. 95.

Copies of telegrams from Lord Halifax, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 192, 232, 235.

Correspondence and papers relating to royalties of, 1944, Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fols. 273-81.

COOPER-KEY (Sir Neill) 1907-81.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1962, Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 262-3.

COOTE (Sir Colin Reith) 1893-1979.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1963, Dep. Monckton 25R, fols. 98-100.
Copy of letter to Lord Bridges, 1963, Dep. Monckton 25R, fols. 99-100.

COPPEL (Elias Godfrey) 1896-1978.
Letter to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 183-4.

COREA (Sir George Claude Stanley) 1894-1962.
Telegram to Walter Monckton, 1955, Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 289.

CORNWALLIS (Fiennes Stanley Wykeham), 1st Baron Cornwallis, 1864-1935.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1931, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 131-2.

CORBETT (Leonora).

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1941-2,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 52, 93, 134, 147, 188;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fols. 50-65, 232;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 55, 120-1, 148;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 9, fol. 202.

Letters to, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 238-9.

CORFIELD (Sir Conrad Laurence) 1893-1980.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 28, fols. 26, 28-33, 404-5; Dep. Monckton Trustees 38, fols. 196-7.

Note of Walter Monckton's interview with, 1946, Dep. Monckton Trustees 28, fols. 396-8.

Walter Monckton's notes of conversations with, 1946-7, Dep. Monckton Trustees 28, fols. 31-4, 62-3, 29, fol. 186.

Copy of letter to Nawab of Bhopal, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 38, fol. 197.

CORNWALL, Duchy of.

Correspondence and legal papers concerning, 1932, 1943-51, Dep. Monckton Trustees 74; Dep. Monckton Trustees 75.

COSTIN (William Conrad) 1893-1970.
Copies of letters to and from Lord Bridges, 1962, Dep. Monckton 25R, fols. 52-3.

COURTNEY (Sir Christopher Lloyd) 1890-1976.

Letter from Walter Monckton, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fol. 637.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 133-4.

CRATHORNE, Baron, see Dugdale.

CRAWLEY (Aidan Merivale) 1908-93.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton 1960, Dep. Monckton 52R, fols. 128, 140, 147, 204.
Copy of letter from Ernest Williams, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 169-71.

CREECH JONES (Arthur), see Jones (Arthur Creech).

CREIGHTON (Donald Grant) 1902-79.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 53R, fols. 115-16, 152, 163.
Letter to Walter Monckton's private secretary, 1960, Dep. Monckton 53R, fols. 153-4.

CRIPPS (Diana), see Weaver (Diana).

CRIPPS (Dame Isobel) Lady Cripps, née Swithinbank, 1891-1979.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1940-44,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 145-6;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fols. 1-5, 43, 59-64, 86, 119-24;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 106-16;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fols. 40-4, 118-21, 247-9;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 4-5, 31-4, 39-40, 49, 93;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fols. 327-8.

CRIPPS (Sir Richard Stafford) 1889-1952.

Letters and telegrams to and from Walter Monckton, 1937-47,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 1, fol. 144;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fols. 71-7, 110, 115-18, 134, 200, 204-18, 227;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 5, 24, 50-1, 68, 70-6, 145, 198-9, 201-2;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fols. 20-1, 36-7, 47-8, 221-6, 230, 238-9, 241;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 44-7, 234;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 9, fols. 4, 6-13;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 10, fol. 269;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fol. 180;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fols. 2-8, 29, 35-6, 100;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 41, fols. 167-70;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 58, fols. 34-5.

Copy of letter to H.J. Timpekey, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fol. 79.

Copies of letters to Lord Halifax, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fols. 205-11; Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 70-1.

Telegram to Alfred Duff Cooper [1940], Dep. Monckton Trustees 8, fols. 2-3.

Telegrams to and from Brendan Bracken, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 80-8.

Telegram to Sir Miles Lampson, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fol. 234.

Copies of letters to and from Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, 1945, Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fols. 3-8.

Copy of letter from Hartley Shawcross, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 39, fol. 59.

Letter from Lord Ismay, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 39, fol. 61.

Letters from, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fol. 81; Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fol. 6.

Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fol. 65.

CRIPPS (Sir Stafford), see Cripps (Sir Richard Stafford).

CRITCHLEY (Julian Michael Gordon) 1930-2000.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 358-9.

CROCKER (Sir William Charles) 1886-1973.

Copy of letter to Allen & Overy, 1937, Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fols. 71-2, 114-15.

Memorandum concerning, n.d., Dep. Monckton Trustees 13, fols. 204-9.

CROMER, Earl of, see Baring.

CROOK (Reginald Douglas) 1st Baron of Carshaltan 1901-89.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1952-3, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 66-87, 90; Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 92-4.

CROOKSHANK (Harry Frederick Comfort) Viscount Crookshank, 1893-1961.
Letter from Lord Swinton, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fol. 242.

CROOM-JOHNSON (Sir Reginald Powell) 1879-1957.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1927., Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 56.

CROSS (Sir Ronald Hibbert) 1896-1968.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1951,
Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 216.

CROWDY (Dame Rachel Eleanor) d.1964.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 125-6.

CRUIKSHANK (Robert James) 1898-1956.

Letter to Walter Monckton, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 13-22.

CRUM (Vernon Forbes E.), see Erskine Crum.

CRUTCHLEY (Sir Victor Alexander Charles) 1893-1986.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 375-6.

CUDLIPP (Hugh) Baron Cudlipp, 1913-98.

Letter to Walter Monckton, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 151-4.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956-60, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 165-6, 420; Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 214-24; Dep. Monckton 12R, fol. 131.

Copies of letters to Antony Head, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 216-22.

CUNLIFFE (Sir John Robert Ellis) 1886-1967.

Letter to Walter Monckton, 1937, Dep. Monckton Trustees 1, fol. 142.

CUNLIFFE-LISTER (Philip) 1st Earl of Swinton, 1884-1972.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1952-5, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 241-3; Dep. Monckton 5, fol. 78.
Letter to Harry Crookshank, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fol. 242.
Letter to Lord Salisbury, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fol. 243.

CUNNINGHAM (Andrew Browne) Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope, 1883-1963.

Letter to Walter Monckton [1943] Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fol. 148.

CURZON (George Nathaniel) Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, 1859-1925.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1913, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 25-7.


Ministry of Information file relating to, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 8.



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