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Papers of James Leigh Strachan-Davidson


A. Notes and correspondence.

1. Letters to JWM containing reminisences of JLSD, 1922. 10 items: 9 ALS, 1 TLS. (The letters are mainly concerned with JLSD's time at Leamington, but they include 2 ALS from Kenneth Strachan Davidson giving various information about the Strachan family.)

2. Notes on the Strachan, Leigh and Goldie families and TS material used for James Leigh Strachan Davidson - A Memoir, including a TS copy of the inscription on JLSD's headstone.

B. JWM's Notebook.

7" x 9" exercise book, 207p. Contains notes and drafts for James Leigh Strachan Davidson - A Memoir, including lists of the material consulted, important dates in JLSD's life, lists of correspondents, etc. With envelope with AMS list by JWM of material used for the book.

C. Proofs and copies of the illustrations from James Leigh Strachan Davidson -A Memoir.

Copies of the 3 illustrations from the book:

  • i. JLSD as an undergraduate, 1862-1866. (3 copies).
  • ii. JLSD with his God-daughter, Mary Slack, 1901. (3 copies).
  • iii. JLSD in Oxford, 1910. (3 copies).

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- Tim Procter, Modern MSS Asst, October - December 1992.

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Updated 27.xi.15
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