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Ancient manuscripts summary listing 51 - 100

March 2014: the descriptor [good/fair/poor/unusable] in square brackets following a manuscript's title indicates its current physical condition as assessed by Oxford Conservation Consortium in January-July 2014. Those in poor condition will not normally be produced for researchers, and those rated unusable not produced at all, until conservation treatment has been carried out in order to prevent further damage during consultation. Poor or unusable manuscripts may also not be fit to photograph safely, including by staff. If you do want to consult or request images from a manuscript that is not currently in a state to produce or photograph safely, please let us know - active research interest is of course a key factor in determining our conservation priorities.

Click here to make enquiries to the archivist about Balliol's manuscripts or to make appointments to consult them - and please share new bibliography/citations.

Digital images of the college's medieval manuscripts are placed online as they are created, usually on demand. Images are linked to from individual entries on these catalogue pages. The digitisation programme is shaped by researchers' requests rather than e.g. starting with MS 1, so if you require images for your research from a manuscript only partially photographed or not yet represented in the Flickr collection, please get in touch to have it added to the 'to-do' list.

51. Thomas Aquinas Sentencia I (13th/14th c) [condition: fair]

52. Thomas Aquinas Sentencia II (13th/14th c) [condition: fair]

53. Thomas Aquinas Sentencia III (early 14th c) [condition: fair]

54. Thomas Aquinas Sentencia IV (early 14th c) [condition: fair]

55. Gerardus de Senis (mid 15th c) [condition: good]

56. Franciscus de Perusio (14th c) [condition: good]

57. Ricardus Fishacre (13th c) [condition: fair] images online


  • Sharp, DE, "The Philosophy of Richard Fishacre," New Scholasticism, vii.4 (1933). 281-97
  • Long, RJ, 'The Science of Theology according to Richard Fishacre: Edition of the Prologue to his Commentary on the Sentences', Mediaeval Studies, 34 (1972), 71–98
  • Principe, Walter H. "Richard Fishacre's Use of Averroes with Respect to Motion and the Human Soul of Christ." Mediaeval Studies 40.1 (1978): 349-360.
  • (1999), Richard Fishacre OP: Towards a Bibliography. New Blackfriars, 80: 376–380. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-2005.1999.tb01691.x
  • O'Carroll, Maura. "Richard Fishacre's Sentences Commentary, the Oxford Studium, and Thomas Aquinas." Medieval Sermon Studies 54.1 (2010): 64-74.
  • Parkes, M. B. "A List of Medieval Oxford Stationers." The Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society 17.2 (2016): 167-178. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

58. Tabulae (mid 15th c) [condition: good]

59. Thomas Aquinas (early 14th c) [condition: fair]

60. Petrus Tarentasius I [condition: fair]

61. Petrus Tarentasius II [condition: fair]

62. Ricardus Rufus (mid 13th c) [condition: fair] images online


  • Pelster, Franz, SJ.(1926),“Der älteste Sentenzenkommentar aus der Oxforder Franziskanerschule: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des theologischen Lehrbetriebs an der Oxforder Universität,” Scholastik 1.1, pp. 50–80.
  • Pelster, Franz, SJ. (1929), "Roger Bacons 'Compendium studi theologiae' und der Sentenzenkommentar des Richardus Rufus.' Scholastik IV.3. 410-416.
  • Callus, Daniel A. "Two early Oxford Masters on the Problem of Plurality of Forms. Adam of Buckfield—Richard Rufus of Cornwall." Revue néo-scolastique de philosophie 42.63 (1939): 411-445.
  • Pelster, F. "Zur Überlieferung des Quodlibet und anderer Schriften des Petrus Aureoli OFM." Franciscan Studies 14 (1954): 392-411.
  • Long, R. J. (1999), The Integrative Theology of Richard Fishacre OP. New Blackfriars, 80: 354–360. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-2005.1999.tb01688.x
  • Wood, R. "Richard Rufus of Cornwall and Aristotle's Physics." Franciscan Studies 52.1 (1992): 247-281. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.
  • Mathias, T. R. "Bonaventurian Ways to God through Reason." Franciscan Studies 36.1 (1976): 192-232. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.
  • Noone, T. B. "Richard Rufus of Cornwall and the Authorship of the "Scriptum super Metaphysicam"." Franciscan Studies49.1 (1989): 55-91. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.
  • Rufus, R.."Speculum animae: Erfurt, UB, Dep. Erf., CA Quarto 312, fol. 107va-110rb (Q312) Assisi, Bibl. del Sacro Convento, cod. 138, fol. 281va-284rb." Franciscan Studies 69.1 (2012): 117-140. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

63. Quaestiones Theologicae (14th c, not long after 1330) p.1 p.2 p.3 p.4 p.5 [condition: fair] images online


  • Smith, Cuthbert, OSB. 'Some Aspects of te Scholastic Career of Archbihsop Winchelsey.' Dominican Studies VI, 1953. 101-126.
  • Heynck, Valens. Die Kommentare des Petrus Aureoli zum dritten Sentenzenbuch. Franziskanische Studien 51. D. Coelde, 1969.
  • Courtenay, William J. 'Balliol 63 and Parisian Theology around 1320.' Vivarium 47:4 (2009) pp.375-406(32)
  • Doyle, E. , O.F.M."William Woodford, O.F.M. (c. 1330-c. 1400): His life and Works together with a Study and Edition of his "Responsiones contra Wiclevum et Lollardos"." Franciscan Studies 43.1 (1983): 17-187. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.
  • Crab, Marijke. Exemplary Reading. Vol. 2. LIT Verlag Münster, 2015.

64. Petrus de Candia (14th/15th c) [condition: fair]


Kitanov, S. V. "Peter of Candia on Demonstrating that God is the Sole Object of Beatific Enjoyment." Franciscan Studies67.1 (2009): 427-489. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>

65. Simon Tornacensis etc (12/13th c) [condition: fair] images online here


  • Häring, Nikolaus M., SAC (1909-1982) "The Eulogium ad Alexandrum Papam tertium of John of Cornwall." Mediaeval Studies 13.1 (1951): 253-300.

66. Franciscus de Mayronis (mid 15th c, prob 1444, like MS 67a) [condition: fair to poor]

List of works by Franciscus de Mayronis and manuscripts of each: MIRABILE (Italian)

67A. Franciscus de Mayronis (1444) [condition: poor] images online

67B. Franciscus de Mayronis (mid 15th c) [condition: unusable]

68. Franciscus de Mayronis (mid 15th c) [condition: good]

Mid 15th century (AD 1445-1453?). 190 ff. 16 x 11 1/4 inches. Same make-up, hand, and oranment as MS 67B. The first leaf of text, with a border, cut out.

f. 2-190v. [FRANCISCUS DE MAYRONIS OFM, Conflatus in lib. i Sententiarum, beginning imperfect in q. I of Prologue] principium vel eius veritas invenitur formaliter - ad alium habitum practicum scilicet ad artem. Explicit lectura super primo Sententiarum magistri F. de Marronis de provincia Provinincie o. f. m. etc.

Notes: Stegmüller, Sent. no. 218; the present beginning falls on f.20 of the Venice edition of 1520.

I (flyleaf) has on verso: Conflatus Francisci super p // Liber domus de Balliolo in Oxon' / ex dono Willelmi Gray Eliensis episcopi.

69. Franciscus de Mayronis (1444) [condition: good to fair]

70. Franciscus de Mayronis (mid 15th c) [condition: fair]


  • Roest, B. "Freedom and Contingency in the Sentences Commentary of Francis of Meyronnes." Franciscan Studies 67.1 (2009): 323-346. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

71. Robertus Holcot (14th c, 2nd half) [condition: good] images online


  • Schepers, H., 1970, “Holkot contra dicta Crathorn: I. Quellenkritik und Biographische Auswertung der Bakkalareatsschriften zweier Oxforder Dominikaner
    des XIV Jahrunderts,” Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 77: 320–54.
  • Schepers, H., 1972, “Holkot contra dicta Crathorn: II. Das significatum per propositionem. Aufbau und Kritik einer Nominalistischen Theorie über den Gegenstand des Wissens,” Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 79: 106–136.
  • Gelber, Hester Goodenough. It could have been otherwise: contingency and necessity in Dominican theology at Oxford, 1300-1350. Vol. 81. Brill, 2004.

72. Henricus de Oyta (late 14th c, perhaps Prague, 1380-1385) [condition: good] images online

73. Gregorius de Arimino I (14/15th c) [condition: good]

74. Gregorius de Arimino II (late 14th c, perhaps Bolognese) [condition: good]

75. Quaestiones Notyngham etc (15th c) [condition: fair to good]

76. Petrus de Salinis (13/14th c) p.1 p.2 p.3 [condition: good]

77. Ranulphus Cestrensis (late 14th c) [condition: fair]images online here

Late 14th century. 110 ff. 11 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches. 2 columns of 60 lines. Nine quires of 12 leaves ( the rest lost), with catchwords; 79 and 82 are half sheets. Current English hand, using rather pale ink, with capitals and headings in red; two rough red initials on 3.

3-110v. [RANULPHUS HIGDEN] Speculum curaotum. (List of the 80 chapters.) Prefacio presentis operis. Cum circa duo potissime versetur officium sacerdotis... Breaks off in c.lxxx; ut consultacioni 84 dicitur quisquis etc.

Numerous early marginalia, and pencil nota-marks of the form [link to image]. The initials of the chapters, taken together, read: Cestrensis monachus frater Maulphus compilavit hoc Speculum anno domini m ccc quatragesimo. Other copies are Cambridge University Library Mm.I.20; Durham Cathedral B.IV.36; London BM [British Library] Harley 1004, and Henry Savile of Banke had one (no. 234 in his list). Bale only knew the work from a list of Higden's writings which formerly stood in Oxford Lincoln College lat. 107 (as it still does in the kindred New College 152), and the incipit he gives for it (Index 336) is that of Higden's Distinctiones (as in London Lambeth 23, f. 202).

1 and 2 are flyleaves; on 2v (15th century) is: Contenta / Speculum curatorum ex composicione Ranulphi monachi Cistersensis ordinis / Exposicio super enigmatibus Aristotelis / Sermo Augustini de X cordis / Statutum Johannis de Pecham / Lincolniensis de modo confitendi / Massa compoti / Tractatus de spera Johannis de Bosco. Thomas James mentions the Exposicio, but all six articles had gone by Langbaine's time, though still listed 'in tabula cornea a tergo'. Donor unknown.


  • Steiner, E. "Response Essay: Chaucer's Inquisition." The Culture of Inquisition in Medieval England 4 (2013): 164.

78A. Thomas Waleys (1442) [condition: good]

78B. Johannes Climacus etc (1448) [condition: good] images online here


  • Hargreaves, Geoffrey D. "Florentine Script, Paduan Script, and Roman Type." Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1992, pp. 15-34.
  • De Keyser, Jeroen. "Early Modern Latin Translations of the Apocryphal De Sacerdotio Christi." Lias: Journal of Early Modern Intellectural Culture and its Sources 40.1 (2013). Pp. 29-82.

79. Lactantius; Tertullianus (late 15th c, doubtless 1442-4, during the donor's sojourn in Cologne) [condition: fair] images online

80. Miscellanea (mid 15th c) p.1 p.2 [condition: fair to poor] images of ff.180r - 190v here

81. Alexander Carpenter (1475) [condition: fair]

82. Petrus de Cornubia (13th c) [condition: good]

13th century. 177 ff. 10 3/4 x 7 3/4 inches. 2 columns of 41-47 lines. Collation: A i10 ii-iii8 iv6 v-vi8 vii10 viii-ix8 x6 | xi8 xii-xiii6 xiv-xv8 xvi8+1 | xvii-xxi8 xxii4. Catchwords. Fairly good, small hands, with blue capitals flourished in red, and rubricated marginalia in the same hand as the text. Books ii and iii have small penwork initials in red and blue; that on f.9 has been cut out. Quire xxii has been misbound, and now stands after q.i as ff.19-22. 2o folio hoc maximum.

9 - 177v. [PETRUS DE CORNUBIA, Pantheologus, pars quarta lib. i-iii only] Deus multipliciter dicitur in sacra scriptura videlicet essentialiter ut deus trinitas - (22v) confligetque sacerdos ascellas eius et non secabit nec ferro dividet eas in cetera.

Notes: Stegmüller, Sent. no. 674. Book ii begins on 93, iii on 138; 92 and 137v are blank. Compared with Oxford Lincoln College lat. 83, which is a fine and complete copy, this omits the preface, i.6, 7, 34, and 37; and ii.22; but i.6 and 7 are added in a contemporary hand on two sheets of parchment sewn onto 23v and 24 and folded in. In the lower corner of 144 is an early note: Abhinc usque ad xxm folium proxime sequens sine remissione....

1 and 8 are preliminary leaves. 1-2v have a contemporary list of Capitula secundum ordinem alphabeti (Angelus - Uter); 3-5 a list of Capitula in the 13 books of the whole work, in a good charter-hand; 6-8v are blank.

On 8v is: Prima pars Panteologon // Liber domus de Balliolo in Oxon' / ex dono Willelmi Gray Eliensis episcopi.

83. Willelmus de Pagula etc (14th c second half) [condition: poor]

84. Ricardus de Pophis (early 14th c) [condition: fair]

Early 14th century. 143 ff. 10 x 7 1/4 inches. 29 and 33 lines, changing at f.83. Quires of 8 leaves (except viii6), with catchwords, wanting q.1 and 3 blanks at the end. Two very good Italian hands (note: They are of the kind called 'Florentiner Bastarda' by E. Crous and J. Kirchner, Die Gotischen Schriftarten (Leipzig, 1928) plate 10; cf. MSS 227 and 281.) (the hairside of the parchment sometimes very ill-prepared), wiht red headings and capitals in alternate red and blue. 2o folio (Text) effiugiet.

5-143v. [RICHARDIS DE POPHIS, Summa Dictaminis, beginning imperfect in the Capitula] ccxxxv. Quod cruce signati... (9) Amicus amicum redarguit ut ad curiam revertatur. Archidiacono Neapolitano. Quid et qualiter homini rerum temporalium - gratia sancti spiritus infundantur. Explicit summa magistri Riccardi de Pophis. Deo gracias.

Notes: The formulae are thos listed by E. Batzer, Zur Kenntnis der Formularsammlung des R. von Pofi (Heidelberger Abhandlungen xxviii, 1910) 41-91, but the preface is lost, nos. 56 and 217 are omitted, 118 and 119 are repeated after 120, and 139 stands in front of 138. Eight other copies in English libraries are named by N. Denholm-Young, Collected Papers (Oxford, 1946) 52. At the end follow seven notes and formulae (one in th ename of H. Samps' clericus) added in early hands, of which the last three ma ybe English. On 72 is sketched a rough coat of arms, perhaps Bendy sinister, on a chief a rose.

1-4 (flyleaves) are two leaves, folded in half, from a fine copy of the Liber Pauperum of Vacarius; see MS 213. The donor is not recorded.

85. Willelmus Altissiodorensis (mid 13th c) [condition: fair]

86. Willelmus Durandi etc (late 14th c) [condition: poor] images of ff231-246 here

87. This number is now void - formerly allocated (according to Langbaine) to MS 293.

88. Anon De Virtutibus (15th c) [condition: fair] images online here

89. Avicenna (early 14th c) p.1 p.2 [condition: fair to poor]


  • Parkes, M. B. "A List of Medieval Oxford Stationers." The Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society 17.2 (2016): 167-178. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

90. This number is now void - Thomas James says 'Operum Avicennae volumen aliud.' Lost before Langbaine's time.

91. Walterus Burley (14th c) [condition: fair to poor]

92. Walterus Burley (early 15th c) [condition: fair] images online

93. Walterus Burley etc (early 15th c) p.1 p.2 p.3 [condition: fair] images here


  • Clark, J. "John Dedecus: was he a Cambridge Franciscan?." Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 80.1-2 (1987): 3-38.

94. Averroes (early 14th c) [condition: fair]

Early 14th century. ii + 136 ff. 14 x 9 3/4 inches. 2 columns of 48-50 lines. Quires of 12 leaves (except xii4), with catchwords and pencil signatures. Well written, each section of text in a larger hand than the following comment. Capitals in alternate red and blue, and a modest initial to each book in blue flourished in red. At the end of a few quires is the mark cor(rectum). i (the old pastedown) has an unusually large chain-staple mark in the middle of its lower margin. 2o folio signant diffiniciones.

1-136v. [AVERROES, in Physica Aristotelis] Quoniam disposicio sciencie etc. Incepit hunc librum a causa propter quam fuit consideracio - nec virtus in corpore. Explicit viijus. liber phisicorum.

Printed in the Juntine Averroes, vol. iv (Venice 1550); Lacombe, pp.104 and 213, no.105. This MS = Lacombe, p.399, no.341.

Notes: i and ii are the original flyleaves. On iv are three 14th century inscriptions: (a) Liber M. Willelmi Red ex dono magistri Nicholai de Sandwyco / Commentum Averois super 8 libris phisicorum; (b) following on this and now erased, apparently Proprietas domus Mertone, as in Merton College 282 (note: If this inscription is correctly read, the volume must have been originally selected as one of the 100 books left to Merton College by William Rede, who was bishop of Chichester 1368-1385, and then transferred to Balliol by a change of plan. For Rede's benefactor, Nicholas of Sandwich, see Powicke, MBMC 28 ff.; Emden iii.1639. The Balliol inscription is probably in the hand of Rede's secretary, Walter Roberts.); (c) Liber aule Balioli Oxon' in communi libraria eiusdem et usum communem sociorum ibidem / studencium cathenandus Ex dono venerabilis patris domini Willelmi tercii episcopi Cistrencis. Oretis / igitur pro eodem et benefactoribus eiusdem ac fidelium animabus a purgatorio liberandis.

95. Walterus Burley (14th c, 2nd half) [condition: fair to poor] images online here

96. Johannes Canonicus (early 15th c) [condition: fair] some images online here


  • Smith, Garrett R., ed. Petri Thomae Quaestiones de esse intelligibili. Leuven University Press, 2015.

97. Johannes Buridanus (mid 15th c) [condition: fair to good]

98. Albertus Magnus (mid 15th c, written in Italy and therefore presumably during the donor's residence there, 1445-1453) [condition: fair]

99. Albertus Magnus; Simplicius (13/14th c) [condition: fair to poor]


  • Gutman, Oliver. "On the Fringes of the Corpus Aristotelicum: the Pseudo-Avicenna Liber Celi Et Mundi." Early Science and Medicine 2.2 (1997): 109-128.
  • Thorndike, Lynn. "Vatican Latin Manuscripts in the History of Science and Medicine." Isis 13.1 (1929): 53-102.

100. Albertus Magnus (mid 15th c, 1445-1453?) [condition: fair]

Mid 15th century (AD 1445-1453?) 284ff. 16 x 11 1/4 inches. 2 columns of 59 lines. Quires of 10 leaves (except xx8, wanting 5-8 blank). Same hand and ornament as MS 98. The first leaf of text, which had (as the offsets shew) a border with Gray's coat of arms at the foot, cut out; also initials from 74v, 125v, 155v, 183, 195.

2-194. (1) [ALBERTUS MAGNUS OP, in Physica, beginning in 1.i.2] animal erit altera et secundum esse cuiuslibet - secundum quod placuerit eis. Finitur comentum domini Alberti magni Episcopi Ratisponensis super octo libris Phisicorum Aristotilis. Deo gratias. 194v is blank.

Printe din the Opera, ed. Borgnet, iii (1890); cf. MS 102.

195-284v. (2) [IDEM] Incipit liber primus de Anima etc. Omnibus que de corpore mobili et immobili secundum locum - determinata sufficiant. Explicit comentum domini Alberti magni supra libros de anima Aristotilis.

Printed ibidem v.117-420. Book ii begins on 217v, ii (headings omitted) on 253. On 247 against a small gap in the text is the note: sic in originali.

1 (flyleaf) has on verso: Albertos super libros phisicorum et de anima // Liber domus de Balliolo in Oxon' / ex dono Willelmi Gray Eliensis episcopi.

MSS 1-50

MSS 51-100

MSS 101-150

MSS 151-200

MSS 201-250

MSS 251-300

MSS 301-350

MSS 351-400

MSS 401-450

MSS 451-475

- Anna Sander

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