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Ancient manuscripts summary listing 201 - 250

March 2014: the descriptor [good/fair/poor/unusable] in square brackets following a manuscript's title indicates its current physical condition as assessed by Oxford Conservation Consortium in January-July 2014. Those in poor condition will not normally be produced for researchers, and those rated unusable not produced at all, until conservation treatment has been carried out in order to prevent further damage during consultation. Poor or unusable manuscripts may also not be fit to photograph safely, including by staff. If you do want to consult or request images from a manuscript that is not currently in a state to produce or photograph safely, please let us know - active research interest is of course a key factor in determining our conservation priorities.

Click here to make enquiries to the archivist about Balliol's manuscripts or to make appointments to consult them - and please share new bibliography/citations.

Digital images of the college's medieval manuscripts are placed online as they are created, usually on demand. Images are linked to from individual entries on these catalogue pages. The digitisation programme is shaped by researchers' requests rather than e.g. starting with MS 1, so if you require images for your research from a manuscript only partially photographed or not yet represented in the Flickr collection, please get in touch to have it added to the 'to-do' list.

The two discarded pressmarks at the head of each entry are the volume's number in Thomas James' Ecloga of 1600 and that from Edward Bernard's Catalogus Manuscriptorum Angliae of 1697 - see the Introduction.

201. Robertus Cowton III-IV (14th c) [condition: good] images online

202. Duns Scotus (1460) [condition: good] images here


  • Meier, P. Ludger, OFM. "Die Skotusausgabe des Johannes Reinbold von Zierenberg." Scriptorium. International Review of Manuscript Studies 7 (1953): 89-114.

203. Duns Scotus (1460-1461) [condition: good] images here


  • Meier, P. Ludger, OFM. "Die Skotusausgabe des Johannes Reinbold von Zierenberg." Scriptorium. International Review of Manuscript Studies 7 (1953): 89-114.

204. Duns Scotus (1461) (p.2) [condition: good] images here


  • Meier, P. Ludger, OFM. "Die Skotusausgabe des Johannes Reinbold von Zierenberg." Scriptorium. International Review of Manuscript Studies 7 (1953): 89-114.

205. Duns Scotus (1462-1463) [condition: fair] images here


  • Meier, P. Ludger, OFM. "Die Skotusausgabe des Johannes Reinbold von Zierenberg." Scriptorium. International Review of Manuscript Studies 7 (1953): 89-114.
  • Richter, Vladimir, SJ. "Duns Scotus' literarisches Werk: Legende und Wirklichkeit." Homo Et Mundus: Acta Quinti Congressus Scotistici Internationalis, Salmanticae, 21-26 Septembris 1981. 559-563.
  • Vos, Antonie. Philosophy of John Duns Scotus. Edinburgh University Press, 2006.
  • Cress, D. A. "Toward a Bibliography on Duns Scotus on the Existence of God." Franciscan Studies 35.1 (1976): 45-65.Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

206. Duns Scotus (1462-1463) [condition: fair] images here


  • Meier, P. Ludger, OFM. "Die Skotusausgabe des Johannes Reinbold von Zierenberg." Scriptorium. International Review of Manuscript Studies 7 (1953): 89-114.
  • Sutcliffe, Edmund F, SJ. "The Κοινή 'diversa' or 'dispersa' ? St. Jerome PL 24, 548 B." Biblica 36 (1955). 213-222.
  • Vos, Antonie. Philosophy of John Duns Scotus. Edinburgh University Press, 2006.

207. Willelmus Alvernensis (Arvernensis) (mid 15th c) p.2 [condition: fair] images here


  • O'Donnell, J. Reginald, CSB.'Tractatus Magistri Guillelmi Alvernensis De bono et malo', Mediaeval Studies 8 (1946). 245-99.
  • Callus, Daniel Angelo Philip, OP. 'The Powers of the Soul: An Early Unpublished Text.' Recherches de Théologie ancienne et médiévale XIX.(1952). 133-170.
  • O'Donnell, J. Reginald, CSB. "Tractatus Secundus Guillelmi Alvernensis De Bono et Malo," Mediaeval Studies xvi (1954), 219-271.
  • Corti, Guglielmo. 'Il" Tratactus de Gratia" di Guglielmo d'Auvergne.' Corona Lateranensis 7. Libreria Editrice della Pontifica Universitā Lateranense, 1966.
  • Holly James-Maddocks. "The Illuminators of the Hooked-g Scribe(s) and the Production of Middle English Literature, c. 1460–c. 1490."The Chaucer Review 51.2 (2016): 151-186. Project MUSE. Web. 5 Apr. 2016. <>.

208. Duns Scotus (14th c) p.2 [condition: fair] images here

  • Meier, P. Ludger, OFM. ' Codex Valencia 92 und die Geschichte des Skotus-Ausgabe. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 38 (1956) 116-124
  • Vos, Antonie. Philosophy of John Duns Scotus. Edinburgh University Press, 2006..
  • Mohan, G. E. , O.F.M."Incipits of Logical Writings of the XIIIth-XVth Centuries." Franciscan Studies 12.3 (1952): 349-489.Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

209. Duns Scotus 1463-1465 [condition: good] images here


  • Meier, P. Ludger, OFM. "Die Skotusausgabe des Johannes Reinbold von Zierenberg." Scriptorium. International Review of Manuscript Studies 7 (1953): 89-114.
  • Vos, Antonie. Philosophy of John Duns Scotus. Edinburgh University Press, 2006.
  • Noone, Timothy B., and H. Francie Roberts. "John Duns Scotus’ Quodlibet A Brief Study Of The Manuscripts And An Edition Of Question 16." Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages: The Fourteenth Century. Brill, 2007. 131-198.
  • Ioannis Duns Scoti Collationes Oxonienses ed. Guido Alliney and Marina Fedeli. Union Académique internationale/Unione Accademica Nazionale, Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Testi e studi xxiv. Firenze: Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2016.

210. Prepositinus etc (13th c) p.2 [condition: fair] images online here

211. Godofridus de Fontibus (early 14th c) p.2 [condition: fair]

212. Henricus de Gandavo (late 13th c) [condition: fair] some images online here

213. Henricus de Gandavo (13/14th c) [condition: good]

214. Henricus de Gandavo (13/14th c) p.2 [condition: fair-good]

215.Tabulae et Introitus (end of 13th and early 14th c) [condition: fair]

216. Tabula Septem Custodiarum I (mid 15th c) [condition: good]

193; 411.M.3

Mid 15th century. 140 ff. 13 x 10 inches. 2 columns of 49 lines. Collation: +8 a-q8 r6 (wants 4-6, blank). Signatures and catchwords. Good German hand (but no doubt written in Oxford), with blue capitals well flourished in red; headings never filled in. 2 and 50 (Psalms) have initials and part-border of flowers and convenitonal foliage in gold and colour, good English work. 2o folio allegorice.

2-140v. [Tabula Septem Custodiarum in Vetus testamentum] In principio creativit etc. Hoc exponit beatus Augustinus anagogice quantum ad hoc - prerogativa hec etc. Ideo gratias. Scriptum per me Johannem Reynboldi de Monte ornato Teutonicum. [also Hans Rinnbold] See MS 217.

1 (flyleaf) has on verso: Prima pars Tabulae 7 Custodiarum // Liber domus de Balliolo in Oxon' / ex dono Willelmi Gray Eliensis Episcopi. Another 15th-century hand adds to the title: et est opus Petri Wilhymleyd.


  • Meier, P. Ludger, OFM. "Die Skotusausgabe des Johannes Reinbold von Zierenberg." Scriptorium. International Review of Manuscript Studies 7 (1953): 89-114.

217. Tabula Septem Custodiarum II (1401-1403) [condition: fair]

218. Julianus Pomerius etc (2 vols bound together: early 12th and late 12th c) [condition: fair] images online

219. Alphabetum Narrationum etc (1st 1/4 15th c) p.2 [condition: good]


  • Ogilvie-Thomson, Sarah J. The Index of Middle English Prose Handlist VIII: Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in Oxford College Libraries. Vol. 8. Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2007.

220. Anselmus; Augustinus (14th c) p.2 [condition: good]

221. Magister Historiarum etc (early 14th c) p.2 [condition: fair]

222. Willelmus de Montibus (13th c) [condition: fair] images online here


  • Goering, Joseph. William de Montibus (c. 1140–1213): The Schools and the Literature of Pastoral Care, Studies and Texts 108 (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1992).

223. Sermones Laurentii Abbatis (12th c) p.2 [condition: fair] images online here

224A. Ricardus Rolle (early 15th c) [condition: good] images online here


  • Hanna, R. "The Transmission of Richard Rolle’s Latin Works." The Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society14.3 (2013): 313-333. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

224B. Bartoldus de Mosburgh (1444) p.2 [condition: fair] images here


  • Faes de Mottoni, В. "Il Commento di Bertoldo di Moosburg all'Elementatio theologica di Proclo. Edizione delle proposizione riguardante il tempo e l'eternita." Studi medievali 12 (1971): 417-461.

225. S Birgittae Revelationes (very early 15th c) [condition: fair] images online here


  • Aili, Hans. "St. Birgitta and the Text of the Revelationes: A Survey of Some Influences Traceable to Translators and Editors." The Editing of Theological and Philosophical Texts from the Middle Ages: Acts of the Conference Arranged by the Department of Classical Languages, University of Stockholm, 29-31 August 1984. (1986). 75-91.
  • Rhodes, JT. "Syon Abbey and its Religious Publications in the Sixteenth Century."The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 44, (1993) pp 1125.
  • Hogg, James. "Middle English Translations of the Birgittine Rule." The Translation of the Works of St. Birgitta of Sweden into the Medieval European Vernaculars (2000): 152-69.

226. Vitae Sanctorum (2nd 1/2 13th c) p.2 [condition: fair] images online


  • Powicke, F. M. “The Dispensator of King David I.” The Scottish Historical Review, vol. 23, no. 89, 1925, pp. 34–40., [re Life of St Brigid, item 8]

227. Gesta Sanctorum etc (13/14th c) p.2 p.3 [condition: fair] images online


  • Päpke, Max. Das Marienleben des Schweizers Wernher: I. Wernhers Marienleben und seine Vorlage. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Berlin., 1908.
  • Dondaine, Antoine, OP. Le dominicain français Jean de Mailly et la Légende dorée," Archives d’histoire dominicaine, t. 1, 1946, p. 53-102.
  • Herde, Peter. "Die Schlacht bei Tagliacozzo: eine historisch-topographische Studie." Zeitschrift für Bayerische Landesgeschichte 25 (1962): 679-744.

228. Legenda Aurea etc (14/15th c) p.2 p.3 p.4 [condition: good] images online


  • Halford, Mary EB. "The Apocryphal Vita Adae et Evae: Some Comments on the Manuscript Tradition." Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 82.4 (1981): 417-427.
  • Ogilvie-Thomson, Sarah J. The Index of Middle English Prose Handlist VIII: Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in Oxford College Libraries. Vol. 8. Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2007.
  • Kehnel, A. "The Narrative Tradition of the Medieval Franciscan Friars On the British Isles. Introduction to the Sources."Franciscan Studies 63.1 (2005): 461-530. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.
  • Dean, J. M. "Domestic and Material Culture in the Middle English Adam Books." Studies in Philology 107.1 (2010): 25-47.Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

229. Hieronymus etc (12/13th) p.2 p.3 [condition: fair] images online here

230. Miscellanea Theologica (late 13th c) p.2 [condition: fair] images online here


  • Orme, Nicholas. Medieval children. Yale University Press, 2003.
  • Kehnel, A. "The Narrative Tradition of the Medieval Franciscan Friars On the British Isles. Introduction to the Sources."Franciscan Studies 63.1 (2005): 461-530. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

231. Galenus Latinus (late 13th c) p.2 [condition: fair]


  • Kibre, Pearl. "Hippocrates Latinus: Repertorium of Hippocratic Writings in the Latin Middle Ages (IV)." Traditio 34 (1978): 193-226.
  • García Ballester, Luis. "Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240-1311) y la reforma de los estudios médicos en Montpellier (1309): el Hipócrates latino y la introducción del nuevo Galeno." Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque. Historiam Illustrandam 2 (1982): 097-158.
  • Merisalo, Outi. "In Horis Sanguinis: Physiology and Generation in the Pseudo-Galenic De Spermate." Studia Orientalia Electronica 110 (2014): 231-242.
  • Vivian Nutton, Galen. On Problematical Movements (Cambridge, 2011). p. 37; p. 57 (as a “good [transmitter]” of the β tradition).

232A. Aristoteles (14th c) p.2 p.3 [condition: poor]


  • Pieter De Leemans, De progressu animalium. De motu animalium. Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka. Aristoteles Latinus XVII 2.II-III (Turnhout, 2011). p. XXVII and XXXV; p. XV (title); p. XCVI and CXVI-VII and XCCII-III (position in the text tradition); p. CCXXVI-VII (stemma codicum); et alibi.
  • Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem, Meteorologica. Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka. Praefatio. Aristoteles Latinus X 2.1 (Turnhout, 2008). p. 51.
  • Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem, Metaphysica Lib. I-XIV. Recensio et translatio Guillelmi de Moerbeka. Praefatio. Aristoteles Latinus XXV 3.1 (Leiden – New York – Köln, 1995). p. 40.

232B. Aristoteles (14th c) p.2 [condition: good] some images online


  • Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem, Meteorologica. Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka. Praefatio. Aristoteles Latinus X 2.1 (Turnhout, 2008). p.51.

233. Laurentius Valla (mid 15th c) [condition: fair]

234. Duns Scotus (1st half 14th c) some images online here


  • Vos, Antonie. Philosophy of John Duns Scotus. Edinburgh University Press, 2006.

235. Polychronicon (14/15th c) p.2 NB. Oxford pledge-note (evidence of book being pawned) on 183v. images online here.

236. Polychronicon (mid 15th c) [condition: fair] some images online here

237. Festus Pauli (mid 15th c) [condition: good] images online

238A. Dominicus de Bandinis I (mid 15th c). p.2 [condition: fair-poor] images online here and here


  • Thorndike, Lynn. "Law Advertising in Medieval Manuscripts." Political Science Quarterly 51.2 (1936): 270-272.
  • Mynors, Roger Aubrey Baskerville. "A Fifteenth-Century Scribe: T. Werken." Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 1.2 (1950): 97-104. JSTOR access by subscription
  • Hankey, A. Teresa. "Domenico di Bandino of Arezzo (? 1335–1418)." Italian Studies 12.1 (1957): 110-128.
  • Hankey, A. Teresa. "The successive Revisions and surviving codices of the Fons Memorabilium Universi of Domenico di Bandino'." Rinascimento 11.1 (1960): 3-49.
  • de la Mare, AC. ‘A fragment of Augustine in the hand of Theoderic Werken’, TCBS, vi (1972 – 76), pp. 285 – 90. JSTOR access by subscription
  • Mosser, Daniel W. "Longleat House MS 30, T. Werken, and Thomas Betson." The Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History 15 (2012): 319.

238B. Dominicus de Bandinis II-III (1445) [condition: fair-good] images online here and here.

238C. Dominicus de Bandinis IV A (mid 15th c) p.2 [condition: fair-good] images online here and here.

238D. Dominicus de Bandinis IV B (mid 15th c) [condition: fair-poor] images online here and here.

238E. Dominicus de Bandinis V (mid 15th c) [condition: good] images online here and here.


  • Orme, Nicholas. Medieval children. Yale University Press, 2003.
  • Flatman, Joe C. "The iconographic evidence for maritime activities in the Middle Ages." Current Science (2004): 1276-1282.

239. Miscellanea (15th c) p.2 [condition: good] images online here


  • Ogilvie-Thomson, Sarah J. The Index of Middle English Prose Handlist VIII: Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in Oxford College Libraries. Vol. 8. Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2007.

240. Miscellanea (2nd half 12th c) p.2 [condition: good] images online here


  • Dominic, Prior, and J. C. Jennings. "The writings of prior Dominic of Evesham." The English Historical Review 77.303 (1962): 298-304.

241. Adam Bucfield; Aquinas (early 14th c) [condition: fair-poor]


  • Thomson, Samuel Harrison. “A Note on the Works of Magister Adam de Bocfeld (Bochermefort),”
    Medievalia et Humanistica 2 [1944], 56–87.
  • Noone, T. B. "Richard Rufus of Cornwall and the Authorship of the "Scriptum super Metaphysicam"." Franciscan Studies49.1 (1989): 55-91. Project MUSE. Web. 18 Aug. 2016. <>.

242. Aristoteles (mid 15th c) [condition: good] images here


Pagden, Anthony RD. "THE DIFFUSION OF ARISTOTLE'S MORAL PHILOSOPHY IN SPAIN, ca. 1400—ca. 1600." Traditio 31 (1975): 287-313.

243. Averroes (early 14th c) [condition: good]

244. Averroes (1308) [condition: fair]

245. Aristoteles (14th c) [condition: fair-good]


  • Pieter Beullens, Fernand Bossier, De historia animalium. Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka. Pars prima: lib. I-V. Aristoteles Latinus XVII 2.I.1 (Leiden – Boston – Köln, 2000). p.XIX.
  • Pieter De Leemans, De progressu animalium. De motu animalium. Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka. Aristoteles Latinus XVII 2.II-III (Turnhout, 2011). p. XXVII and XXXV; p. CXXXI-II (position in the text tradition); p. CCXXVIII-IX (stemma codicum); et alibi.
  • H.J. Drossaart Lulofs, De generatione animalium. Translatio Guillelmi de Moerbeka. Aristoteles Latinus XVII 2.V (Bruges – Paris, 1966). p. XV.

246. Henricus Totting de Oyta, Anon, Robertus Holcot (14th c) [condition: fair] images online here


  • Muckle, J. T. "Utrum Theologia sit scientia: A Quodlibet Question of Robert Holcot." Mediaeval Studies 20.1 (1958): 127-153.
  • Schepers, H., 1970, “Holkot contra dicta Crathorn: I. Quellenkritik und Biographische Auswertung der Bakkalareatsschriften zweier Oxforder Dominikaner des XIV Jahrunderts,” Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 77: 320–54.
  • Courtenay, William J. "A Revised Text of Robert Holcot’s Quodlibetal Dispute on Whether God is Able to Know More Than He Knows." Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 53.1 (1971): 1-21.
  • Schepers, H., 1972, “Holkot contra dicta Crathorn: II. Das significatum per propositionem. Aufbau und Kritik einer Nominalistischen Theorie über den Gegenstand des Wissens,” Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 79: 106–136.
  • Gelber, Hester Goodenough. It could have been otherwise: contingency and necessity in Dominican theology at Oxford, 1300-1350. Vol. 81. Brill, 2004.

247. Thomas Aquinas (early 14th c) [condition: fair] images online

248A. Ciceronis Orationes I (mid 15th c) [condition: good] images online here

248B. Ciceronis Orationes II (1447) [condition: poor]images online here


Hunter, Richard, and Stephen P. Oakley, eds. Latin Literature and its Transmission. Cambridge University Press, 2015.

248C. Ciceronis Epistulae (mid 15th c) [condition: poor]images online here


Watt, W. S. "Some'Codices' of Cicero, Epistulae ad Atticum." Hermes 93.2 (1965): 244-249.

248D. Ciceronis Philosophica (mid 15th c) [condition: poor] some images online here


  • Hunt, Terence J. "The origin of the deteriores of the" Academicus primus"." Scriptorium: revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits 27.1 (1973): 39-42.

248E. Ciceronis Rhetorica (1445) [condition: good] images online here

249. Plinius (mid 15th c) [condition: good]


  • Woolfson, Jonathan. "John Claymond, Pliny the Elder, and the Early History of Corpus Christi College, Oxford." The English Historical Review 112.448 (1997): 882-903.

250. Aristoteles (13/14th c) [condition: fair]


  • Pieter Beullens, Fernand Bossier, De historia animalium. Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka. Pars prima: lib. I-V. Aristoteles Latinus XVII 2.I.1 (Leiden – Boston – Köln, 2000). p. XIX; p. XLI (pecia marks).
  • Pieter De Leemans, De progressu animalium. De motu animalium. Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka. Aristoteles Latinus XVII 2.II-III (Turnhout, 2011). p. XXVII and XXXV.

MSS 1-50

MSS 51-100

MSS 101-150

MSS 151-200

MSS 201-250

MSS 251-300

MSS 301-350

MSS 351-400

MSS 401-450

MSS 451-475

- Anna Sander

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