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Ancient manuscripts summary listing 151 - 200

March 2014: the descriptor [good/fair/poor/unusable] in square brackets following a manuscript's title indicates its current physical condition as assessed by Oxford Conservation Consortium in January-July 2014. Those in poor condition will not normally be produced for researchers, and those rated unusable not produced at all, until conservation treatment has been carried out in order to prevent further damage during consultation. Poor or unusable manuscripts may also not be fit to photograph safely, including by staff. If you do want to consult or request images from a manuscript that is not currently in a state to produce or photograph safely, please let us know - active research interest is of course a key factor in determining our conservation priorities.

Click here to make enquiries to the archivist about Balliol's manuscripts or to make appointments to consult them - and please share new bibliography/citations.

Digital images of the college's medieval manuscripts are placed online as they are created, usually on demand. Images are linked to from individual entries on these catalogue pages. The digitisation programme is shaped by researchers' requests rather than e.g. starting with MS 1, so if you require images for your research from a manuscript only partially photographed or not yet represented in the Flickr collection, please get in touch to have it added to the 'to-do' list.

151. Bernardi Epistulae (13th c) [condition: fair]

152. Bernardus; Simon Langton (13th c) [condition: good]

153. Opus Imperfectum (15th c) [condition: good]

154. Johannes Chrysostomus (1447) [condition: poor] some images online here

155. Glossaria (14th c) [condition: good]

156. Hieronymus (12th c) [condition: poor]

157. Pelagius; Hieronymus (mid 15th c) [condition: good] images here


  • Souter, Alexander. "Pelagius and the Pauline Text in the Book of Armagh." The Journal of Theological Studies 10 (1915): 105.
  • Evans, Griffith. 'Eglwys Geltaidd a Gweinidogaeth Iachau.' Y Gehinen V.iii (1955). 152-158.

158. Constitutiones Provinciales (early 15th c) p.1 p.2 [condition: fair] images here


  • Cheney, C. R. "Legislation of the Medieval English Church (Continued)." The English Historical Review 50.199 (1935): 385-417.
  • Cheney, C. R. "The so-called Statutes of John Pecham and Robert Winchelsey for the Province of Canterbury." The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 12.01 (1961): 14-34.
  • Steiner, E. "Response Essay: Chaucer's Inquisition." The Culture of Inquisition in Medieval England 4 (2013): 164.

159. Dominicus de S Geminiano II (mid 15th c) [condition: fair]

160. Johannes Andreae (14th c) [condition: good]

161. Andreas Billia (mid 15th c) [condition: fair]

162. Dominicus de S Geminiano I (mid 15th c) [condition: good]

163. Petrus Chrysologus (13th c) [condition: fair]

164. Sermones Basilienses I (mid 15th c) p.1 p.2 p.3 p.4 p.5 [condition: fair] images online here

165A. Sermones Basilienses II (mid 15th c) p.1 p.2 p.3 p.4 p.5 p.6 [condition: fair] some images online here

165B. Tractatus de Schismate (early 15th c) p.1 p.2 p.3 p.4 [condition: fair] images online here

166A. Tractatus Basilienses (mid 15th c) [condition: poor]

166B. Nicolaus de Lyra I (15th c) [condition: fair]


  • Loewe, Raphael, 'Hebrew Books and 'Judaica' in Mediaeval Oxford and Cambridge' in Remember the days: essays on Anglo-Jewish history presented to Cecil Roth by members of the Council of the Jewish Historical Society of England. Jewish Historical Society of England, 1966. 23-48.

167. Rabanus Maurus etc (13th c) [condition: poor]


  • Schipper, William. '"Unpublished" Commentaries by Hrabanus Maurus.' Journal of Medieval Latin 27 (2017), pp.223-301.

168. Rabanus Maurus (late 12th c) [condition: fair-poor] images online here

169. Rabanus Maurus (early 15th c) [condition: fair]

170. Josue etc Glosati (13th c) [condition: fair]

171. Nicolaus de Lyra II (15th c) [condition: fair]


  • Laistner, Max Ludwig Wolfram. "An addition to Bede in ms. Balliol 177." The Journal of Theological Studies 43.171/172 (1942): 184-187.Loewe, Raphael, 'Hebrew Books and 'Judaica' in Mediaeval Oxford and Cambridge' in Remember the days: essays on Anglo-Jewish history presented to Cecil Roth by members of the Council of the Jewish Historical Society of England. Jewish Historical Society of England, 1966. 23-48.

172. Ezechiel et Daniel Glosati (12/13th c) [condition: fair]

173A. Aristotelica: Tractatus Musici (2 vols bound together: late 13th and early 12 th c) [condition: good] images online


Gutman, Oliver. "On the Fringes of the Corpus Aristotelicum: the Pseudo-Avicenna Liber Celi Et Mundi." Early Science and Medicine 2.2 (1997): 109-128.

173B. Epistulae Glosatae (late 12th c) [condition: fair]

174. Willelmus Alvernensis (Arvernensis) (mid 15th c) [condition: fair]

175. Beda: Hieronymus (12th c) [condition: fair-good] images online

176. Beda (12th c) [condition: good] images online

177. Beda: Hieronymus (13th) [condition: good] images online


  • Laistner, Max Ludwig Wolfram. "An addition to Bede in ms. Balliol 177." The Journal of Theological Studies 43.171/172 (1942): 184-187.
  • Loewe, Raphael, 'Hebrew Books and 'Judaica' in Mediaeval Oxford and Cambridge' in Remember the days: essays on Anglo-Jewish history presented to Cecil Roth by members of the Council of the Jewish Historical Society of England. Jewish Historical Society of England, 1966. 23-48.

178A. Florus in Epistulas I (12th c) [condition: poor]

178B. Florus in Epistulas II (late 12th c) [condition: fair]

179. Sermones Bertrandi etc (2 vols bound together: early 14th and late 13th c) [condition: fair] images online

180. Sermones Bertrandi (mid 15th c) [condition: good] images online

181. Johannes de Hesdino (1444) [condition: fair-good]

182. Haymo (mid 12th c) [condition: good]

183. Haymo (11/12th c) [condition: poor]

184. Haymo (13th c) [condition: good] images online

185. Augustinus de Roma (mid 15th c) [condition: good]

186. Albertus Magnus (early 15th c) [condition: good]

187. Albertus Magnus (late 13th c) [condition: good]

188. Ambrosius Autpertus (12th c) [condition: fair-poor]

189. Johannes Capgrave (mid 15th c) [condition: fair-good]


  • Colledge, Edmund. "The Capgrave 'Autographs'." Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 6.3 (1974): 137-148.
  • Henry, J. "Capgrave's Dedications: Reassessing an English Flunkey." Studies in Philology 110.4 (2013): 731-761. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

190. Johannes Capgrave (15th c) [condition: good]


  • Colledge, Edmund. "The Capgrave 'Autographs'." Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 6.3 (1974): 137-148.
  • Lucas, Peter J. "A Fifteenth-Century Copyist at Work under Authorial Scrutiny: An Incident from John Capgrave's Scriptorium." Studies in Bibliography 34 (1981): 66-95.
  • Ogilvie-Thomson, Sarah J. The Index of Middle English Prose Handlist VIII: Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in Oxford College Libraries. Vol. 8. Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2007.
  • Henry, J. "Capgrave's Dedications: Reassessing an English Flunkey." Studies in Philology 110.4 (2013): 731-761. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

191. This number is now void - formerly allocated to MS 133 (Thomas James 175)

192. Duns Scotus: Robertus Cowton (15th c) [condition: good]

193. Magister Sententiarum (early 13th c) [condition: good]

194. Magister Sententiarum (13th c) [condition: good]

195. Magister Sententiarum (13th c) [condition: fair-good]

196. Anon in Sententias [condition: good]

197. Scotulus [condition: good]

198. Ricardus de Media Villa (13/14th c) [condition: good]

199. Robertus Cowton I (14th c) [condition: good] images online


  • Brown, S. F. , O. F. M."Sources for Ockham's Prologue to the Sentences — II." Franciscan Studies 27.1 (1967): 39-107.Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.
  • Etzkorn, G. J. "John Reading on the Existence and Unicity of God, Efficient and Final Causality." Franciscan Studies 41.1 (1981): 110-221. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

200. Robertus Cowton II (14th c) [condition: good] images online

MSS 1-50
MSS 51-100
MSS 101-150
MSS 151-200
MSS 201-250
MSS 251-300
MSS 301-350
MSS 351-400
MSS 401-450
MSS 451-475

- Anna Sander

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