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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries H

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Hadden, Rev. R.H.: I G16/2/18

Haines, James: II: I2/14

*Haldane-Duncan, Robert Adam Philips, Lord Duncan (until 1867), 3rd Earl Camperdown (Balliol 1859): I D8, D23 pp134, 136, D54 f77v(?), E5/5, E20/10, 16, E22/4, E24/6, H18 f90, H33 f32-3(?), H37 f30(?), 34(?), H42 f29, 73-4, H47 f67, H51 f14, H79 f7 ; II A7/4-5, A21/33-5, C1/60-4, I1/8 ; III C103, 153, M44, MA21, N115, 211, 225, 242, 288, 362, S104 ; IV B4/19

Haldane-Duncan, ---, 2nd Lady Camperdown: II C1/64

Hall, Sir Alfred Daniel (Balliol 1881): II D4/36

Hall, Elizabeth Dennistoun, née Cross (wife of W.H.): III N277

*Hall, William Henry Bullock (Balliol 1856): I F13/9-11, H24 f80, 83(?) ; III M61, N277, 364

Halliday, R.: I E21/4

Halliday, Mrs.: III C93

Hallifax, A.G.: I F11/43-4

Hallifax, Henry Francis (Balliol 1891): II A4/4-5

Hamilton, Baillie: I H42 f28, H44 f9-10

Hamilton, Sidney Graves: II A1/2/6

Hamilton, Rt. Rev. Walter Kerr, Bishop of Salisbury: III N203

Hamilton, Mr. -- (fl 1845): III S1

Hampden, R.D.: I F7/19-20, F10/31 ; III S30-2

Hannah, Very Rev. John Julius (Balliol 1862): II A20/42, 47, J4/38

Hannay, R.K.: II: I6/4, 6

Hanretté, Charles James: II I2/13, 15

Hanseall, Mr. -- (fl. 1851): III S54

Hanson, Sir Philip Herbert (Balliol 1890): I B14/bcA, bcC ; II A3/1-2, 4, I6/1, 3-9, 11-13

Harcourt, Sir William: I F2/24

Hardie, Prof. William Ross (Balliol 1880): I E11/12, E17/7, G16/2/19 ; II A21/36, C1/1(?)

Hardinge, William Money (Balliol 1872): II J4/39

Harford, William Henry (Balliol 1846): I C12 f63v

Harford Battersby, Rev. Canon George (Balliol 1879): II D1/7, D4/37 ; III N602, 605, 606, 607, 665, 666, 668

Harford Battersby, Rev. Canon Thomas Dundas (Balliol 1841): III N607

Harris, Sir Charles (Balliol 1882): IV A26 passim

Harris, Montagu: II K2/16

Harris, Edward: II K2/1-2

*Harrison, Edwin (Balliol 1867): I A14/1A, E21/16, E22/7, G16/2/20, H40 f4, H47 f86, H51 f1, H54 f7 ; II A22/9, J4/40-1 ; III N222, 225, 226, 230, 231, 252, 254, 256, 258, 259, 277, 295, 296, 305, 326, 327, 328, 330, 332, 358, 359, 384, 449, 463

Harrison, Mr. -- (fl. 1861): III S94

Hart, Henry D'Arcy (Balliol 1884): II C1/65

Hart, Horace: I D5/1, E13/1, G16/2/21-7, G16/4/3, 7, G16/5/30, 36, 45, 51, G16/6/20, 52, 84, H63 f35, H66 f22-5, 51-7, H75 f59-60 ; II A15/9, A18/3-5, J4/42-3

Hartley, Harold: III N699

Haskins, M.L.: II A20/29

Hatch, Arthur H. (Balliol 1884 - son of Edwin): II C1/66

*Hatch, Rev. Edwin: I E21/20, H34 f24, H41 ff11-14, 16-17, 44, H57 f11, H59 f86, 120-2, H63 ff12-13, H70 f20(?), 28, H72 f7-8 ; II: I1/9-10; III N483 ; IV B5/1-3

Hawkins, Edward (Provost of Oriel): I H28 f98 ; IV A13/7-8

Hawthorne, Mrs. --: III N608

Hayes, A.A.: II C1/67

Head, Dr. --: I H70 f65v

Head, Sir E. (fl. 1845): III S1

Headlam, Cecil (Magdalen 1891): I B16/bcA

Heberden, Charles Buller (Balliol 1868), Principal of Brasenose 1889-1920: I A14/1A, B3/25A

Heberden, Mr. --: I H67 f72

Hely-Hutchinson, Frances: Isabella, 5th Lady Donoughmore: I H33 f87

*Hely-Hutchinson, John Luke George, 5th Lord Donoughmore (Balliol 1866): III C28, M24, N184, 185, 206, 208, 214

Henderson P.A.: II D4/38

Hendy, Ernest William (Balliol 1892): II H2/4

Henley, Anthony, 3rd Baron Henley: II K2/17

Henley, Brig.-Gen. Hon. Anthony Morton (Balliol 1891): II K2/17

Herbert, George Robert Charles, 13th Earl of Pembroke: III N84, 416, 692

Herbert, Lady Mary Elizabeth (wide of Sidney): III N44, 56, 57, 244

Herbert, Sir Robert George Wyndham (Balliol 1849): I C13 f21v, 28, 29, D8 ; II J4/44

Herbert, Sidney, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea: III N7, 13, 21, 24, 55, 70, 75, 78, 110, 165, 194, 205

Hervey, Lord Francis (Balliol 1865): III N214

Hichens, James Byrn (Magdalen 1891): I B16/bcA

Hichens, John Ley (Balliol 1892): II A4/3

Hicks, Rt. Rev. Frederick Cyril Nugent, Bishop of Lincoln (Balliol 1891): I B16/fcA, bcA, D34/1-3

Higgins, Col. --: I H72 f66

Higgs, Arthur Hibble (Balliol 1869): III N332, 384

Higham, Rev. James Bellamy: III N665, 666, 667, 668, 670

Highton, H.: I H30 f36

Hill, Gerald Robert (Balliol 1891): I B16/bcA, D34/1

Hill, Dr. --: IV A22

Hill, Mr. -- (fl. 1897) G16/1/13

Hill-Trevor, Arthur Edwin, 1st Baron Trevor (Balliol 1838): II D4/39

Hilliard, Edward (Fellow of Balliol 1904): III N695, 696, 697, 698

Hinds, Right Rev. Samuel, Bishop of Norwich: I F13/14 ; III S42

Hoare, Henry William Hamilton (Balliol 1862): II D4/40 ; III N328, 416, 692

Hoare, Hugh Edward (Balliol 1872): II D1/8

*Hobhouse, Arthur, 1st Baron (Balliol 1837): I D8, D9 f1, E11/33, E20/2, E23/12 ; II C1/68-70, D4/41 ; III N350, 417, 423, 529 ; IV B3/25

Hobhouse, Edward: I E20/7

Hobson, --: I H77 f47

Hodge, Rev. Edward Vere (Balliol 1867): I B3/25A

Hogarth, D.G. (of Magdalen): I C15 f5, 6v, 7v-8, 12, 13v

Holden, Rev. Henry (Balliol 1832): I E20/3-5, E21/8 ; III MA7 (?)

Holden, Rev. Canon Hyla (Balliol 1886): IV B11/24, 26

Holland, Rev. Prof. Canon Henry Scott (Balliol 1866): I B3/25A, D8 ; III N688

Holmes, Oliver Wendell: I H66 f66

Hood, Alice (wife of Donald): III N618

Hood, Dr. Donald W.: III N616, 617, 618, 619

Hook, W.F.: I F7/4 ; III S11

Hooker, Dr.: III N208

Hoole, Mr. --: I F7/38

Hope-Pinker, H.R.: IV A15 passim

*Hornby, Rev. James John (Balliol 1845): I C31 f21b, D8 f47v-48 ; III M97, N184, S96 ; IV B2/1

Horsman, Mr. --: I F7/11, F13/1 ; III S31-2, 82

Hoskyns, Rev. Sir John Leigh, Bt. (Balliol 1835): I E20/6, 9

Hoskyns, (?).(?).: II A21/140-1

Howard, Alfred William Hardy (Balliol 1866): I B3/25A

Howard, F.T.: II A4/14

*Howard, William George, 9th Earl of Carlisle: I E19/4, F10/44vi, G3/3 ; II A21/37-9, D4/42

Howard, Mr. -- (fl.1879): I D54 f78

Howse, George Frederick (Balliol 1889): II K2/29

Hozier, Captain H.: I H43 f64, 67-8, 71, H70 f39, H75 f83 ; III M89

Hozier, John Wallace (Balliol 1852): III M56, 58, N121

Huber, Mr. -- (fl.1847): I F7/11

Hughes, Rt. Rev. Joshua Pritchard, Bishop of Llandaff (Balliol 1867): I A14/1A, B3/25A

Hughes, R.E.: II A4/14

Hughes, Thomas: II I1/11

Humphrey, Prof. --: I D54 f78

Humphry, W.G.: I H41 f37

Hunt, A.P.: I G16/6/82

Hunt, Wilfrid Mortimer (Balliol 1889): II K2/29

Hunter, Dr. (later Sir) William Wilson: I F12/45, H63 f23, 25-6, H79 f45, 47 ; III M103, N546, 575, 608, 637

Huxley, Henrietta (wife of Thomas): I D54 f77v ; II C1/71 ; IV B1/1/4, B4 passim

Huxley, Leonard (Balliol 1880): III C70, 84, 86 ; IV B4/8-16, 21, 25-6, 29-31, 35

*Huxley, Prof. Thomas Henry: I D54 f77v, F6/25, F16/3, H25 f64, H33 f81-2, H34 f94, H42 f15, H44 f43, H46 f62-3, 66, H51 f81, H64 f2, H66 f33, 64, H71 f23, H78 f27-30 ; II C1/33, D4/43 ; III N247, 331, 550 ; IV B1/1/4, B4 passim

*Hyacinthe, Père: I E20/14, E21/16/3 ; III N304

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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