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Papers of James Leigh Strachan-Davidson


A. Correspondence and Memorial Material.

1. Jowett's illness, 1891. (In 1891 Jowett, seriously ill, wrote to all the College Fellows wishing them farewell.)

  • i. ALS (in the hand of BJ's housekeeper) from BJ to JLSD. "Love and farewell. The world owes a debt to Cicero." Oct. 1891. 1L. With AMS envelope by JLSD "Messages from Jowett."
  • ii. Printed address by BJ, to be read in his absence in Chapel. 8 Oct. 1891. 1L.

2. Correspondence on BJ's death - "The Master's Message," 1894.

  • i. Printed letter signed by JLSD and Evelyn Abbott. Sent to all old college members on BJ's death. n.d. 1L.
  • ii. ALS from G.W. Daniell acknowledging the Message. 10 Feb. 1894. 1L.
  • iii. ALS from A.C. Roberts acknowledging the Message. 10 Feb. 1894. 1L.
  • iv. ALS from David (Lord) Dundas acknowledging the Message. 20 Feb. 1894. 1L.

3. Memorial Material collected by JLSD, 1893-1894.

  • i. Reprint from The Shrewsbury Chronicle 7 July 1893, about Speech Day at Shrewsbury School, BJ's final public function. 1 sheet.
  • ii. Reprint from The Jewish Chronicle 6 Oct. 1893. "The Master of Balliol: In Memoriam." 4p. With ALS from O.J. Simon (author of the above) sending a copy to JLSD. 4 Nov. 1893. 1L.
  • iii. Cutting from The Oxford Times 7 Oct 1893. "Benjamin Jowett: A Retrospect." 3 columns.
  • iv. Cutting from a newspaper: "Funeral of Professor Jowett." n.d. [7 Oct. 1893]. 1 column.
  • v. Reprint from The Nation, 12 Oct. 1893, with an obituary of BJ. 3 columns.
  • vi. Printed pamphlet "The Master of Balliol: An Address at the Morning Service of the College Church." By Lewis Campbell. 15 Oct. 1893. 7p.
  • vii. Printed pamphlet "Benjamin Jowett Master of Balliol: A Sermon Preached in Balliol College Chapel." By Rev. William Rogers. 12 Nov. 1893. 11p. With ALS from Rogers to JLSD about preaching the above sermon. 17 Oct. 1893. 1L.
  • viii. Order of Procession at BJ's funeral. n.d. 1L.
  • ix. Printed letter inviting JLSD to a Memorial Meeting for BJ in London. 23 Nov. 1893. 2L. With reply postcard and envelope marked "Master's Memorial" by JLSD.
  • x. Printed list of subscribers to a to portrait of BJ. n.d. 2L.

B. Correspondence with Lord Bowen and Lewis Campbell about the problems of writing a biography of Jowett, 1894.

(See also III/C for correspondence between JLSD and EC about the problems of the biography.) 11 items:

  • ALS copy from Campbell to Bowen about proposals for the biography. 4 Jan. 1894. 1L.
  • ALS from Bowen to JLSD about problems of multiple authorship of the Life. 18 Jan. 1894. 1L.
  • ALS from Bowen to Campbell about the need for a single author. c.18 Jan. 1894. 1L.
  • ALS from Campbell to Evelyn Abbott enclosing the above. 19 Jan. 1894. 1L.
  • ALS from P. Lyttleton Gell to JLSD about the writing of the Life and the position of BJ's literary executors. 21 Jan. 1894. 2L.
  • AL draft from JLSD to Bowen explaining the situation of BJ's literary executors, the college committee on the Life and the authors of the Life. Jan. 1894. 1L.
  • ALS from Bowen to JLSD about problems with Campbell. n.d. [c.late Jan. 1894.] 1L.
  • ALS from Bowen to JLSD about problems of authorship and with Campbell. 24 Jan. 1894. 1L.
  • ALS from Campbell to EC about how the Life should be written. 26 Jan. 1894. 2L.
  • ALS from EC to Campbell in reply to the above. 30 Jan. 1894. 3L.
  • TLS copy from P. Lyttleton Gell to Abbott and Campbell about the role of BJ's literary executors re the Life. 3 Feb. 1894. 3L.

C. Problems of the Jowett Copyright fund and the profits from his writings, 1902-1905.

1. Correspondence Dec. 1904-Jan. 1905.5 items:

  • TL from W. Markby [?] to Sir C.P. Ilbert. 19 Dec. 1904. 2L.
  • ALS from Ilbert to Markby. 21 Dec. 1904. 1L.
  • ALS from EC to Ilbert. 5 Jan. 1905. 1L.
  • ALS from Ilbert to Markby. 11 Jan. 1905. 1L.
  • ALS from Markby to Arthur Pickard-Cambridge. 13 Jan. 1905. 1L.

2. Other Material.

  • i. TS resolution of a meeting about the profits from BJ's works.
  • ii. AMS list [by Markby?] of planned translations of portions of Aristotle which might be funded by the Jowett Copyright fund. n.d. [c. Dec. 1905?] 1L.

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- Tim Procter, Modern MSS Asst, October - December 1992.

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