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Theses and Undergraduate Work


This collection was created in 1993 as a result of the third revision of the summary catalogue. It was decided that the main Summary Catalogue should only give details of the manuscript collections, rather than individual items. The first versions of the Summary Catalogue contained entries for several individual examples of students' work, both graduate and undergraduate, most of which had been given individually to the College as gifts. Several other previously unlisted items were also identified. It was therefore decided to create a new collection to contain these miscellaneous items of student work and make them easily accessible. New individual gifts may continue to be added to this series.

Entries in the Catalogue.

The items are listed alphabetically by author or main figure involved with the item. Where possible the person's full name, dates and details of any connections to Balliol are given. A brief description of the item is then given, followed by details of the provenance.

A Note on Students' Work among the Personal and College Archives.

This collection consists only of miscellaneous, individual items of work by undergraduate and graduate students. Many of the College''s personal archives consist of the papers of College Fellows and Tutors, and owing to their content relating to the teaching of students in various subjects, contain examples of undergraduate work. A few items of student work have also come into the College Archives over the years. Below is a list (not comprehensive) of the personal archives containing student work material in various subjects:

Chemistry: William Alexander Waters.



  • Kenneth Norman Bell.
  • Edward Barzillai Powley.
  • Arthur Spring-Rice Pyper.
  • Alexander Bankier Rodger.
  • Arthur Lionel Smith.
  • Benedict Humphrey Sumner.


  • Thomas Hill Green.
  • John Alexander Smith.
  • Charles Graham Stone.

Politics, Philosophy and Economics:

  • Herbert Henry Asquith (Balliol 1870) - notebooks (College Archives MISC 228 - see NB 7)
  • Godfrey Herbert Samuel (Balliol 1922) - A book of undergraduate essays written by GH Samuel, dated Hilary term 1924. (College Archives MISC 287!.3)
  • Adam von Trott zu Solz.

Travel Reports: Atlantic Crossing Trust ("Pathfinders").


ANON . Notebook containing English translation of Euripides' Hecuba. Bundle of Classics notes, c.1890.

HEDLEY ROY BENTLEY , born 1928. Balliol 1949-1952. Notebook containing 6 short "Freshman's Essays" on art, politics, culture etc.

Prof. GEOFFREY CURGENVEN BOLTON , born 1931. Balliol 1954-1958. 350 pp. typescript "The Political Background of the Irish Act of Union of 1800." Thesis submitted for the degree of D. Phil., 1958. Presented by Prof. G.C. Bolton in 1958.

EDWIN CANNAN , 1861-1935. Balliol 1881-1883. Specially made case containing notebooks of undergraduate essays; printed history examination papers; MS answers to examination questions.

KENNETH CAVANDER , born 1933. Balliol 1952-1956. Notebook containing 3 short "Freshman's Essays" [?] on art, morality etc. Found by the Rev. F.L. McCarthy-Willis-Bund in 1974?

S.S. CLARKE TRAVELLING EXHIBITIONSee T.E. Evans (1933), the Rev. A.M. Farrer (1925), the Rt. Hon. Denis Healey M.P. (1939), P.H. Jones (1933).

JOHN COOPER , born 1935. Balliol 1955-1958. 452 pp. typescript "Pressure Groups and the Origins of the Welfare State 1906-10," undated. Thesis (submitted for the degree of B. Litt.?). Deposited by J.M. Prest in April 1968.

PETER MICHAEL POWER CORNALL , born 1930, Balliol 1951-1955. 3 short "Freshman's Essays" on crime, scientists in government, the press.

DUNCAN MUNRO DALLAS, born 1940, Balliol 1960-1964. Part II Chemistry thesis, "The Chemical Calculus of Sir Benjamin Brodie" (1964). Further description here.

The Hon.Sir RICHARD DOUGLAS DENMAN , 1876-1957. Balliol 1896-1899. MS essay on Etienne Marcel, written for the Stanhope Prize. Given by Sir Richard Denman in 1953.

GEORGE BEER ENDACOTT , 1901-1971. Balliol 1933-Hil. 1936. 103 pp. typescript "The Progress of Enclosures in the County of Dorset in the 18th and part of the 19th Centuries." Thesis submitted for the degree of B. Litt., 1938. Inscribed to A.B. Rodger (Balliol Trin. 1919, Fellow 1924) by G.B. Endacott, February 1938. Received from Mary Rodger in 1964?

TREFER ELLIS EVANS - See Peter Howard Jones.

The Rev. AUSTIN MARSDEN FARRER , 1904-1968. Balliol 1923-1928. 25 pp. manuscript account of travels in Greece by the Rev. A.M. Farrer (S.S. Clarke Travelling Exhibitioner 1925). Deposited with the College under the terms of the S.S. Clarke Travelling Exhibition in 1925?

The Rt. Hon. DENIS WINSTON HEALEY , born 1917. Balliol 1936-1940. 49 pp. typescript "Journal of a voyage to Greece" (1939) by the Rt. Hon. Denis Healey M.P. (S.S. Clarke Travelling Exhibitioner 1939). With a number of corrections and additions in an unknown hand. Deposited with the College under the terms of the S.S. Clarke Travelling Exhibition in 1939?

Rt. Hon. FREDERICK HUTH JACKSON , 1863-1921. Balliol Hil. 1884-1887. 13 notebooks containing notes on history and political economy by F.H. Jackson, 1884-87. Presented by Mr. Hugh Fremantle and Mrs. Anne Marie Fremantle (née Jackson) in April 1991. Listed online here.

PETER HOWARD JONES , 1911-1975. Balliol 1930-1934. 26pp. manuscript account of travelling in Greece by P.H. Jones and TREFER ELLIS EVANS (1913-1974, Balliol 1930-34), S.S. Clarke Travelling Exhibitioners 1933, signed by P.H. Jones, 1933. Deposited with the College under the terms of the S.S. Clarke Travelling Exhibition in ?1933.

DAVID BRIAN KNOX , born 1932. Balliol 1951-4. Notebook of 3 "Freshman's essays," Michaelmas 1951, on the hall portraits, a novel, architecture. Deposited for the College Archives by Kenneth Garlick, transferred to the Theses collection in 1984.

EDGAR LOBEL , 1888-1982. Balliol 1907-1911, Hon. Fellow 1959. Notebooks containing undergraduate essays 1907-8; Greek history essays; notes on Greek tragedy and comedy, n.d. Given by Mrs Lobel.

RICHARD LODGE , 1855-1936. Balliol 1874-1878. "The causes of the failure of Parliamentary Institutions in Spain and France, as compared with their success in England." Lothian Prize Essay 1876. Bound MS. Given by Basil Blackwell in 1959.

RICHARD LEWIS NETTLESHIP , 1846-1892. Balliol 1865-9, Fellow 1869-1892. "Moral philosophy": notebook containing lecture notes taken by J.A. Spender (Balliol 1881-84) in 1884. Given by J.A. Spender in 1939. See also Bradley, Jowett Papers.

JACK MASKELL OAKLEY , born 1928. Balliol 1949-1952. Notebook of 7 short "Freshman's Essays" on art, politics, culture etc.

JOHN PURVES , 1840-1889. Balliol 1860-1865, Fellow 1866-1889. Notebook of Greek exercises; loose printed translations and exercises. See also Jowett Papers.

Sir JAMES STIRLING ROSS , 1877-1961. Balliol 1899-1900.

3 notebooks on English History 800-1307; 2 notebooks on the Philosophy of Plato, taken in EDWARD CAIRD's lectures in 1899.

Presented by J.M. Ross (son of Sir James Ross) in 1972.

THOMAS WILLIAM McLARDY SMITH , born 1957. Balliol 1975-1979. 127 pp. typescript "The Balliol-Trinity Science Laboratories" by T.W.M. Smith. Thesis submitted for the degree of B.A. in June 1979. Presented by T.W.M. Smith in 1979. Shortened version published in Balliol Studies, ed. John Prest, London: Leopard's Head Press, 1982.

FREDERICK JAMES TICKNER , 1902-1980. Balliol 1922-1926. 271 pp. typescript "The rise of the Dutch East India Company 1595-1629." Thesis submitted for the degree of B. Litt., 1952? Presented by F.J. Tickner in 1973.

SAMUEL A book of undergraduate essays written by GH Samuel, dated Hilary term 1924. Given to the College by Dr Bernard Wasserstein, through the offices of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, 1999.

ADAM VON TROTT ZU SOLZ , 1909-1944. Balliol 1931-1933. 30 undergraduate essays on Politics, Philosophy, Economics and History. These comprise:

i.3 AMS essays presented by Charles Collins in 1991.

ii.27 photocopies of essays (all AMS except one TS) presented by Bundesarchiv, Koblenz at the request of Dr. Clarissa von Trott in 1992. The originals (ref. NL von Trott 33) are among the papers presented by her to Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 5400 Koblenz (Karthause), Potsdamer Str. 1, Postfach 320. The material in this collection cannot be copied, quoted or published either in whole, or in any part, without the written consent of the owner(s) of the copyright.

See Adam von Trott Papers.

R.V. VERNON , 1877-1942. Balliol 1895-99.

Notebook, with Vernon's name in the front cover. Labelled on front: "Work done for college tutors. Specimen no 3. Subject: Essays on General Subjects [?] year. Classical Philology. Ancient Philosophy and History. Exhibited by Balliol College..." It is not known when, or in what context, it was exhibited. Contains essays on a variety of topics (listed on a contents page at the back) including arbitration in trade disputes, the functions of the Poet Laureate, the moral teaching of Ruskin, the theory of evolution applied to politics; about two thirds of the essays are on various classical themes.

Presented by Mrs Margaret Bryer in 1995 (the notebook was found among the papers of her stepfather, Sir Sydney Caine, once Director of the LSE, after his death, but it is not known how he acquired it; he was never a member of Balliol. Accession correspondence is stored with the notebook).


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Updated 30.v.17
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