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Papers of Walter Turner Monckton, 1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, 1896-1957

Integrated index of Dep. Monckton and Dep. Monckton Trustees: Q-R


NB. The indices for Dep. Monckton and Dep. Monckton Trustees are integrated here for ease of use. The collections are NOT integrated and it is still essential to note the difference when requesting files or citing the papers.

Translation of speeches of, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 35.

RADCLIFFE (Antonia) Lady Radcliffe, née Benson.
Letters from Walter Monckton, 1942, Dep. Monckton Trustees 10, fols. 13, 47.

RADCLIFFE (Cyril John) 1st Viscount Radcliffe, 1899-1977.
Minute and telegram from Walter Monckton, 1940-1, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fol. 233; Dep. Monckton Trustees 8, fol. 65.
Minutes to and from, 1940-1, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 112-13, 116-22; Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fol. 129; Dep. Monckton Trustees 5, fols. 66-7, 90-2.
Minute and telegram from Walter Monckton, 1940-1, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fol. 233; Dep. Monckton Trustees 8, fol. 65.

RADNOR, Earl of, see Pleydell-Bouverie.

RAHIMTOOLA (Habib Ibrahim) 1912-91.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 210.

RAISMAN (Sir Abraham Jeremy) 1892-1978.
Copy of letter from Walter Monckton, 1954, Dep. Monckton 28, fol. 48.

RAIT KERR (Rowan Score) 1891-1961.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton Trustees 76, fol. 471.

RAMASWAMI AIYAR (Sir Chetnat PattaGhirama) 1879-1966.
Letters and telegrams to and from Walter Monckton, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 29, fols. 324-5; Dep. Monckton Trustees 30, fol. 76; Dep. Monckton Trustees 41, fols. 35, 46, 83-4, 105.

RAMSAY (Simon) 16th Earl of Dalhousie, 1914-99.
Telegrams and letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 53R, fols. 40-2, 44.

RAMSEY (Arthur Michael) Baron Ramsey of Canterbury, 1904-88.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1962-3, Dep. Monckton 32R, fols. 71, 73, 87-90, 225, 241-2.
Copies of letters to and from Harold Macmillan, 1962, Dep. Monckton 32R, fols. 83-5.

RAISMAN (Sir Jeremy), see Raisman (Sir Abraham Jeremy).

RANDOLPH (Joseph Randolph) 1867-1936.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 122; Dep. Monckton 16, fol. 231.

RATHBONE (Eleanor Florence) 1872-1946.
Letter from Sheelagh Griffith, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fols. 30, 41.

RAU (Sir Bevegal Rama) 1889-1969.
Memo on India and the Commonwealth, 1948, Dep. Monckton Trustees 26, fols. 201-5.

RAWDON SMITH (Edward Rawdon) 1890-1957.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 6, fols. 133-4.

Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951-7, Dep. Monckton 7R, fol. 416; Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 208, 292; Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 99-100.

READING, Marquess of, see Isaacs.

REES-WILLIAMS (David Rees) 1st Baron Ogmore, 1903-76.
Letter and report from Walter Monckton, 1950, Dep. Monckton Trustees 64, fols. 65-77.

REEVE (James Ernest) 1926-2006.
Letter to Walter Monckton's Assistant Private Secretary, 1953, Dep. Monckton 27, fol. 71.

REID (Sir Edward James) 1901-72.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 10R, fols. 191-2.

REID (James Scott Cumberland) Baron Reid, 1890-1975.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1961, Dep. Monckton 30R, fol. 254.

REITH (John Charles Walsham) 1st Baron Reith, 1889-1971.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1936-50,

  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 89-90, 142;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 3, fol. 111;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 14R, fol. 67;
  • Dep. Monckton Trustees 20R, fols. 61, 237.

Papers relating to Ministry of Information functions, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 2, fols. 95-7.

Letter to Lady Monckton, 1948, Dep. Monckton 1, fols. 237-9.

RENNIE (Sir Gilbert McCall) 1895-1981.
Letters to Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 52R, fols. 182, 198.

Correspondence and papers concerning Moscow conference on, 1945, Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fols. 1-344 passim.

REWCASTLE (Cuthbert Snowball) 1888-1962.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1944, Dep. Monckton Trustees 58, fol. 53.
Letter from Sir Christopher Bullock, 1944, Dep. Monckton Trustees 58, fols. 1-4.

Walter Monckton's legal notes concerning, [1945], Dep. Monckton Trustees 66, fols. 288-307.

Memoranda and printed material relating to, 1962-3, Dep. Monckton 15R, fols. 22-35, 223-7.

RHODESIA, Southern.
Counsel's note concerning constitution of, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 40, fol. 93.

ROBARTS (David John) 1906-89.
Letters to and from Walter Moncktor 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 286-93.
Copy of letter to Sir Eric Gore Browne, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 287.
Copy of letter to Guy Portman, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 288.
Copy of letter to Sir John Musker, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 289.
Copy of letter to Sir Richard Jessel, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fol. 290.
Copies of letter from, 1958, Dep. Monckton 24R, fols. 291-2.

ROBERTS (Sir Ernest Handforth Goodman) 1890-1969.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1951, Dep. Monckton 17, fol. 205.

ROBERTS (Sir Frank Kenyon) 1907-98.
Minute by, 1940, Dep. Monckton Trustees 8, fol. 54.

ROBERTS-WRAY (Sir Kenneth Owen) 1899-1983.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1960, Dep. Monckton 52R, fol. 173.

ROBERTSON (Brian Hubert) Baron Robertson of Oakridge, 1896-1974.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 6R, fols. 43-4.

ROBERTSON (Sir Robert) 1869-1949.
Copy of letter to Sir Alan Barlow, 1943, Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fols. 230-1.
Memorandum by, 1943, Dep. Monckton Trustees 11, fol. 231.

ROBINSON (Sir Albert Edward Phineas) 1915-2009.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1960-1, Dep. Monckton 53R, fols. 164, 176-206.

ROBSON (Catherine) Lady Robson, née Burge.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1930, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 111.

ROBSON (Sir Thomas Buston) 1896-1991.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1958, Dep. Monckton 30R, fols. 32, 35.

ROCHE (Alexander Adair) Baron Roche, 1871-1956.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1934, Dep. Monckton 1, fol. 159.

RODGERS (Sir John Charles) 1906-93.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1957-62, Dep. Monckton 19R, fols. 87-9, 95-102; Dep. Monckton 22R, fols. 36, 38-9.
Letters from J. Hamilton Russell, 1957, Dep. Monckton 19R, fols. 87-8, 96.

ROGER (Sir Alexander) 1878-1961.
Telegrams to Walter Monckton, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 29, fols. 110-14.
Letters to and from A.R. Smith, 1943, Dep. Monckton Trustees 55, fols. 259-61, 308-12.

ROOTES (William Edward) 1st Baron Rootes, 1894-1964.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1951-7, Dep. Monckton 17, fols. 165-6; Dep. Monckton 18, fols. 101-2.

ROPNER (Sir Leonard) 1895-1977.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1962, Dep. Monckton 14R, fols. 214-15a 216.

ROSEVEARE (Robert William) b.1924.
Letters to and from E.B. Fox, 1953, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 100, 126-7.

ROSSE, Earl of, see Parsons.

ROUS (Sir Stanley Ford) 1895-1986.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1956, Dep. Monckton 8R, fols. 196-7, 211, 380.

ROWAN (Sir Leslie), see Rowan (Sir Thomas Leslie).

ROWAN (Sir Thomas Leslie) 1908-72.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1945, Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fol. 96.
Letter from Christopher Eastwood, 1941, Dep. Monckton Trustees 19R, fols. 101-2.
Letter to Walter Monckton, 1945, Dep. Monckton Trustees 12, fol. 96.

ROWLANDS (Sir Archibald) 1892-1953.
Letter from Walter Monckton, 1947, Dep. Monckton Trustees 38, fol. 204.

RUSSELL (Charles Ritchie) Baron Russell of Killowen, 1908-86.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1953-6, Dep. Monckton 3, fols. 74, 76; Dep. Monckton 7R, fols. 302, 394, 421-5; Dep. Monckton 8R, fol. 2.

RUSSELL (Sir Claude Frederick William) 1871-1959.
Letters to and from Walter Monckton, 1950-1, Dep. Monckton Trustees 74, fols. 152, 166, 187, 193-6, 213-14, 235, 237.
Copy of letter to Sir Alan Lascelles, 1950, Dep. Monckton Trustees 74, fol. 189.
Copy of letter from 1950, Dep. Monckton Trustees 74, fols. 179a & b.

RUTHVEN (Walter Patrick Hore-) Baron Ruthven, 1870-1956.
Telegram from Lady Monckton, 1948, Dep. Monckton Trustees 27, fol. 163.

RUTHVEN, Lady, see Monckton.



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