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Ancient manuscripts summary listing 101 - 150

March 2014: the descriptor [good/fair/poor/unusable] in square brackets following a manuscript's title indicates its current physical condition as assessed by Oxford Conservation Consortium in January-July 2014. Those in poor condition will not normally be produced for researchers, and those rated unusable not produced at all, until conservation treatment has been carried out in order to prevent further damage during consultation. Poor or unusable manuscripts may also not be fit to photograph safely, including by staff. If you do want to consult or request images from a manuscript that is not currently in a state to produce or photograph safely, please let us know - active research interest is of course a key factor in determining our conservation priorities.

Click here to make enquiries to the archivist about Balliol's manuscripts or to make appointments to consult them - and please share new bibliography/citations.

Digital images of the college's medieval manuscripts are placed online as they are created, usually on demand. Images are linked to from individual entries on these catalogue pages. The digitisation programme is shaped by researchers' requests rather than e.g. starting with MS 1, so if you require images for your research from a manuscript only partially photographed or not yet represented in the Flickr collection, please get in touch to have it added to the 'to-do' list.

101. Albertus Magnus (14th c) [condition: fair to good] images here

102. Albertus Magnus (13/14th c) [condition: fair to good]

103. Albertus Magnus (13/14th c) [condition: good] images here

104. Aegidius Romanus; Petrus de Alvernia (13/14th c) [condition: poor]

105. Averroes (early 14th c) [condition: poor] images online


  • Guy Guldentops, “Some Critical Observations on Moerbeke’s Translation of Themistius Paraphrase of De Anima” in Tradition et traduction. Les textes philosophiques et scientifiques grecs au moyen âge latin. Hommage à Fernand Bossier, ed. R. Beyers, J. Brams, D. Sacré, K. Verrycken (Leuven, 1999), p. 239-264. (Corrections to the edition by G. Verbeke, Themistius. Commentaire sur Le traité de l'âme d'Aristote. Traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke [Leiden, 1973²], partly based on Balliol 105).

106. Averroes (13th c) [condition: good]

107. This number is now void - Thomas James, under his no. 97, records 2 vols of Petrus de Alvernia. One of these is now MS 108. Our no 107 was probably reserved for the other by someone who did not realise that it had already been placed as MS 104.

108. Thomas Aquinas etc. [condition: good] some images here


  • Briggs, Charles F. "Philosophi in Adiutorio Fidei: Pastoral Uses of Pagan Moral Teaching in the Later Middle Ages." Latch: A Journal for the Study of the Literary Artifacts in Theory, Culture or History 1 (2008).

109. This number is now void - This number was probably intended for one of the four vols of Averroes recorded by Thomas James under his no. 98. Actually they have all found numbers elsewhere, so that nothing is lost.

110. This number is now void - This number was probably intended for one of the four vols of Averroes recorded by Thomas James under his no. 98. Actually they have all found numbers elsewhere, so that nothing is lost.

111. This number is now void - This number was probably intended for one of the four vols of Averroes recorded by Thomas James under his no. 98. Actually they have all found numbers elsewhere, so that nothing is lost.

112. Averroes (early 14th c) [condition: fair] Images online

113. Averroes; Proclus (early 14th c) [condition: good] Images online

114. Averroes (early 14th c) [condition: fair to poor]

115. Johannes Buridanus (mid 15th c, probably acquired by the donor during his sojourn in Cologne, 1442-1444) [condition: good]

116. Eustratius in Ethica (2nd half 13th c) [condition: good]

117. Johannes Canonicus etc (15th c) [condition: good]some images online here


  • Smith, Garrett R., ed. Petri Thomae Quaestiones de esse intelligibili. Leuven University Press, 2015.

118. Aegidius Romanus (13/14th c) [condition: fair] images online here


  • Patterson, Sonia. "Comparison of Minor Initial Decoration: a Possible Method of Showing the Place of Origin of Thirteenth-century Manuscripts." The Library 5.1 (1972): 23.

119. Aegidius Romanus (13th c) [condition: poor]


  • Patterson, Sonia. "Comparison of Minor Initial Decoration: a Possible Method of Showing the Place of Origin of Thirteenth-century Manuscripts." The Library 5.1 (1972): 23. ]
  • Mohan, G. E. , O.F.M."Incipits of Logical Writings of the XIIIth-XVth Centuries." Franciscan Studies 12.3 (1952): 349-489.Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

120. Faber Stapulensis - lost before Langbaine's time

121. Valerius Maximus (1409) [condition: good]


  • Schullian, Dorothy M. 'A Preliminary List of Manuscripts of Valerius Maximus.' Studies in Honor of Ullman, 1960. 81-95.

122. Valerius Maximus (mid 15th c) [condition: poor] images online


  • Schullian, Dorothy M. 'A Preliminary List of Manuscripts of Valerius Maximus.' Studies in Honor of Ullman, 1960. 81-95.
  • Crab, Marijke. Exemplary Reading. Vol. 2. LIT Verlag Münster, 2015.

123. Opuscula Varia (mid 15th c) [condition: poor]
124. John Free (15th c) [condition: good]


  • James, Montague Rhodes. "Greek manuscripts in England before the Renaissance." The Library 4.4 (1927): 337.
  • Delz, Josef. 'John Free und die Bibliothek John Tiptofts,' Italia Medioevale e Umanistica 11 (1968), 311-316.

125. Eutropius etc (mid 15th c) [condition: fair] images online here

126. Petrarcha (mid 15th c) [condition: good] some images here


  • Mann, Nicholas. Petrarch manuscripts in the British Isles. Censimento dei codici petrarcheschi vol. 6. Antenore, 1975.

127. Petrarcha; Cicero; Poggio (1450) [condition: fair]


  • Mann, Nicholas. Petrarch manuscripts in the British Isles. Censimento dei codici petrarcheschi vol. 6. Antenore, 1975.

128. Georgius Trapezuntius (mid 15th c) [condition: poor] images online here

129. Seneca (14th c) [condition: fair] images online here


Reynolds, Leighton Durham. "The Medieval Tradition of Seneca's Dialogues." Classical Quarterly (1968): 355-372.

130. Seneca (mid 15th c) [condition: good]


  • Colish, Marcia L. "Seneca's Apocolocyntosis as a possible source for Erasmus' Julius Exclusus." Renaissance Quarterly 29.3 (1976): 361-368.
  • Clairmont, Richard E., ed., A Commentary on Seneca's “Apocolocyntosis diui Claudii” or “Glose in Librum de ludo Claudii Annei Senece.” Critical edition with facing English translation, commentary, notes, indices, and facsimile of Cod. Balliol 130. Chicago: Ares, 1980. Pp. viii, 121, plus 16 facsimile plates.
  • Hine, H. M. "The manuscript tradition of Seneca's Natural Questions." Classical Quarterly 30.1 (1980). 183-217.

131. Opuscula Humanistica (mid 15th c) [condition: fair] some images online here


132. Gasparinus Barzizius (15th c, 2nd quarter) [condition: poor]


  • Bertalot, Ludwig. "Die älteste Briefsammlung des Gasparinus Barzizza,"." Beiträge zur Forschung, Studien aus dem Antiquariat Jacques Rosenthal NF II (Munich, 1929): 39-84.
  • Pigman, G. W. "Barzizza's Studies of Cicero." Rinascimento 21 (1981). 123-165.
  • Pigman, George W. "Barzizza's treatise on imitation." Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 44.2 (1982): 341-352.
  • Rosso, Paolo. La commedia umanistica in ambito universitario: notizie sul soggiorno pavese di Antonio Barzizza. na, 2005. Accessed online 30 September 2015.

133. Bonaventura I (13/14th c) [condition: poor]

134. Bonaventura II (13/14th c) [condition: fair]

135. Guarinus Veronensis (mid 15th c) p.1 p.2 p.3 p.4 [condition: fair] images online here


  • Capra, Luciano, and Cesare Colombo. "Giunte all'Epistolario di Guarino Veronese." Italia medioevale e umanistica 10 (1967): 166-257.

136. Miscellanae (mid 15th c) [condition: fair]


  • Schullian, Dorothy M. 'A Preliminary List of Manuscripts of Valerius Maximus.' Studies in Honor of Ullman, 1960. 81-95.
  • Colish, Marcia L. "Seneca's Apocolocyntosis as a possible source for Erasmus' Julius Exclusus." Renaissance Quarterly 29.3 (1976): 361-368.
  • Clairmont, Richard E., ed., A Commentary on Seneca's “Apocolocyntosis diui Claudii” or “Glose in Librum de ludo Claudii Annei Senece.” Critical edition with facing English translation, commentary, notes, indices, and facsimile of Cod. Balliol 130. Chicago: Ares, 1980. Pp. viii, 121, plus 16 facsimile plates.

137. Franciscus Philelphus (mid 15th c) [condition: good] some images here

138. Quintilianus (mid 15th c) [condition: fair]


  • Winterbottom, Michael. "Fifteenth-Century Manuscripts of Quintilian." Classical Quarterly (1967): 339-369.

139. Quintilianus (mid 15th c) [condition: fair]

140. Vergilius (mid 15th c) [condition: fair to poor]

141. Boethius (early 15th c) [condition: fair] images online

142. Ovidius - this MS was lost in the second half of the 17th century

143. Ovidius (14th c) [condition: fair] images online here

144. Benevenutus de Imola (early 15th c) [condition: fair] images online here

145. Willelmus Durandi I (13/14 c) [condition: fair]

146A. Vegetius etc (early 15th c) [condition: fair]


  • Briggs, Charles F. "Philosophi in Adiutorio Fidei: Pastoral Uses of Pagan Moral Teaching in the Later Middle Ages." Latch: A Journal for the Study of the Literary Artifacts in Theory, Culture or History 1 (2008).

146B. Petrarcha etc (mid 15th c) [condition: fair]


  • Mann, Nicholas. Petrarch manuscripts in the British Isles. Censimento dei codici petrarcheschi vol. 6. Antenore, 1975.
  • Eisner, Martin. Boccaccio and the Invention of Italian Literature. Vol. 87. Cambridge University Press, 2013.

147. Hieronymus (mid 12th c) [condition: fair]


  • Loewe, Raphael, 'Hebrew Books and 'Judaica' in Mediaeval Oxford and Cambridge' in Remember the days: essays on Anglo-Jewish history presented to Cecil Roth by members of the Council of the Jewish Historical Society of England. Jewish Historical Society of England, 1966. 23-48.

148. Bernardi Opuscula (2nd half 13th c) [condition: poor] images online

149. Sermones etc (14th c) p.1 p.2 p.3 p.4 [condition: fair] images online here


  • Kerby-Fulton and E. Randolph Daniel, "English Joachimism, 1300- 1500: The Columbinus Prophecy," in II profetismo gioachimita tra Quattrocento e Cinquecento, ed. Gian Luca Potesta (Genoa, 1991), 313-350.
  • Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn. "Langland’s Reading: Some Evidence from MSS containing Religious Prophecy.” in The Uses of Manuscripts in Literary Studies: Essays in Memory of Judson Boyce Allen, edited by Charlotte Cook Morse, Penelope Reed Doob, and Marjorie Curry Woods. Kalamazoo: 1992. 237-61.
  • Wenzel, Siegfried. Macaronic sermons. University of Michigan Press, 1994.
  • Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn. "English Joachite Manuscripts and Medieval Optimism about the Role of the Jews in History: A List for Future Studies." Florilegium 23.1 (2006): 97-144.
  • Hanna, Ralph. "Lambeth Palace Library, MS 260, and the Problem of English Vernacularity." Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, 3rd ser., 5 (2008): 131-99.
  • Hanna, R. "Verses in Sermons Again: The Case of Cambridge, Jesus College, MS Q.A.13." Studies in Bibliography 57.1 (2005): 63-83. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.
  • Wenzel, Siegfried. "Oxford, Balliol College, MS 149 (S)", Latin Sermon Collections from Later Medieval England. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. pp. 121-124. Cambridge Books Online. Web. 10 September 2015.
  • Ogilvie-Thomson, Sarah J. The Index of Middle English Prose Handlist VIII: Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in Oxford College Libraries. Vol. 8. Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2007.
  • Butterfield, A. "Fuzziness and Perceptions of Language in the Middle Ages: Part 3: Translating Fuzziness: Countertexts."Common Knowledge 19.3 (2013): 446-473. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

150. Bernardi Sermones (1st half 13th c) [condition: fair]

MSS 1-50
MSS 51-100
MSS 101-150
MSS 151-200
MSS 201-250
MSS 251-300
MSS 301-350
MSS 351-400
MSS 401-450
MSS 451-475

- Anna Sander

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Updated 27.vii.17
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