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Papers of James Leigh Strachan-Davidson


A. Cartagena, 1887.

1. Correspondence about JLSD's trip to Cartagena. Most of the items are concerned with the official details of JLSD's trip and study. None are written by JLSD. Mainly Feb. 1887, many from W. Ehlers who was surveying the site. 23 items: 12 ALS, 1 telegram, 10 personal cards.

2. AMS notes made by JLSD at Cartagena. Notes in pencil and ink, including sketch map of the site, notes on inscriptions, notes on texts referring to Cartagena. Study was intended to aid JLSD's work on Polybius (see I/B/1 and I/B/3). 11L. Also 3 sheets of tracings made by W. Ehlers for JLSD.

B. Cannae, 1887-1888.

1. Correspondence about the battle of Cannae, the site and the similarity of Hannibal's tactics to those of the Zulus. Aug. 1886-May 1888. 17 items: 14 ALS, 3 AP. Important items include: ALS from C.E. Dawkins to JLSD about Dawkins' discussion with Rider-Haggard (probably H. Rider-Haggard, author) about Zulu tactics. 8 Jan. 1887. 1L, with a sketch by Haggard of a Zulu attack.

2. AMS notes and printed plans of the battle of Cannae. Notes in pencil and ink, including notes on text sources for the battle, annotated TS page of Polybius, note on the numbers of troops, and 2 printed colour diagrams of the battle. 18L.

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- Tim Procter, Modern MSS Asst, October - December 1992.

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