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Papers of Walter Turner Monckton, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, 1896-1957

Integrated index of Dep. Monckton and Dep. Monckton Trustees: W


NB. The indices for Dep. Monckton and Dep. Monckton Trustees are integrated here for ease of use. The collections are NOT integrated and it is still essential to note the difference when requesting files or citing the papers.

WAKEFIELD (William Wavell) Baron Wakefield, 1898-1963.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1948, Dep. Monckton Trustees 31, fols. 344-5.

WAKEHURST, Baron, see Loder.

WALEY (Sir David), see Waley (Sir Sigismund David).

WALEY (Sir Sigismund David) 1887-1962.
Copies of letters to Edward Playfair, 1945, Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fols. 171-87.
Copy of note from Mr. Pauley, 1945, Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fols. 171-3.
Copies of letters to Mark Turner, 1945, Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fols. 200-5.

WALTON (Sydney) 1882-1964.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton 1943, Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fols. 6, 10-11, 15-17, 21-5.
Copies of letters, to, 1943, Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fols. 24-5, 27.

WARNER (Sir Pelham Francis) 1873-1963.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1943-5, Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fol. 220; Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fol. 446.

WATERFIELD (Sir Alexander Percival) 1888-1965.
Letters to and minutes from Walter Monckton, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 76-7, 233, 305.
Minutes by, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 271, 305.

WATERFIELD (Sir Percival), see Waterfield (Sir Alexander Percival.

WAVELL (Archibald Percival) 1st Earl Wavell, 1883-1950.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1946, Dep. Monckton Trustees 28, fol. 317.
Walter Monckton's note of conversation with, 1946, Dep. Monckton Trustees 28, fols. 60-1.
Copies of letters and telegrams to and from Nizam of Hyderabad, 1946, Dep. Monckton Trustees 28, fols. 177, 179-82, 185, 209-13, 221-2, 274-6.
Copies of correspondence with Nawab of Bhopal, 1946, Dep. Monckton Trustees 40, fols. 239-96, 304-8.

WEAVER (Diana) née Cripps.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fols. 84, 113-14, 156-9, 161, 179, 181, 202.

WEBSTER (Sir Charles Kingsley) 1886-1961.
Telegram from Brendan Bracken, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fol. 163.

WEBSTER (Sir Peter Edlin) 1924-2009.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 33-4.

WEDDERBURN (Alexander Henry Melvill) 1892-1968.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 12R, fols. 84-6.

WEEKS (Ronald Morce) 1st Baron Weeks, 1890-1960.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1955, Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 38-44; Dep. Monckton 6R, fol. 1.

WAKEFIELD (William Wavell) 1st Baron Wakefield of Kendal 1898-1983.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 181-2, 188.

WALDOCK (C. Humphrey M.).
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956-8, Dep. Monckton 23R, fols. 1-103 passim;
Copies of letters to Lord Evershed, 1958, Dep. Monckton 23R, fols. 60-1, 70-5, 100-1, 103.
Copy of letter to Lord Kilmaine, 1958, Dep. Monckton 23R, fol. 79.

WALKER (Samuel Richard) 1892-1989.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 67-8.

WALKER-SMITH (Sir Derek Colcough) 1910-92.
Letter to and from Walter Monckton, 1954-9, Dep. Monckton 4, fol. 9; Dep. Monckton 29R, fols. 115-20, 126, 129-31, 135-7.

WALLINGER (Sir Geoffrey Arnold) 1903-79.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 199, 211-12.

WALLINGTON (Sir Hubert Joseph) d.1962.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 74-5.

WARD (George Reginald) 1st Viscount Ward of Witley, 1907-88.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 94-5, 349-50.

WARD (Irene Mary Bewick) Baroness Ward of North Tyneside, 1895-1980.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1952, 1963, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 232, 235-6; Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 42, 94.
Letter from M.F. Gracey, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 233-4.
Copies of letters to and from, 1962-3, Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 72-3, 83, 86.

WARNER (Sir Pelham Francis) 1873-1963.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951-7,

  • Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 229-30;
  • Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 157-8;
  • Dep. Monckton 19R, fols. 40-1, 48-50, 53, 58;
  • Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 222.

WARREN (Sir Mortimer Langton) 1903-72.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1964, Dep. Monckton 32R, fol. 292.

WATERHOUSE (Charles) 1893-1975.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 116-21, 125, 129.
Copies of letters from Rex Benson, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 117-21, 130-1.

WATERHOUSE (Sir Ronald Gough) b.1926.
Joint letter to Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 33-4.

WATKINSON (Harold Arthur) 1st Viscount Watkinson, 1910-95.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1952-60,

  • Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 270-2;
  • Dep. Monckton 3, fol. 166;
  • Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 244, 313;
  • Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 168-74;
  • Dep. Monckton 52R, fol. 199.

Copy of letter to Selwyn Lloyd, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 171.

WATSON (Sir John Ballingall Forbes) 1879-1952.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fol. 219.

WAVELL (Archibald Percival) 1st Earl Wavell, 1883-1950.
Copies of letters to and from Nawab of Bhopal, 1946, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 172-206.

WEDGWOOD (Josiah Clement) 1st Baron Wedgwood, 1872-1943.
Letter to Walter Monckton 1937, Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fols. 267-8.
Copy of letter from Walter B. Beals, 1937, Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fol. 268.

WEIR (Sir John) 1879-1971.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 338-9, 376.

WELDON (Thomas Dewar) 1896-1958.
Copy of letter to [B.S.] Townroe, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 110-11.

WELLS (Henry Bensley) 1891-1967.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 207.

WESTALL (Bernard Clement) 1893-1970.
Letter from Walter Monckto:n Dep. Monckton 28, fol. 110

WESTBURY, Baron, see Bethell.

WESTMINSTER, Duke of, see Grosvenor.

WHATELEY (Dame Leslie Violet Lucy Evelyn Mary) 1899-1987.
Letters from Walter Monckton, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 97-9.
Letter to Lady Monckton, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 91-4.

WHEATLEY (Dennis Yates) 1897-1977.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 341

WHEELER-BENNETT (Sir John Wheeler) 1902-75,
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953-7,

  • Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 250-1;
  • Dep. Monckton 4, fols. 134, 142;
  • Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 15-16, 155, 326-7;
  • Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 178;
  • Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 378-9;
  • Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 61-2.

WHELDON (Sir Hew Pyrs) 1916-86.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 235-6.

WHITELEY (Cecil) 1875-1942.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fol. 214.

WHITHAM (Robert Parker Musgrave) 1895-1943.
Extract from report by, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fol. 54.

WHYTE (Sir Alexander Frederick) 1883-1970.
Minutes to and from Sheelagh Griffith, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 231-2.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 308-9, 417.

WHYTE (Sir Frederick), see Whyte (Sir Alexander Frederick).

WIGRAM (Clive) Baron Wigram, 1873-1960.
Letters and telegram to Walter Monckton, 1937-8, Dep. Monckton Trustees 1, fols. 123-4; Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fols. 254, 256, 259; Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fol. 100.

WIJEYERATNE (Sir Edwin Aloysius Perara) 1890-1968.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 221-2.

WILKINSON (Sir Peter Allix) 1914-2000.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton Trustees 13, fols. 137-8.

WILLES (Richard Augustus) 1881-1966.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1943, Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fols. 199-200, 216.

WILLIAMS (Douglas) 1892-1975.
Letters and minutes to Walter Monckton, 1941-2, Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 244-9; Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fols. 144, 195-8, 207; Dep. Monckton Trustees 9, fol. 119.
Minute to Cyril Radcliffe, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fols. 66-7.
Telegram from Bernard Sendall, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fol. 157.
Telegram to, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fol. 155.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1952, Dep. Monckton 2, fols. 287-95.

WILLIAMS (Francis).
Minutes to and from Sheelagh Leggitt, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 24R, fol. 24.

WILLIAMS (Valentine) 1883-1946.
Letter from and minutes to Walter Monckton, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 8, fols. 190, 303.

WILLINCK (Sir Henry Urmston) 1894-1973.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 41, fol. 10.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1955-7, Dep. Monckton 5, fols. 64-5, 95, 97-8; Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 237-8, 240, 267, 292.

Letter to Walter Monckton's Personal Private Secretary 1955, Dep. Monckton 5, fol. 59.

WILLINGDON, Marchioness, see Freeman-Thomas.

WILLS (Sir Gerald) 1905-69.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 10R, fol. 121.

WILSON (Charles Edward) 1886-1972.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 117, 123-5.

WILSON (Sir Horace John) 1882-1972.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton 1937-49,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 7, 44-8, 60-1, 78, 81-2, 106-7;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fols. 276-82;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fols. 8-10, 71-2, 74-5, 81;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fols. 91-2, 94-9, 101-2, 108-19;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 28, 140, 144;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 20R, fols. 34-8.

Copies of letters from George Allen, 1938, Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fols. 2-5, 9-10.
Copy of letter from Sir Alexander Cadogan, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fol. 107.

WILSON (Peter Humphrey St John) 1908-87.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 10R, fol. 155.

WINANT (John Gilbert) 1889-1947.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fol. 243.


WINDSOR (Wallis) Duchess of Windsor, née Warfield, 1896-1986.
Letters and telegrams to and from Walter Monckton, 1937-46,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees15R, fols. 31, 327;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fols. 31-3, 219-20;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fols. 214-15;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 12-19, 24-7, 36-8, 98-105, 112-15, 124-9, 145-7;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 12, 15-28, 31-3, 40-50, 81-2, 103-8, 167, 197-204;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 20R, fol. 4;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 41, fols. 54v, 58, 61-2.

Copies of letters from George Allen, 1937-41, Dep. Monckton Trustees 15R, fols. 36, 67-8; Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 181.
Copies of letters to and from, 1939-40, Dep. Monckton Trustees 17R, fols. 39-43; Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 131-4.
Correspondence and paper concerning, 1936-51, Dep. Monckton Trustees 14R-20R, passim.

WINNIFRITH (Sir Alfred John Digby) 1908-93.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 376-7.

WINNIFRITH (Sir John), see Winnifrith (Sir Alfred John Digby).

WOLFSON (Sir Isaac) 1897-1991.
Letter from Lord Brand, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 261.

WOLLAM (John Victor) b.1927.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957, Dep. Monckton 9R, fols. 298-9, 308-9.

WOOD (Lady Dorothy Evelyn Augusta) Countess of Halifax, née Onslow, d.1976.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1941-2, n.d.,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 32-5, 67, 117-18, 203;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fols. 27-8;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 9, fol. 33;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 10, fols. 16, 69-70;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 77, fols. 163-4.

WOOD (Edward Frederick Lindley) 1st Earl of Halifax, 1881-1959.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1940-53,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fols. 128, 155, 180, 201;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 90-1, 119, 123-6, 144, 160, 233;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fols. 29-30, 97;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 16R, fol. 101;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 86, 114, 116, 122;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 34, fol. 191.

Minute memo from Charles Peake, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fols. 166-76.
Copies of letters from Sir Stafford Cripps, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fols. 205-11; Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 70-1.
Copy of telegram from Sir Walford Selby, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fol. 43.
Telegrams to Sir Walford Selby, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 18R, fols. 56-7.
Copies of telegram to Duff Cooper, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 192, 232, 235.
Copies of telegrams from, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 4, fols. 189-93; Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 179.
Copy of telegram to Duke of Windsor, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fol. 178.

WOOD (Joseph) 1842-1921.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1913, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 30-1.

WOOD (Oswald Edward) 1899-1974.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1960 Dep. Monckton 30R, fols. 128-9, 131-2, 173-5.
Copies of letters to and from, 1960, Dep. Monckton 30R, fols. 136-8, 164-6.

WOOD (Richard Frederick) Baron Holderness, 1920-2002.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 10R fols. 69-71.

WOODHOUSE (Christopher Montague) 1917-2001.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1958-63, Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 24-6, 93, 97-100, 247; Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 87-8.

WOODHOUSE (Horace Marton) 3rd Baron Terrington, 1887-1961.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1944, Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fols. 158, 160-1.

Letters to and from, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 90-1.

WOODHOUSE (James Allen David) 4th Baron Terrington, 1915-98.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 13R, fols.37, 40-1.

WOODHOUSE (Montague), see Woodhouse (Christopher Montague).

WOODHOUSE (Phyllis Mary) Lady Terrington, née Drew.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 13R, fols.38-9.

WOODS (Henry Gabriel) b.1924.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols.95, 97-8, 112, 318, 320; Dep. Monckton 7R, fols.35-6.

WOODWARD (Edward Gilbert) 1900-50.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1932, Dep. Monckton 16, fol.266.

WOOLTON, Earl of, see Marquis.

Papers relating to Departmental Committee on Alternative Remedies, 1945, Dep. Monckton Trustees 57.

WORSLEY (Sir Richard Edward) b.1923.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1954, Dep. Monckton 4, fols. 116-18, 156-7.
Letter from Walter Monckton's Personal Private Secretary, 1954, Dep. Monckton 4, fol.150.

WORTHINGTON-EVANS (Sir Shirley) see Worthington-Evans (Sir William Shirley Worthington).

WORTHINGTON-EVANS (Sir William Shirley Worthington) 1904-71.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fols.196-7.

WRIGHT (Sir Michael Robert) 1901-76.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fol.213.

WRIGHT (Robert Alderson) Baron Wright, 1869-1964.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fols.2-3.

WYATT (Woodrow Lyle) 1918-97.
Letter to and from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton Trustees 13, fols. 149-50, 152-3.

WYLIE (Sir Francis Verner) 1891-1970.
Copies of letters from Nawab of Chhatari, 1946, Dep. Monckton Trustees 28, fols. 339-40.

WYLIE (James) 1875-1941.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 16, fol.236.

WYNDHAM (John Edward Reginald) 1st Baron Egremont & 5th Baron Leconfield, 1920-72.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 30R, fol.257.



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