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Papers of Oswald Toynbee Falk (1879-1972: Balliol 1898-1902)

Biographical note

FALK, Oswald Toynbee. Born 25 May 1879; eldest son of HJ Falk, W. Kirby, Cheshire. Education: Rugby, Balliol 1898-1902 (tutors: JW Russell, WH Forbes, JA Smith); Williams Exhibitioner; 2nd Math. Mods. 1899; B.A. 1903. Oxford University Golf Club 1901-1902 (Captain). Banker; British Delegation (Financial) at Peace Conference, Versailles, 1919; C.B.E. 1920; partner in Falk and  Partners; Director of National Mutual Life Association, and other companies. Married Gwendolen, daughter of Capt. Gerald Hyde Strachey: two sons. Brother, JHT Falk (Balliol 1899). Died 11 November 1972.

source: Balliol College Register editions 1969, 1983. See also ODNB entry


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1 Material relating to the 1919 Peace Conference
2 Papers relating to Montagu Norman and US Reserve
3 Correspondence between OTF and John Maynard Keynes
Papers relating to Robert Boothby, MP
Papers relating to Montagu Norman
6 Papers relating to the Hon RH Brand
7 Publications by Carl Snyder on economic issues
8 Correspondence on foreign policy issues


- First listed by James Armstrong, Modern MSS Assistant, 10/05/1991, revised by Anna Sander, Archivist & Curator of MSS, May 2005.

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