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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries A

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Abbey, Mr. -- (of Lincoln): I B32 p90

Abbott, Edwina: I E21/19, E27/11

Abbott, Edwin A.: I E27/11

*Abbott, Evelyn: I C25, C41/51-ii, D1, D5/1, D6 f1, E3/19, E4 passim, E6/2-3, 5-6, 8-11, E7/11, E8 passim, E11/9, E12/6-8, E17/7, E19/112, E23/1-5, 7-8, 11, 14, E24/4-5, 8-9, E27/1, F10/21, F11/10, 37, F13/50, F14, F15/5, 15, F16/2, G1/1-4, 6-8, 10, 12-14, G15/11, G16 passim, H1 passim, H2 passim, H26 f74v, H27 f1, H67 f63, H81 f35; II A6/1-9, A10/1, A15-21 passim, A24 passim, B5 fcB, B7 f2B, C1/3-5, D4/37, 49, G5/1/1, K2/1, K8 passim, M passim; III C17, 44, 48, 77, 129, N167, 168, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 185, 197, 198, 205, 209, 233, 239(?), 249, 252, 264, 289, 358, 382, 449, 696

Abbott, Evelyn Robins (Balliol 1891): I E4/13

Abbott, Dr.: I F13/2, H29 f62-4

Abbott, Wilfred Horace (Trinity 1892): I B16/bcA

Abbott, ---: II I1/1-2

Abbott, Dr. --: I D54 f77v

*Abercromby, Julia Janet Georgina, 4th Lady Abercromby: I D54 f77v, E8/29, F1/17(?), F2/5-37, 38-42(?), G16/6/77; II A21/1, 33, 35, C1/6-7

Abercromby, ---- 4th Lord Abercromby: I F2/5(?)

Aberdare, Lord, SEE Bruce.

Aberdeen , Earl of, SEE Gordon.

Abrahall(?), Mr. --: I H17 f32

Abrahams, Sir Barnett Lionel (Balliol 1888): II A10/1-2

Acland, Rt. Hon. Arthur: II D4/107

*Acland, Sir Henry Wentworth: I D8, E20/13, E21/20, E22/6, E27/2, F6/52, F10/1, F11/18, G16/1/8, H71 f30, H79 f28; II A22/1, D3/1, D4/1-2, 107; III C130, MA29, N590, 591, 654, 657, 658, 669; IV B3/11

Adams, Rev. Henry Cadwallader (Balliol 1835): I E21/8

Addis, Rev. William Edward (Balliol 1861): I C12 f85v-86

Adler, Berthold (Balliol 1889): II K2/29

Airlie, Lord, SEE Drummond.

Albany , Prince Leopold, Duke of: I F2/33; IV B3/20

Albany , Helen Frederica Augusta, Duchess of: IV B3/20-1

Alcock, Sir Richard: I H37 f168

Aldenham, Lord, SEE Gibbs.

Aldis, Mr. --: III C67, 68

Alexander, Prof. Samuel, O.M. (Balliol 1878): III C175, 177

Alexander, Rt. Rev. William, Bishop of Derry: III N282, 284

Alford, Bishop Charles R.: I E21/6

Alford, Lady Marion: I E20/13, H44 f70

Alice, Princess (daughter of Queen Victoria): III N292, 293

Allen, Thomas William ( Queens 1881): I C15 f5, 13v, 14v

Alleyne, Sarah Frances: II A21/2; III N542

Almond, Hely Hutchinson (Balliol 1850): I E23/16

Amato, Mr. -- (Balliol cook): IV A6

Amberly, ---, Lord: I D21 f34-5; IV B7/1

Ampthill, Lord: III MA1

Anderson, Francis Molison (Balliol 1889): III C157, 171

Andrews, Maynard: II A12/1

*Anson, Rt. Hon. Sir William Reynell, 3rd Bt. (Balliol 1862): I E21/10, G16/6/24, 32; II A21/3, I1/3; III M24

Anson, Mr. -- (fl. 1886): III N580

Antrobus, Mr. --: III N484

Appleton, Charles Edward Cutts Birchall (St. John's 1859)/I E4/25 Appleton, Mr. --: I B4/89

Armstrong, Sir W.: I F4/19; III N26

Arnold, Edward (publisher): II A19/9

*Arnold, Matthew (Balliol 1840): I D8, D37/1, D54 f78, E20/13-14, E21/20, 14, E24/6, F2/32, F4/37, F6/50, F7/9-10, F10/24, 64, F15/2, H24 f72, H27 f37-9, H28 f37-9, 88, H29 f74, H37 f36, H66 f69; II A1/2/1; III M115, N116, 155, 256, 267, 286, 377, 527, 544

Arnold, Richard Penrose (Balliol 1874): I B22 fcA

Arnold, Thomas: I E20/20, F10/29, 31, H66 f20; III N350, S14, 17, 44, 82, 83

Arnold, Thomas (the younger): I F10/11, F13/1, 14; III N64

Arnold, Mrs. --: I F10/33

Ashley, Prof. Sir William James (Balliol 1878): I G16/2/2

Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury: IV B22/6

Ashton, Arthur Jacob (Balliol 1874): III C79, 86; IV A10/3

*Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford (Balliol 1870): II A21/4-7, D4/3

*Asquith, Margot (née Tennant): I E21/16/1, G16/2/3, G16/6/65; II A21/8-10, C1/8-12, D5/1, J4/52, 74; III M118, N631, 633; IV B4/57

Asquith, William Willans (Balliol 1871): II C1/13

Awdry, --: II H6/7

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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