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Papers of Walter Turner Monckton, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, 1896-1957

Integrated index of Dep. Monckton and Dep. Monckton Trustees: E


NB. The indices for Dep. Monckton and Dep. Monckton Trustees are integrated here for ease of use. The collections are NOT integrated and it is still essential to note the difference when requesting files or citing the papers.

EASTWOOD (Christopher Gilbert) 1905-83.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1940-1, Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 65, 139; Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 55-8, 83-4, 92, 96-9, 100, 111, 113, 124, 153-5, 158-60, 215, 222.

Letters to John Martin, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fol. 353; Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 93.

Copies of letters to and from H.A. Strutt, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 51-2.

Letter to Leslie Rowan, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 101.

Letter to Sir Alexander Hardinge, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 238-9.

Letters to, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 84, 115, 171, 192.

ECCLES (David McAdam) 1st Viscount Eccles, 1904-99.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1952-5, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 129-30, 135-6; Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 69-70.

EDEN (Anne Clarissa) Countess of Eden, née Spencer-Churchill.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 14, 35.
Letter to Lady Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 10R, fol. 36.

EDEN (Robert Anthony) 1st Earl of Avon, 1897-1977.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1947-52, Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fols. 43-5; Dep. Monckton Trustees 38, fols. 368-70; Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fol. 500.

Copy of minute from Winston Churchill, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 162. Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953-61,

  • Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 152-6;
  • Dep. Monckton 4, fol. 8;
  • Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 165-9, 177, 192, 267-8, 278-81, 286;
  • Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 10-14, 88-90, 101-2;
  • Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 210-11, 216-18, 225, 236-42, 245-51, 310-11;
  • Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 293-4, 311-12, 354, 374-5;
  • Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 101, 104, 124, 130, 147;
  • Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 177-8, 195-7, 202;
  • Dep. Monckton 13R, fol. 174.

Letters to and from Francis Noel-Baker, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 248-50.
Copies of letter from and minute to Antony Head, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 341-2, 355.
Copies of telegrams to and from Lew Douglas, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 381; Dep. Monckton 8R, fol. 184.

EDINBURGH, Duke of, see Philip, Prince.

EDMUNDS (Humfrey Henry) 1890-1962.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fol.188.

EDWARD VIII, see Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, Duke of Windsor.

Letters and telegrams to and from Walter Monckton, 1932-50,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 14R, fols. 62-3, 74-6;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fols. 186-7, 237-8, 241-7, 263-4, 270, 314-16, 327;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fols. 24-217 passim;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fols. 19-213 passim;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 1-148 passim;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 4-231 passim;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 20R, fols. 1-187 passim;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 41, fol. 61;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 74, fols. 1-5.

Walter Monckton's memos of conversations with, 1938-49, Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fols. 137-40; Dep. Monckton Trustees 20R, fols. 42-5.

Christmas cards to Walter Monckton, 1934-8, Dep. Monckton Trustees 1, fols. 121-2; Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fols. 219-20.

Letter from Alec Hardinge, 1936, Dep. Monckton Trustees 14R, fols. 25-8.

Telegram from Duke of Westminster, 1937, Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fol. 30.

Copy of letter to Samuel Hoare, 1937, Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fol. 301.

Telegram from George VI and Queen Elizabeth, 1937, Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fol. 215.

Copies of letters and telegrams to and from A.G. Allen, 1937-50,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fols. 2-3, 37, 69, 296;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fols. 37, 64-5, 74-5;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 37, 93-7, 161-2, 168-9;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 183-4;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 20R, fols. 115, 170, 172, 176-83, 188, 194-6, 198, 246-8.

Copies of letters to and from Neville Chamberlain, 1938-9, Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fols. 11-16, 149, 178, 182-93, 195-6, 218; Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fols. 4, 23.

Letter from Sir Thomas Overy, 1938, Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fol. 73.

Letters and telegrams to and from Winston Churchill, 1939-41, Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fols. 198-9; Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 45, 48-9, 51-5; Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 89, 102, 144, 148, 150, 216-19, 239, 241.

Copies of telegrams to and from Adolf Hitler, 1939, Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fol. 93.

Copy of letter from Lord Gort, 1939, Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fol. 207.

Extract from letter from Compton Mackenzie, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fol. 11.

Copies of telegrams from Lord Lloyd, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 50, 86.

Copy of letter to Lord Lothian, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fol. 135.

Copies of telegrams to and from Lord Moyne, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 36-7, 54, 63, 99, 166, 170, 189, 193, 195, 213, 216-19, 229, 231, 234, 239.

Copy of telegram from Lord Halifax, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 178.

Telegram from Sir Ronald Campbell, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 220.

Letter from Lady Monckton, 1948, Dep. Monckton Trustees 20R, fols. 10-11.

Miscellaneous letters to and from, 1938-48,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fols. 125-8;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fols. 17-18, 36, 44-5, 50-1, 151;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 5-6;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 65-9;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 20R, fols. 8-9;

Correspondence and papers relating to, 1936-51, 13(R)-20(R) passim.

Note to and letters from Walter Monckton, 1913, 1961, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 32-3; Dep. Monckton 27, fols. 260-1, 273, 282-3.
Letters concerning abdication of, 1952-61, Dep. Monckton 27, fols. 151-6, 157-8, 163, 172, 176-292.
Copy of letter from Henry Walter, 1961, Dep. Monckton 27, fols. 263-4.

EGREMONT, Baron, see Wyndham.


Material relating to Walter Monckton's work in, 1942, Dep. Monckton Trustees 9-10.

EISENHOWER (Dwight David) 1890-1969.
Copy of letter to Philip Clayton, 1956,
Dep. Monckton 8R, fol. 51.

ELAM (Henry) 1903-93.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957-63,

  • Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 221-4, 263, 369-70, 385-7, 399-400;
  • Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 12-13, 45-7, 84, 87-9, 169-70, 173-4, 189, 196-7;
  • Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 32, 218, 225-6;
  • Dep. Monckton 12R, fol. 94;
  • Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 115, 243-4, 246;
  • Dep. Monckton 13R, fol. 24;
  • Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 119-21, 189, 196-7, 227;
  • Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 3, 36, 40, 77, 79-80, 136, 140-2, 195.

Letter from Walter Monckton's private secretaries, 1956, 1963, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 179;
Letter from Jack Mitford, 1957,
Letter from Charles Earle, 1962, Dep. Monckton 14R, fol. 120.

ELIZABETH Queen to George VI, b. 1900

Letters to and from Walter Monckton 1938-41, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 297-8; Dep. Monckton Trustees 23R, fols. 3-4, 21-2; Dep. Monckton Trustees 54, fols. 142-3.

Joint telegram to Duke of Windsor, 1937, Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fol. 215.

ELIZABETH II, Queen of England, b.1926.

Draft telegram and letter to and from Walter Monckton, 1952, Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fols. 507, 509.

ELLAND (Percy) 1908-60.

Telegram to Nizam of Hyderabad, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fol. 303.

ELLERTON (Sir Cecil), see Ellerton (Sir Frederick Cecil).

ELLERTON (Sir Frederick Cecil) 1892-1962.
Letter to S.G. Heath, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 220-1.

ELLIOT (Walter Elliot) 1888-1958.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1954, Dep. Monckton 4, fols. 121-2.

ELTON (Godfrey) 1st Baron Elton of Headington, 1892-1973.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1941-5, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fol. 220; Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fols. 329-30, 336.

Letter to, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fol. 221.

ELVEY (Maurice) 1887-1967.

Letters from Walter Monckton, 1943, Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fols. 14, 16-17.

ELVIN (Sir Arthur J.) 1899-1957.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 282-3.

ELWES (Sir Richard Everard Augustine) 1901-68.

Letter to Walter Monckton, n.d., Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fol. 31.


Correspondence concerning, 1943-5, Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fols. 33-243.

E.N.S.A. (Entertainments National Service Association).

Correspondence concerning, 1945-6, Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fols. 244-379.

ERROLL (Frederick James) 1st Baron Erroll of Hale, 1914-2000.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1955, Dep. Monckton 5, fol. 82.

ERSKINE CRUM (Vernon Forbes) 1918-1971.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1947-8, Dep. Monckton Trustees 29, fols. 284-310; Dep. Monckton Trustees 32, fols. 25-38.

ES-SAID (Nuri) Prime Minister of Iraq.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fol. 207.

ESHER, Viscount, see Brett.

EVANS (Sir Laming Worthington-), see Evans (Sir Worthington Laming Worthington).

EVANS (Sir Worthington Laming Worthington-) 1868-1931.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1928, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 67.

EVATT (Herbert Vere) 1894-1965.
Cards and letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1959-61, Dep. Monckton 11R, fols. 9-11; Dep. Monckton 13R, fols. 1-3, 125-6.

EVE (Arthur Malcolm Tristram) 1st Baron Silsoe, 1894-1976.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951-62, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 92-3; Dep. Monckton 32R, fols. 107-8.

EVERSHED (Francis Raymond) 1st Baron Evershed, 1899-1966.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1941-4, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 135-6; Dep. Monckton Trustees 9, fols. 127-8; Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fol. 270.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957-64,

  • Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 107;
  • Dep. Monckton 23R, fols. 47-8, 53, 63-6, 81-4;
  • Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 51-2, 165-70;
  • Dep. Monckton 29R, fols. 293-4, 296, 303, 317, 320, 330-6, 340-2.

Letter to Lord Brand, 1957, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 33.
Copies of letters from Humphrey Waldock, 1958, Dep. Monckton 23R, fols. 60-1, 70-5, 100-1, 103.
Copy of letter to Sir William Spens, 1958, Dep. Monckton 23R, fols. 83-4.
Copy of letter from A.E. Morgan, 1958, Dep. Monckton 29R, fol. 306.
Copy of letter to John Thompson, 1961, Dep. Monckton 29R, fol. 326.
Copy of letter from Lord Bridges, 1962, Dep. Monckton 25R, fol. 23.

EVERSHED (Raymond), see Evershed (Francis Raymond).

EXETER, Marquess of, see Cecil.



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