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Papers of James Leigh Strachan-Davidson


A. Material relating to Problems of Roman Criminal Law, published 1912.

1. AMS notebook entitled "Problems (first attempts)." Contains notes on topics and material to be included in the book. Early pages removed. Notes in ink, pencil and blue pencil. [Implies JLSD kept adding to this notebook.] n.d. 332p (only about half are used).

2. Printed reviews of Problems of Roman Criminal Law. With envelope with JLSD's list of the reviews.

  • i. Cutting from The Saturday Review. 2 Nov. 1912. 1 column.
  • ii. Cutting from The Oxford Magazine. 5 Dec. 1912. 1L.
  • iii. Review from The English Historical Review. Jan. 1913. 2L.
  • iv. Review from Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift. 16 Aug. 1913. 1L.
  • v. Review from Wochenschrift für Klassische Philologie. 14 April 1914. 2L.
  • vi. Offprint pamphlet from het Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn. 1914. 6p.
  • vii. Offprint pamphlet from Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. n.d. 6p.

3. Letters to JLSD acknowledging copies of Problems of Roman Criminal Law and giving comments. With envelope with JLSD's list of the letters. [For R. Greentree (RG) see also IV/G.]

  • i. ALS from J. Frank Bright. 6 July 1912. 1L.
  • ii. ALS from W. Maitland. 6 July 1912. 1L.
  • iii. ALS from A. Lang. 7 July 1912. 1L.
  • iv. ALS from J. O' Fallon Pope. 9 July 1912. 1L.
  • v. ALS from O. Geit (in German). 12 July 1912. 1L.
  • vi. ALS from Stanley Leathes. 13 July 1912 1L.
  • vii. ALS from W. Courthope. 13 July 1912. 2L. Note by JLSD at top: "Answered 25/7/12."
  • viii. ALS from P.F. Gerard (in French). 13 July 1912. 1L.
  • ix. ALS from Dilehayell [?] (in French). 21 July 1912. 1L.
  • x. ALS from RG. 26 July 1912. 1L.
  • xi. ALS from E. Grueber (in German). 31 July 1912. 1L. Note by JLSD at top: "Ansrd. & sent Gazette with Faculty Statute [?] 3/8/12."
  • xii. ALS from A.W. Spratt. 18 Aug. 1912. 1L. Note by JLSD at top: "Ansrd."
  • xiii. ALS from J.A. Hamilton. 25 Aug. 1912. 1L.
  • xiv. 3 ALS from Horace White. 26 Aug and two of 29 Oct. 1912. 3L.
  • xv. TLS from A. Lawrence Lowell. 1 Oct. 1912. 1L.
  • xvi. ALS from Lord Bryce, ambassador in Washington. 30 Oct. 1912. 1L.

4. Material relating to Problems of Roman Criminal Law in the archives of the Oxford University Press. The following are photocopies of material in the OUP archives of the Clarendon Press, added to the collection when this catalogue was compiled.

  • i. Documents relating to the acceptance of Problems... for printing, from acceptance in April 1909 to publishing July 1912. 4L of photocopies.
  • ii. Photocopy of review from The Law Magazine, 1912. 1 column.
  • iii. Photocopy of review from The Manchester Guardian, 2 Sept. 1912. 1 column.
  • iv. Photocopy of review from The Scottish Historical Record, Oct. 1912. 2 columns.
  • v. Photocopy of review from The Saturday Review, 2 Nov. 1912. 2 columns. (For original see 1/A/2/i.)
  • vi. Photocopies of 7 letters June 1912-Feb. 1914. 4 from Clarendon Press to JLSD, 3 from JLSD to Clarendon Press re details of publishing and sales of Problems.... 8L.

B. Material relating to other publications and articles by JLSD.

1. Reviews and Correspondence on Selections from Polybius, published 1888. With envelope titled "Polybius" by JLSD and with notes on the contents written on by EVQ.

  • i. Newspaper cutting of review from Academy. 22 Sept. 1888 [?]. 1 column.
  • ii. TS review from The Classical Review. Feb. 1889. 1L.
  • iii. Newspaper cutting of review from The Athenæum. 27 April 1889. 1 column.
  • iv. Newspaper cutting of review from The Spectator. 2 March 1889. 1889. 1 column.
  • v. Copy of Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift no. 49. Contains review of Selections.... 7 Dec. 1889.
  • vi. ALS from E. St. John Parry with AMS notes on points in Selections..., and JLSD's AMS answering notes. Note at top by JLSD: "Ansrd. May 5." 4L.
  • vii. ALS from H. Tozer. 22 Aug. 1887. 1L.
  • viii. ALS from E. St. John Parry. 8 May 1889. 1L.
  • ix. Copies of correspondence between the Secretary to the Delegates and JLSD in the Clarendon Press Archives at the Oxford University Press. TS copies of 13 letters 23 May 1884-21 April 1888 about the printing and publishing of Selections from Polybius. 7 letters from Bartholomew Price, 6 from Philip Lyttleton Gell. 6L.

2. Correspondence and 13 newspaper cuttings of reviews of Cicero and the Fall of the Roman Republic, published 1894. With envelope with JLSD's list of contents.

  • i. ALS from J.H. Butcher acknowledging copy of Cicero.... 1 Nov. 1894. 1L.
  • ii. ALS from Price Martin (?) acknowledging copy of Cicero.... 21 Feb. 1895. 1L.
  • iii. Reviews: The Scotsman (15 Oct. 1894), New York Tribune (21 Oct. 1894), Academy (3 Nov. 1894), St. James' Gazette (3 Nov. 1894), The Morning Post (8 Nov. 1894), The Nation (22 Nov. 1894), Pall Mall Gazette (24 Nov. 1894), Literary World (30 Nov. 1894), Manchester Guardian (11 Dec. 1894), New York Critic (18 Dec. 1894), National Observer (15 Dec. 1894), The Guardian (23 Jan. 1895), The Speaker (16 Feb. 1895).

3. Proof and copies of various articles by JLSD. With envelope with list of contents by EVQ.

  • i. Proof of JLSD's review of The Histories of Polybius translated from the text of F. Hultsch. Heavily annotated by JLSD and others. Stamped "Richard Clay & Sons 30 Oct. 1889" at top. 3 columns. ALS from J.B. Mayor to JLSD about the review and comments by Mr. Thompson of the British Museum. 2L. 30 Oct. 1888.
  • ii. Proof of "Decrees of the Roman Plebs," published in The English Historical Review 1890. Heavily annotated by JLSD and others. 9L.
  • iii. Offprint of "Polybius" from a reprint of Hellenica, stamped "University Press Aberdeen 13 Jun. 1898." 3L (folded into pamphlet format).
  • iv. Proof stamped "First Revise" of "Roman Criminal Law," published in The English Historical Review 1901. [Corrections by proofreader?]. 48L.

4. Undated AMS academic work by JLSD.

  • i. "Life and Character of Tiberius." MS of a short article or lecture. Some pencil annotations. 4L.
  • ii. MS of five chapters of a book on the Roman Civil Wars and political history. With footnotes, pencil corrections. 109L. With envelope marked "MS of ch's I-V (in state for printing)."

5. Magisterial Power in Roman Procedure. This book, although almost completed when JLSD died, was never published. Notes and correspondence contained in a pocket attached to the rear cover are kept with the book.

  • i. Bound TS copy of Magisterial Power... with several AMS additions and corrections by JLSD. Dated inside front cover "1915-1916." 320p.
  • ii. 27 leaves of AMS notes, corrections etc on the content of the book, including one sheet titled "Criticisms of some contentions of Wlassak."
  • iii. ALS from F. Wlassak to Cyril Bailey suggesting that the book is unfit to be published. [In the book JLSD had disagreed with Wlassak's work.] Wlassak suggests that Sir Henry Stuart Jones should look at the work and defend JLSD's viewpoint. 20 Nov. 1922. 4L.
  • iv. ALS from D.J. Allen to Sir Roger Mynors about the book. 27 Mar. 1940. 1L.

(I/B/5 was not part of the original JLSD collection. It was kept by Sir Henry Stuart Jones until D.J. Allen returned it to the college in 1940. It was added to the collection when this catalogue was compiled.)

C. AMS drafts of various speeches by JLSD.

1. Draft, notes of speech given in 1905. (Date written at top by EVQ.) Begins by noting absence of the Master. 3L.

2. Draft of speech dated 22 June 1906. Notes the absence of the Master. 5L. [The above 2 speeches were probably given at college gaudies by JLSD standing in for the then Master, Caird, who was seriously ill.]

3. Draft, notes for JLSD's speech on his election as Master. June 1907. 5L.

4. Draft of a speech, no date or title. Proposes "the health of a Balliol Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the University and...a Balliol Lord Chancellor." [Refers to Lord Curzon, Dr. Warren and Lord Loreburn. From the Gaudy of 28 June 1907, when all three were present.] 6L.

5. Draft of a speech with title "Athenians praising Athenians." No date. [From a college gaudy?] 8L.

D. Tutorial material, drafts of exam papers set by JLSD, notes on JLSD's lectures.

1. "Suggestions for questions in Political Philosophy." Various AMS notes, jottings etc. n.d. 21L.

2. AMS draft exam question papers.

  • i. Political Philosophy exam. 16 April 1899. 5L.
  • ii. Draft of an exam paper. No title or date. [Questions suggest this was a Political Philosophy paper.] 6L.

3. Exercise book, 9" x 7" containing AMS notes on JLSD's lectures on Appian and Roman history taken by William Stubbs, an undergraduate of Christ Church. Contains some handouts, cuttings and maps. [c. 1897] 344p. (This item was not in the original JLSD collection. It was donated to the college in 1985 by William Stubbs, through T.P. Wiseman at Exeter University, and added to the collection when this catalogue was compiled. 3 ALS about the donation enclosed.)

E. Miscellaneous material by JLSD.

1. "Scene: 3rd class carriage." A short dialogue between a soldier, a working man and a woman about the Boer War. n.d. 1L.

2. Cutting from The Oxford Times, 3 June 1893, with a "special leader" by JLSD about Irish Home Rule. 2 columns.

F. Undergraduate work by JLSD.

1. AMS exercise book of essays on various areas of philosophy. 5 Dec. 1863 - c. Dec. 1864. [Later essays are undated.] 178p.

2. AMS exercise book of essays on philosophy, including many on Greek philosophy. 1864-1865? 180p.

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- Tim Procter, Modern MSS Asst, October - December 1992.

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