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The Cherry Record Collection of Josephine Reid’s Papers and Books Relating to Graham Greene

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Series 10 Correspondence. 1946-1989.

Letters and postcards. 106 items. Formerly in blue album with plastic sleeves. Original order preserved. NB Several letters on headed paper do not match the place of sending identified by their envelopes - ND notes that Greene often took headed paper with him when travelling. ND describes 34/106 items. All descriptions have been revised.

All correspondence in this series is from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid except where otherwise specified.

GGJR10/001 ALS. 'from the Congo' on C.6 Albany headed paper 5 February [1959]. JR had recently started work for GG. Sent from Yonda leper colony in the Congo, where he was beginning to write A Burnt Out Case. 'Dear Miss Reid.' He gives details of his arrival and forthcoming departure into the bush and requests a copy of Our Man in Havana and one of Robert Louis Stevenson’s letter about Father Damien, who died of leprosy and who Sherry says was one of the reasons he wanted to visit a leper colony. 'I am getting quite settled in now. Terribly hot yesterday & humidity 100%. The air broke on one’s cheek like tiny drops of rain. …. I love my two strolls a day, early morning and evening, to the Congo to read a book on the deck of an old rusting tin boat.' Signed 'Yours G.G.' Annotated JR '1959'. 2s.

GGJR10/002    ALS. Headed paper of the Liberté, a boat bound for New York where he was to assist in putting on The Complaisant Lover. 24 September [1959] 'Dear Miss Reid, I'm only half convinced about boats.' An amusing letter with observations of fellow passengers from whom he uses his mother’s death 2 days before as an excuse to escape. He comments on details of an Observer review he had written. 'Yours in haste, G.G.' Annotated JR 'Oct Nov? 1959 [checked] or 1960'. 2s.

GGJR10/003   ALS. Headed paper of Hotel Algonquin, 59 W 44th St NY. 3 October [1959]. Describes birthday meal, organised by Mrs Selznick, wife of the film producer, with guests Lauren Bacall, Claudette Colbert, Ingrid Bergman, Margaret Leighton and Janet Gaynor – and he had a hangover.'Plays are confused again.' He outlines his travel plans. 'Yours G.G.' Annotated JR 'or 61? 1959? [checked] or 60?] 2s.

GGJR10/004 APC. Bucharest. 1 Sept [1962], postmark 5 September 1962. ' Been bathing from here in the Black Sea - the last time at 1 am! G.G.' First 2 lines are under the postmark and difficult to read. Annotated JR '1962'.

GGJR10/005 APC. PC showing Chateau de la Caze [Route des Gorges du Tarn, 48210 Sainte-Énimie, France], postmarked Antibes 28.5.1963. 'I had a lovely ten days holiday + stayed two nights here - but alas found Rota + wife on the doorstep. I've ignored the gout.' Annotated JR 'May 63'.

GGJR10/006 APC. PC showing assortment of seafood and a rhyming 'Recette de la vraie BOUILLABAISSE', postmarked St-Jean Cap Ferrat 15.5.1963. Birthday greetings and apology for recent abruptness in letters.

GGJR10/007   ALS. Hotel Luma, Orizaba 16, Mexico City. 22 [July 1963]. Stuck for two days in the airport waiting for one of Cuba’s only two planes and heading from there to Haiti. Two others abandoned were the  secretary of Uruguay’s Communist Party and the head of the Socialist Party. “I had all my loose cash – about 100 dollars and 20 pounds – lifted out of my pockets at Mexico airport at midnight by a cunning beast who left behind on purpose a book of traveller’s cheques”. 2pp. Annotated JR 'July 63'.

GGJR10/008 ALS. C6 Albany, London. 1 January [1966], 12.50 am. Thanking her “for all you have done the last week or two….. I have tried to play down the Roe affair, but it has been an anxious time ever since Cadco and my temper has not been improved by it. Now at least that is off our shoulders”. [Greene, along with many others including Charlie Chaplin, was duped by Tom Roe and the actor George Sanders into losing a lot of or even all his money in their firm Cadco. His departure from England is clearly linked in this letter with the end of this episode. See Sherry's biography and Bill West in The Quest for Graham Greene.] Annotated JR, 'Graham’s farewell on leaving England for France', '1966'. 2pp.

GGJR10/009  ALS. Headed paper of 130 Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris 17 (GG's Paris flat) but written from Antibes. 'Sorry, Miss Reid. The dexedrine [amphetamine stimulant] was slow in working and suddenly took a spurt.' Summarises arrangements and getting copy to director Peter [Glenville]. Annotated JR 'Doing the script of The Comedians film', 'while in Antibes' '30/5/66'. 1p.

GGJR10/010 ALS. Headed paper of 130 Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris 17 (GG's Paris flat) but written from Antibes. 15 June 1966. 'Many happy returns from the two of us.' 1p.

GGJR10/011 ALS. Headed paper of King David Hotel, Jerusalem. 21 September 1967. “Just arrived. … Had dinner on Monday night with all the Dayan family. The general, his wife, his pretty daughter and her new husband in a shabby little Arab restaurant in Jaffa. Very good food. Probably going to Gaza strip with Mrs D on Tuesday.” Annotated JR '1967'. 1p. Envelope, annotated JR '1967'.

GGJR10/012  APC showing Jerusalem's Damascus Gate. 22 September 1967. “Off to Jericho & Bethlehem tomorrow & then Galilee. Had 2 great days walking around + getting lost by myself”. Annotated JR '1967'.  

GGJR10/013 ALS. Headed paper of Dan Hotel Tel Aviv, 99 Hayarkon St. 28 September [1967]. Recounting recent visit to the Sinai, “…For 2 ½ hours yesterday afternoon I was flattened against a sand dune under artillery, mortar and small arms fire…. I’d only had lemonade to drink for 36 hours…. housemaids elbow from the hot sand.” Continuing to Jerusalem and Galilee. 1p. Envelope, annotated JR 'Rec'd 3/10/67'.

GGJR10/014  ALS. Galilee. 1 October 1967. GG is staying in a kibbutz with Malcolm Muggeridge. Continuing to Syria, Haifa, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and back to Paris. requests that if JR follows up her suggestion of going to Paris, she take 'the box of my letters to my mother.' Annotated JR '1967'. Envelope, annotated JR '1967'.

GGJR10/015 ALS. Headed paper, Elortondo 1811, San Isidro FCGBM [suburb of Buenos Aires, Argentina]. 25 July 1968. 'Dear Josephine' Greene was in Argentina travelling to Paraguay in search of material for Travels With My Aunt, and The Honorary Consul later benefited too. He comments on the gruelling publicity round organised by his publisher Victoria Ocampo, but “I’ve had time to gain ideas for the book which had lain rather stagnant. He corrects details of his movement plans. Annotated JR '1968'. 2s.

GGJR10/016    ALS. Headed paper, Elortondo 1811, San Isidro FCGBM [suburb of Buenos Aires, Argentina]. 30 July [1968]. 'Dear Miss Reid' “Will you clip for me the statements & letters which follow the Pope’s monstrous declaration on contraception? Letters to the Times particularly, leading articles in Catholic Herald & Tablet, any statements by Bishops – especially reactions in Holland & Germany. A large order I’m afraid, but do what you can.” 1p.

GGJR10/017  ALS. Headed paper, 130 Boulevard Les Malherbes, Paris 17, but written from Grand Hotel, Assuncion [sic] [Asunción, Paraguay]. 5 August [1968].  He makes suggestions for keeping Josephine in touch with complicated posts and travel destinations and arranging her ten day celebration, for ten years as his secretary, with him and Yvonne in Antibes. Re book research (Travels With My Aunt and The Honorary Consul), he notes 'A dreary little place called Formosa fits well into my book. I think I shall find what I want is [?is] Asuncion...' 2s. Envelope, postmarked ?7 August, annotated JR '1968'.

GGJR10/018  ALS. Headed paper, 130 Boulevard Les Malherbes, Paris 17 [but still in South America]. 6 August 1968. Unusually for an English novelist, Greene had become famous in Latin America, “I spent 2 ½ hours walking and taking photos, walking is the only way to see a place”. But harassments continued, “1) stopped by an American in the street. 2) waved at from a car by a journalist. 3) asked for my autograph by a … boy in a small bank who then pursued me with a friend on a motor-bike asking to be photographed with me. 4) Stopped by two women in a car … who wanted “a few minutes conversation”. I got rid of these. Nonetheless an improvement on B.A. [Buenos Aires] and quite the place for Aunt Augusta’s final home”. He makes further suggestions for keeping Josephine in touch with complicated posts and travel destinations and arranging her ten day celebration, for ten years as his secretary, with him and Yvonne in Antibes.

GGJR10/019 APC showing St James Beach, Barbados, from Graham Greene, also signed by Yvonne Cloetta, to Josephine Reid. Postmarked Barbados. X above a window in the picture indicates the room where Yvonne and Graham Greene are staying. Annotated JR '1969?'

GGJR10/020 Part of a letter from Graham Green to Josephine Reid. ND, on headed paper C.6 Albany. 'P.P....S' indicates last page/addendum to another letter. Re giving £5 to the head waiter of the Connaught [Hotel]. Also 'Can you when Mr Evans gives his March reminder ask Mr Buchanan if I can come for the day?!' Annotated verso JR 'J Craigie / Res'. 1s.

GGJR10/021 Note or page of a letter. ? with item 20. Re plans for a dinner, in Graham Greene's hand. 'For the manager Mr Craigie 6 bottles of Cheval Blanc '55 (not decanted)' and seating diagram including 'Mr Graham Greene, Mrs Sutro, Mr Reinhardt, Miss Reid, Mr Trevor Wilson, Mr Rosoman, Mrs Reinhardt, Mr Sutro, Mrs Rosoman.' Annotated '1960s'.

GGJR10/022 APC showing sunset at 'the Golden Lemon', Dieppe Bay, St Kitts, from Graham Greene and Yvonne Cloetta to Josephine Reid at 9 Bow St London WC2. Following 4 days on St Kitts. Signed 'Yours Graham Greene - just one of many Greenes here'. Yvonne notes that they return to Barbados that evening. Postmarked and annotated JR '1970'.

GGJR10/023 APC showing ' Corrientes Embarcadero de Balsas'. March 31st 1970. APC. From Argentina. A panoramic view of the beach with fishing boats at Corrientes, “I’ve had a quiet week in the country with only an archbishop under arrest, a priest excommunicated, a bomb in a church, a Paraguayan consul kidnapped, a murdered man I saw myself in a field. Nothing happens they say in Corrientes. Arrive in Paris Sunday April 5. Yours GG.” Envelope, annotated verso '[?]Ritter Hotel de Turismo', postmarked 31 March 1970.

GGJR10/024 APC, showing 'Capri, Faraglioni with Monacone Rock' from Graham Greene and Yvonne Cloetta to Josephine Reid. June 4 [1970]. '... Will have to find an excuse one day for a week's work here! See you on the 10th with MS of intro. Wrote first page of novel today.'

GGJR10/025 APC, showing 'Ravello, Belvedere Cimbrone' from Graham Greene and Yvonne Cloetta to Josephine Reid. GG writes, 'You better celebrate your 15th anniversary down here in the south!' YC adds 'You would like it!' Annotated 'July 1970'.  

GGJR10/026 ALS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. Villa Rosaio Anacapri. July 14 [1970]. Annotated JR '1970'. Diagram illustrating how the avocado tree (in Antibes?) is growing. 2s.

GGJR10/027 Dec 12th 1970. Christmas card from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. Brighton, 19.12/1970. “Josephine 1959-1970 ….a well deserved tribute to all the help you have given me! Graham Greene. Why not have a gamble with premium bonds?” Greene’s thank you cheques were usually quite substantial. And in Josephine’s hand, “Given to me by Mr Greene at the end of a lovely day in Brighton on 19/12/70”. Envelope.

GGJR10/028 APC showing 'West Indies Underwater Scheme' [Barbados] from Yvonne Cloetta (in French), with brief signed note by Graham Greene (in English), to Josephine Reid. YC notes 'GG travaille à son livre, comme chaque matin.' Annotated JR '22/1/71'.

GGJR10/029  APC showing 'Martinique - Trois-Ilets - La Pagerie Estate, Ruins of the sugar factory' from Graham Greene and Yvonne Cloetta to Josephine Reid. Postmark Fort de France Martinique 1971. GG notes 'This was where the other Josephine was borne [sic].' [i.e. Marie Josèphe Rose Tascher de La Pagerie, better known as Joséphine, first wife of Napoleon I]

GGJR10/030 APC showing 'Paestum - Neptune's Temple' from Graham Greene and Yvonne Cloetta to Josephine Reid. GG notes, 'Greece without the Colonels! This is older than the Parthenon.' Postmark Ravello 31.7.1971.       

GGJR10/031 APC showing 'Capri - Arco Naturale' from Yvonne Cloetta to Josephine Reid (in French and English). YC mentions that 'Today, Peter Glenville & Bill Smith are arriving from Rome to stay with us for 3 days.' Annotated JR 'July 1971'.

GGJR10/032 ALS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. Carrera-Sheraton Hotel, Santiago de Chile. 18 September [1971].GG was writing an article for the Observer. This adds more detail of his movements than is contained in Sherry or Richard Greene’s A Life in Letters on Greene’s visit to Chile, Allende & Jorge Luis Borges, “Met Borges at lunch and liked him immensely. An extraordinary memory for English and even Anglo-Saxon poetry”. 2s. Envelope.

GGJR10/033 ALS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from 130 Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris, but written from Hotel Carrera, Santiago. 27 September [1971]. Further details of travels in Chile and back to England arriving 12 October 1971. 'Having very interesting time, but a bit fatiguing + I'm haunted by a cold. Beautiful weather.' 2s. Envelope.

GGJR10/034  APC showing 'Tent Bay, East Coast, St Joseph, Barbados'. from Graham Greene, also signed by Yvonne Cloetta, to Josephine Reid. '... Leave tomorrow (1th) for Granada.' Envelope. Annotated JR 'Jan 1972'. Envelope.

GGJR10/035 APC showing 'Capri, I Faraglioni, aerial view' from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. 'We had the most ghastly journey.' Annotated JR '5/6/1972'. Postmark Anacapri 5 VI 1972.

GGJR10/036 APC showing 'Capri, Piazzetta e Chiesa di S Stefano'. 'I work hard at ?Dottoressa [Moor] + Y at garden... No intro proofs yet - strikes everywhere.' Annotated JR 'November 1972'. Postmark Anacapri 1972.

GGJR10/037 APC showing 'Barbados, West Indies: Bridgetown, Careenage (Old Docks)'. 'Any news of that Stevenson letter offered me by the man in Bournemouth?' Annotated JR 'Jan 1973'.

GGJR10/038 ALS on headed paper from Antibes flat but ?written from Pretoria, RSA. July 20 [1973]. 'Could you send off express by air one more copy of The H.C. [The Honorary Consul] to me at Leroux's?' Envelope postmarked Pretoria, Annotated JR '20/7 1973'. 1s.

GGJR10/039 ALS on headed paper from Antibes flat but written from Koffiefontein, South Africa. 31 July [1973]. Asks JR to add Gen. & Mrs Grobelaar to list of people to receive copies of The Honorary Consul. Requests books, details of travels in the Transvaal. Envelope postmarked 'Koffie[fontein]', annotated JR 'July 31/73'. 2s.

GGJR10/040  APC showing 'Maletsunyane Falls, Semonkong, Lesotho'. 'Lesotho (Botswana Land) I prefer to SA when once one gets away from the Holiday Inn.' Postmark Maseru 2 VIII 73. Annotated JR '1973'.

GGJR10/041 ALS on headed paper from Antibes flat but written from Koffiefontein, South Africa. 2 August [1973]. Details of travel and impending work schedule with JR. Annotated JR 'travel down after work'. Envelope, postmark Koffief[ontein] 3 VIII 73, annotated JR 'Aug 2 73'.

GGJR10/042 2s ALS on headed paper from Antibes flat but written from Koffiefontein, South Africa. 3 and 13 August [1973]. Further additions to list of people to receive copies of The Honorary Consul. Details of the day 'What a 13th!' - hospital visit for lumbago attack. Re imminent work together, 'I think it would be better to go down by car with Max as we'll have a lot to talk about - which isn't so easy after we are en famille. Sorry to rob you of a frolic though. Is it still warm? I forget what heat is like. Off to the "independent" Lesotho on Friday for two nights.' Annotated JR '1973 Rec'd Aug 21.' 2s. Envelope, postmark Koffiefontein 15 VIII 73, annotated JR '3/8/73 21/8 Rec'd'.

GGJR10/043 ALS on headed paper from Antibes flat but written from Koffiefontein, South Africa. 20 August [1973]. Brief note re arrangements for his arrival back in London via Paris. 1s. Envelope postmarked Koffiefontein 20 VIII 73. Annotated JR '20/8/73'. 1p.

GGJR10/044 APC showing a map . 12 May [1974]. From Capri to Greece where Josephine often holidayed, a postcard showing a bird's eye view map of the whole island of Capri. GG updates JR with his situation and progress on a novel, in this case as Josephine notes it is The Cold Fault, which later became called The Human Factor. “I have put an ‘x’ roughly where our house is. …. I’ve done 5,000 words and hope the block is broken. I shall fly to Paris on the 29th.” Annotated JR '1974, Cold Fault'.

GGJR10/045 ALS on headed paper from the Antibes flat. 28 August [1975]. 'My dear Josephine, Just a line to say how sorry I am to be losing you. I am sure you have had a lot to put up with during the 17 years, but I could not have asked for a better secretary'. He presses her to keep in touch, “……anything I can do at any time call me”. He encloses a gift cheque but also anticipates that she will be continuing work for him as typist of his books. 'Yours with affection, Graham Greene'. 1p. Envelope, annotated JR 'On my leaving'. 45a, blank sheet of headed notepaper from the Ritz Hotel, Piccadilly.

GGJR10/046 ALS on headed paper from the Antibes flat. 16 October [1975], continued 17 October. Describes let-down after a holiday, but 'I wrote 4,500 words in ten days!' Mentions 'today the news of the sudden death of Jacques Charron' and that Elisabeth Dennys is now working as his secretary. 2s. Annotated JR '1975'. Envelope postmarked Antibes 8-4 1975 - does not match this letter or any other. Annotated verso GG 'Mea culpa. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.' ? possibly indicating that the letter enclosed is one with a date rather far preceding that of the postmark.

GGJR10/047 ALS on headed paper from the Antibes flat. 'For Josephine, happy Christmas, Graham.' Annotated JR '1975 Ma Griffe Carven' [perfume]. ?Note accompanied a cheque which she used to purchase Ma Griffe.

GGJR10/048  APC showing 'Golfo Paradiso - Camogli, Caruggio nell'isola' from Graham Greene and Yvonne Cloetta to Josephine Reid. 'This is where we are hiding from the world for a few days.' Stamped but no postmark. Annotated JR 'Received 20/1/76'.

GGJR10/049 APC showing 'Kastella: Tourkolimano from the air' from 'the four of us: Graham, Yvonne, Eleni and myself, Antonis.' With notes from all four [Antonis and Eleni Samarakis]. Annotated JR 'March 1976'. Envelope, stamped but not postmarked, annotated JR 'March 76 GG + Antonis Samarakis'.

GGJR10/050 APC showing Antibes town and harbour. Brief note re respective holidays. Postmark Antibes 8 5 1976.

GGJR10/051 TLS from Elisabeth Dennys to Josephine Reid. Heaslands, Steep nr Crowborough, Sussex. 18 August [1976]. Note re thanks to Josephine in the foreword to recently published Mervyn Peake by John Watney. Annotated '1976'.

GGJR10/052 Christmas card from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid, with colour photo showing small ceramic bust of dark mustachioed figure, blue coat, dark tie: on plinth 'Graham Greene 1976.' Card notes only, 'See behind photo!' Photo verso mentions travel to Panama; 'I hope you think this bust is a good likeness. Happy Christmas.' Envelope postmarked Antibes 26 11 1976.

GGJR10/053 TLS on headed paper from the Antibes flat. 21 March 1977. Personal. Both Greene and Yvonne Cloetta have been ill. Josephine has had to leave her flat (?London ?Minehead) and is staying at the Lorna Doone Hotel in Porlock; GG offers advice about places to dine nearby. Final comment 'Buller is outliving the book!' JR annotates 'The Human Factor'. 1p. Envelope postmarked Tunbridge Wells 24 March 1977, annotated JR 21/3/77.

GGJR10/054 TLS from Norman Sherry to Josephine Reid. University of Lancaster 4 July 1977. Sherry outlines questions for an interview with Josephine Reid. Annotated JR 'replied 16/7/77'.1p. Envelope postmarked Lancaster & Morecambe 4 July 1977, annotated verso JR 'Sherry started working 17 Nov 58 3rd Oct 2.30 10th Oct 11.30am.'

GGJR10/055 TLU from Josephine Reid to Norman Sherry. 62 Fursecroft, George St London. JR declines to be interviewed and is not currently resident in London. She will send, when she returns, 'a few points which may be of interest, like the date when I was interviewed for the job of being mr Greene's secretary, as he was then just off to Havana to see about the film "Our Man in Havana".'

GGJR10/056 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 13 July 1977. GG is off to Spain to travel with Fr Duran, later to Panama. 'Yes, the book is finished and called The Human Factor and will be published towards the end of January. I have started another set in Panama and did 6,000 words in Capri but I dont know yet whether it will work.' He is pleased to hear that she has found a good house (in Minehead). He mentions the link between performance of shares and current politics and pending general election. 1p. Envelope postmarked Tunbridge Wells 18 July 1977, annotated JR 'GG'.

GGJR10/057 Oct 4th 1977. TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 4 October 1977. Tells her of his presence on the Panamanian delegation to Washington with Panama’s Torrijos for the signing of the Panama Canal treaty with President Carter. “It was quite fun seeing all those horrible dictators like Pinochet and Stoessner in the flesh”. 1p.

GGJR10/058 TLS from Elisabeth Dennys to Josephine Reid. Heaslands, Steep nr Crowborough, Sussex. 31 January 1978. Describes recent interview in Antibes: Louise Dennys interviewing and Amanda Saunders photographing Graham Greene for Weekend Magazine (re recent puclication of The Human Factor). Problems with the Dictabelt equipment. 'Graham was very annoyed about the Ev. Standard interview you saw as he never said he had met Kissinger...' 2s.

GGJR10/059 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. From Antibes. 7 July 1978. He describes progress on writing a play, possibly the rewrite of The Great Jowett. Details his trip to Spain and forthcoming Panama, “….Yvonne and I would much like to one day to come and see your house and garden. It sounds as if you are really beautifully installed. …I could sign Mr Dawson’s ROCHESTER! I am glad you have such a nice friend. It must make a lot of difference. Did you name your cottage? It sounds a bit fancy!” Annotated JR 'No, I didn't! Greenaway Cottage.' 1p.

GGJR10/060 APC showing 'Wednesday 1957' by Krsto Hegedušic (at the Museum of Modern Art, Belgrade) from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. ND. 'At the moment on Minehead you seem to be at the centre of crime + politics!... Just back from four days of greyness + ice in Belgrade, kept out by rakia.' Annotated JR '1978'.

GGJR10/061-72 Jan 24th to Aug 2nd, 1979. A series of 4 ALSs, 5 TLSs (1 by Elisabeth Dennys) & 3 APCs by ED. Quite a detailed picture is given of progress in Greene’s writing and Josephine’s typing a “nouvelle” of 23,000 words which in the second letter grows to 27,000 and increases throughout the correspondence. Probably Dr Fischer of Geneva. He also plans an “almost book length” compilation of his travel articles to be called Troubled Places and explains when he wants to work on it and asks her to type that too if she will. It came out as Ways of Escape. Also a new play, Yes and No is begun and finished. And Graham adds, “I really think you ought to keep a diary. Your descriptions of nature are really excellent.” He also gives her several suggestions for reading including Count Hannibal by Weyman, “one of my favourite books”. In the last PC Elisabeth writes that Yes and No, typescript presumably, has arrived. “I do agree it is hilarious – wish I could have heard it on the belt.”

GGJR10/061 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 24 January 1979. Asks if JR would type a nouvelle, mostly finished, of probably ca 23,000 words; would send belts (Dictabelt recordings) and manuscripts with Leoni Cohn in February. Also asks if she would type out news cuttings of his 'travel articles and reportage which I propose to revise and publish' as a book (Ways of Escape), as he would prefer to work with typescripts rather than photocopied cuttings. 1p.

GGJR10/062 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 13 February 1979. GG will send belts (Dictabelt recordings) 'of 24,000 words via Leoni Cohn and Elisabeth. There will remain 2,000-3,000 to follow.' He advises her to keep a diary with a view to publishing: 'Your descriptions of nature are really excellent.'  Annotated JR, ' - because of the bitter snowy weather - + deep snow/ Rec'd 16/2'. 1p.

GGJR10/063 ALS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 17 April [1979]. Asks her to send the typescript nouvelle and and typed cuttings, separately and as soon as possible, to Antibes rather than Capri. 'Feeling a good deal better now + have gone back to work on story.' Annotated JR 'Rec'd 24/4/79'. 1p.

GGJR10/064 ALS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 24 April [1979]. Received post requested in 10/63. 'I hope to finish the story + send you belts before by the end of the month.' Annotated JR 'Rec'd 1/5/79'. 1p. Envelope, postmarked Antibes 25 4 1979. Annotated GG 'Just reread The Moonstone - rather disappointed. You might try Armadale by Collins which I read in hospital...' and JR 'Rec'd 1/5/79'.

GGJR10/065 APC showing the Darien pectoral at the Museo del Oro, Bogotá, from Elisabeth Dennys to Josephine Reid. Easter greetings. 'G on dictabelt sent 6 April said would I let you know he had received the typescript.' English stamp.

GGJR10/066 ALS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. ND. Note accompanying 'the rest of the story. I still have to do a lot of correction.' Mentions plans for Paris in May. Annotated JR 'Posted 1/5/79 rec'd 9/5/79'. 1p.

GGJR10/067 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 16 May 1979. Thanks for 'the typewritten pages which arrived with miraculous speed.' Recommends books, and is sending her via Elisabeth Dennys a copy of A Gentleman of France.1p.

GGJR10/068 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 12 June 1979. Comments on JR's reading of John Evelyn's Silva. Wil lbe bringing dictabelts with revised story. 'They are very heavy revisions and I am afraid the whole thing will have to be done again. I doubt whether there is a pag without correction.' Annotated JR 'Rec'd 23/6/79 / - Silva.' 1p.

GGJR10/069 TPC showing 'Treasures of Tutankhamun: gold dagger & sheath' from Elisabeth Dennys to Josephine Reid. [1979]. 'Dear Silicone Chip' discussing logistics of posting or couriering typescripts and corrections back and forth between GG and JR. Postmarked Tunbridge Wells 6[month illegible - ?July] 1979.

GGJR10/070 ALS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. [15 or 16 June 1979]. Letter accompanies MS of a play in one act; GG requests it be typed and that JR follow their normal procedure of producing two copies, one to return to him and one to retain. Annotated JR 'Posted 16/7/79 Rec'd 24/7/79'. 1p.

GGJR10/071 APC showing Chipchase Castle, Wark, from Elisabeth Dennys to Josephine Reid. ND [end of July 1979]. 'Play arrived safely. I do agree it's hilarious - wish I could have heard it on the belt.' Postmarked Tunbridge Wells 30 July 1979. Annotated JR 'Rec'd 2/8/79'.

GGJR10/072 TLS from Elisabeth Dennys to Josephine Reid. Heaslands, Steep nr Crowborough, Sussex. 2 August 1979. ED responds to several of JR's queries re the lost MS/TS of The Quiet American and The End of the Affair, Jeanne Stonor, Jocelyn Rickards and a number of others. Details of GG's travels France-England. 2pp.

GGJR10/073 TLS from Elisabeth Dennys to Josephine Reid. Heaslands, Steep nr Crowborough, Sussex. 22 August 1979. Enclosing cheque. Mentions driving 'Graham and Leopoldo Duran for a day in Berkhamsted - very amusing.' Annotated JR 'Rec'd 24/8/79'. 1p.

GGJR10/074 APC showing views of Antibes from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. ND. Christmas greetings from Graham Greene and Yvonne Cloetta. 'Just off to Switzerland.' Annotated JR '1979'. Postmarked Antibes [day illegible] December 1979.

GGJR10/075 APC showing 'Anacapri - Phoenix stairs and Villa S Michele' from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid, also signed by Yvonne Cloetta. 'Ten night of storm heralded the autumn, but so far we are lucky and Father Quixote drives on at the rate of a page a day.' Annotated JR '2/10'81'. Envelope, postmarked Anacapri 2 10 1981, annotated by GG '
Thanks for Palliser arrived today Oct.2. I'm afraid I have no ca[rest of word illegible]' and by JR 'Rec'd 8/10/81'.

GGJR10/076 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid (signed 'for Graham' & dictated in absence). On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 8 February 1982. GG is glad not to be listening to The End of the Affair 'especially as yo usay it has been adapted.' Opinionon novels of Thomas Hardy. Refers to being 'in the middle of a big fight' which 'may lead to Martine being able to return in safety' - re Daniel Guy, son-in-law of Yvonne Cloetta. Annotated JR 'Rec'd 18/2/82.' 1p.

GGJR10/077 ALS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 26 November 1984. Accompanying ?a TS, requests 3 copies & return of original. 'In a few days I shall be sending you dictabelts of the first pages of a novel [The Captain and the Enemy] begun in December 1974 which are almost illegible even to me.' Annotated JR '- posted 3/12/84 / Monday / 1/2 hr / 1 hr / X The Captain...' 1p.

GGJR10/078 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 27 November 1984. GG is' sorry to hear that you old man [JR annotates here 'Bill'] is dead.' Opinion of Gerald Brennan's [sic] work, also [?HA] Vachell and [?SJ] Weyman. PS and JR's annotations refer to Greene's Jorge Luis Borges Lecture at the Royal Society of Arts, 1 October 1984. (See Spectator article by PJ Kavanagh, 19 October 1984.)

GGJR10/079 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 17 February 1986. Refers to 'this surprising event' - his award of the Order of Merit (February 1986). He is altering the current TS and returning it to JR. 'I didn't enjoy Panama very much as I don't like the new General, but I enjoy Nicaragua more and more and like the Sandanistas better and better.' Annotated JR 'his O.M.' 1p.

GGJR10/080 APCshowing 'Capri - the green grotto' from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. ND [end of June 1986]. 'Anacapri has worked its usual magic + I will have done 7,000 words on the 11 years old book [The Captain and the Enemy] for good or ill.' Annotated JR 'Posted 1 July 86 rec'd 5 July'.

GGJR10/081 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 14 August 1987. Brief reply to JR's queries re current TS. Mentions imminent travel to Siberia. 1p.

GGJR10/082 APC showing views of Capri from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. Comments on weather - 'storms as loud as the Blitz - + of course work'. Envelope, postmarked Anacapri 28 July 1988, stamped insufficient postage, annotated JR 'July 88'.

GGJR10/083  ALS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. [ND late May 1988] The penultimate letter and the writing is beginning to wobble. Elisabeth, his sister, had suffered a stroke which knocked him badly and his own illness, a sort of non-cancerous leukaemia-like disease, was beginning to wear him down. After his fortnightly blood transfusions he usually recovered energy, but this was a bad patch. So finally at nearly 84 there are signs of tiring, though he ends on a positive note. “At work on two books & longing for Anacapri! Not going to Russia for the 1,000th anniversary – too tired & too many people, instead going in October when they are celebrating my anniversary!” Annotated JR 'Rec'd 2/6/88'. 1p.

GGJR10/084 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 2 August 1989. Re locating a copy of A Quick Look Behind; after a visit to Switzerland, he hopes 'to be able to get on with the dream book and send you some more to do.' Yours Etc. to be published in October. PS opinion of Mockler [Anthony Mockler, whose Graham Greene: Three Lives came out in 1995]. 1p.

GGJR10/085 TLS from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid. On headed paper from the Antibes flat. 21 September 1990. 'Thank you very much for the First Day Cover of the Gallantry stamps which I will give to Yvonne for her husband.' 1p.

GGJR10/086 APC, showing the River Yeo as it flows through Cheddar village, from Josephine Reid to her aunt Miss ?R McC Reid of Wrecclesham Lodge, Farnham, Surrey. ND Monday. Changing date to meet 'as Fourth Sea Lord wants to see me that a.m at 12!!!' [Wednesday 1 October 1958] That day or a few days later she is at an interview with Greene. This may indicate that Greene’s request for secretarial support was met at a high level. Postmark Paddington 29 September 1958.

GGJR10/087 APC, showing a green pen sketch of an urban house and garden, from John Carter [bibliographer who produced Victorian Detective Fiction with Greene, Dorothy Glover and Eric Osborne] to Josephine Reid. Redirected from Paris to Antibes. Mentions Graham Greene's piece in the Telegraph re Somerset Maugham. Postmarked London 13 June 1966, annotated JR '16/6/1960'. 

GGJR10/088 Envelope with stamps of Tahiti, addressed to Josephine Reid in Graham Greene's hand. Postmark Papeete Ile Tahiti 9 1 1960. Greene was holidaying in Tahiti with his friend Michael Meyer. It carries nine stamps (1 and 2 francs) with romantic images of a nubile girl playing a guitar and one of a girl clam fishing. He comments on the reverse, “This envelope gives a too optimistic view of the island.”

GGJR10/089  Envelope with stamps of Tahiti, TS address to Josephine Reid. Postmark Papeete Ile Tahiti 17-10 1961.

GGJR10/090 APC showing the Aslan Pasha mosque in the old city (to Kastro) of Ioannina, from Francis Greene to Josephine Reid. Holiday greetings. Postmark illegible, annotated JR 'before 1966'.

GGJR10/091  APC showing Boudin's Approaching Storm, from John Carter to Josephine Reid. Comments on a good review; travel plans. Postmark Fulham 9 April 1967, annotated JR '9/1/1967'.

GGJR10/092 TLS from Malcolm Muggeridge to Josephine Reid. Robertsbridge, Sussex, 9 January 1968. Thanks for JR's note re a letter in the Times. 1p.

GGJR10/093  TS fragment. Pp.4-5 (end) of ?concert programme notes and text translations for 1) 'Ritornello', English translation of 2 stanzas of a duet beginning 'Now say, thou bridegroom dear, my gem'; 2) 'Almighty God, which by the leading of a star by John Bull'; 3) 'Missa Sancti Wenceslai by Adam Michna''. Annotated JR 'Gramaphone record - GG brought me back the record from Prague in 1969'. 2pp.

GGJR10/094 Christmas card (Gaberbocchus Press), showing insect musicians by Jean-Ignace Gerard dit Grandville from Derek (Deacon) Lindsay to 'the ants'. Lindsay wrote The Rack, much admired by Greene and many others, under the name A. E. Ellis. He had sent Graham a present of a live ant’s nest in a box, which Graham and Josephine, when she was working in Graham’s rooms at the Albany, dutifully kept alive. The card is addressed to the ants for their first birthday. Annotated JR 'Sent to Josephine while working in Albany - re GG ants' box containing live ants! Deacon Lindsay (A.E.Ellis author of The Rack)'.

GGJR10/095 ALS from Derek (Deacon) Lindsay (AE Ellis) to Josephine Reid. As from 23 Chalcot Square [London] NW1. 1 September 1975. Lindsay is sorry to hear that JR is ending her post as GG's secretary; he is not much in touch with GG but was impressed with the simplicity of his flat in Antibes. Best wishes for JR's settling in the West Country; he does not remember the ant orchestra card. 1p.

GGJR10/096 ALS from Margaret Pepper to Josephine Reid. 40 Stapleton Road [London] SW17 8AU. 14 April 1976. Thanks for JR's letter on the death of Laurence Pollinger (1976), from one long-term literary secretary to another. Annotated JR 'Laurence Pollinger's secretary - GG's literary agent'. 2pp.            

GGJR10/097   A printed death announcement card, black bordered, from Jeanne Stonor, reporting the death of her husband Sherman, 6th Baron Camoys on 9th March 1976. Jeanne and Sherman remained friends of Greene but as shown elsewhere in this archive Greene had been irritated by her tendency to invent an affair with him. With ALS on black bordered note card from Jeanne Stonor to Josephine Reid. The Dower House, Stonor. 15 April 1976. Thanks for JR's letter of sympathy on the death of Sherman Stonor, 6th Baron Camoys. Annotated JR 'Camoys (Stonor) nee Stourton'. 2s.

GGJR10/098 2 items. Plain A6 envelope annotated by JR 'GG'; fragment of envelope bearing Tahiti postmark (date illegible) and 2 stamps, similar to items 88 and 89. Annotated on reverse by Graham Greene [fragmentary] 'Would you / Dec.'

GGJR10/099 Note card, signed, from Peter Glenville. 15 June 1966. Thanks and birthday good wishes. Annotated JR 'Antibes' and on verso 'Director the film the Comedians'.

GGJR10/100   Brown envelope (empty). Annotated JR 'GG, Cater, Stonor, Deacon Lindsay (A.E.Ellis), Muggeridge etc, Sherry.'            

GGJR10/101  ALS from Lt. Col. Hugh Saunders to Josephine Reid.  Unilever House, Blackfriars EC4. 27 February 1946. He thanks Josephine, 'My Dear Jo,' for congratulating him on his OBE for his work there and for all the help she gave at the War Office, “I well remember the day you came to help us from the “Pool”.” i.e. she was already working there in the secretarial pool. He describes his interesting new job and 'dear little house'. It seems he was well acquainted with Brig. M.A.W. Rawlinson as he wrote his obituary. Rawlinson created a “unique and original system of liaison between the Resistance forces in Western Europe and the allies. Annotated by JR 'Hugh Saunders'. 2s.

GGJR10/102   TLS from Lt. Col. Archie (Archibald Henderson-Scott) to Josephine Reid. [1964]. Henderson-Scott would have known Josephine Reid in Argentina where he farmed from 1922 till 1959; his wife was a second cousin of hers. He also worked in the War Office after the First World War and at the British Embassy in Buenos Aires 1939-1942. During the First World War, he travelled widely in Russia as an interpreter and, as this letter shows, was involved in intelligence work. The letter is about a fur coat that he seems to have bought before the journeys which he describes, and which seems to have come to Josephine Reid. “….I always remember the trip by steamer down the river Dneper…. Full of peasant pilgrims who had been to the famous monastery in Kiev where there were tunelled [sic] caves miles of them……with nooks where saints lay in glass covered coffins which the pilgrims kissed… I come to think of it I may perhaps have left some secret service documents in the fur coat between the fur lining [and] the outer black cloth. So you had better warn Mr Greene if he borrows it to go to Russia.” Signed 'Archie.' Annotated JR, “Coat sold, Henderson-Scott 1964”. 2s.

GGJR10/103 Olympic Airways card folder used for notes by JR. List of travels by year - her own holidays? 1960-1976, most with dates for one 2-3 week period per year, including visits to Greece, Spain, Turkey etc. 1s.

GGJR10/104 ALS from Betty Boothroyd to Josephine Reid. House of Commons, London SW1. 21 September 1978. Re death of Catherine Walston. 2s. Envelope. With 3 newspaper cuttings:

GGJR 10/104a Newspaper cutting. Article by Godfrey Barker, 'Betty takes centre stage.' Re Betty Boothroyd becoming Speaker of the House of Commons. Daily Telegraph, 28 April 1992.

GGJR 10/104b Newspaper cutting. Article by Victoria McKee, 'A Childhood: Betty Boothroyd.' Interview with Betty Boothroyd re her upbringing and current role as Speaker of the House of Commons. The Times 7 November 1992.

GGJR 10/104c Newspaper cutting. Photo of Betty Boothroyd robed as Speaker of the House of Commons. No indication of source. Annotated JR '7/5/92'.

GGJR10/105 TLS from Alvan Reid to Josephine Reid. 'La Carolina', Cinco Saltos FCNGR, Territorio Rio Negro [Argentina]. 9 January 1959. Black and red type. 'My dearest Sqizzle'. Thanks for letters and Christmas presents, describes family's Christmas and New Year celebration and his fishing. Pleased she is enjoying work with Graham Greene. Family farming news. 'Fondest love to all ___ your v. affect. daddy [signed] Alvan Reid.'Several annotations/corrections by AR. Annotated on p.1 'Dodo [checked], Jean, Anne, Dodo', p.2 'I want this back. Dodo.' [circled]. Circulated among sisters? 2s.

GGJR10/106 TLS from Alvan Reid to Josephine Reid. La Carolina, Cinco Saltos, FC Roca, Argentina. 19 March 1964. 'Dearest Squizzle'. Thanks for books incl. Legal Fiction by 'your boss' Graham Greene. Plans for travel to England, news of apple harvest. 'Ever your loving Daddy [signed] Alvan Reid.' 1l.

====== end of list section ==========


GGJR 01 Correspondence
GGJR 02 Administrative notebooks
GGJR 03 Correspondence - Dictabelt transcripts
GGJR 04 Correspondence - Dictabelt transcripts
GGJR 05 Correspondence, press cuttings & articles
GGJR 06 Correspondence & ephemera re the deaths of Graham Greene and Raymond Greene
GGJR 07 News cuttings re Graham Greene's life and works
GGJR 08 Material re sale of Graham Greene's archive and library
GGJR 09 Articles etc re Graham Greene's life and works
GGJR 10 Letters from Graham Greene to Josephine Reid
GGJR 11 Photographs of Josephine Reid and Graham Greene
GGJR 12 Cassettes
GGJR 13 Oil painting
GGJR 14 Material from the collection's printed books

- Anna Sander 2015

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