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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries N

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Naces(?), Princess, of Siam: III N585

Napier, Prof. --: IV B4/5

*Napoleon: III: I E20/20, F7/39, F13/17 ; III M9-10, 22, 36-7, 39, N39, 68, 77, 117, 292, 293, 296, 300, 391

Napoleon, Prince Louis: I F5/14 ; III S119

Nash, Augusta (Daughter of Richard *Bethell, Lord Westbury/ she was Augusta Parker by her first marriage, and Augusta Nash by her second): I E22/9, E25/7, G16/2/50-2 ; II C1/124

Nasmyth, Mr. -- (fl. 1863): I F4/29

*Nettleship, Richard Lewis (Balliol 1865): I D8, D37/2, D46 f69v, E4/11, E11/7, E23/1, F11/1, F12/23, H18 f90, H67 f54-54v, H81 f37-9 ; II C1/125, H2/7 ; III M126, N268 ; IV B5/12

Newcombe, C.F.: I G16/2/53

*Newman, Professor Francis William (Fellow of Balliol 1826): I D37/1, E24/1, H13 f85v, H33 f24 ; II C2/3

*Newman, Cardinal John Henry: I E25/10, F10/28, H24 f96, H28 ff103, 116, H36 f4-6, H44 f60, H58 f45-6, 51, H76 f73-6, H79 f64v, H82 f15 ; III N232, S2, 47 ; IV B14/1

*Newman, William Lambert (Balliol 1851): I C21 f94, D68, E11/29, E20/8, E22/1, F13/17-18, G16/6/31, H18 f90(?), H30 f36, H34 f85 ; II A8 passim, A21/92-6, 147, A22/17, K2/28 ; III N117, 150, 332(?)

*Nichol, Professor John (Balliol 1855): I D8, D26 p1, E20/14, 19, E24/6, F13/13, 19-34, H18 f90, H40 f8, H51 f69, H54 f77 ; II A10/4, A21/97, C1/126, J4/75 ; III C54, 173, M30, S100

*Nicholl, Prof. George Frederick (Balliol, Hon. Fellow 1878): I F13/35-9, G16/5/93, 106, G16/6/85 ; II A21/98-9, D4/69

Nicholl, S.J.: II: I2/25

Nicholson, E.W.B.: II: I1/25-6 ; III N483

Nicholson, Mr. -- (fl. 1879): I D54 f78

*Nightingale, Florence: I D23 ff133-4, E3/12-20, E6 passim, E8/27, E17/1, 6, 8-11, 17, E20/14-15, 17, 19, E21/20, F2/12, F10/22, F11/55, F13/50, G16/1/18, H20, H24 f47, 54, 56-7, 63, 65v-66, 73, H28 f42, H29 ff127-127v, 131, H30 f56, H31 f63-4, 71-2, 100-1, H33 f31, 61, H34 f30, 82, H37 f2, 6-8, H38 f40, 50, H41 f40, 60, H43 f45, 49, 51-2, H44 f75, H47 f75, H49 f61v, 77v, H51 f87v, H54 f21-2, 61, 64, 80v-81, H59 f152, H63 f27, H69 ff19-20, H70 f23, 40, 62, 66, H71 f33, H72 f65, H76 f10, H77 ff12, 17-18, H78 ff19, 45, 54-5, H80 f24, H81 f36, H22 f4, H89 p160 ; II A7/4, 7, 12, 22, A16/53, 62, A22/18-19, C1/127-36, C2/1, I1/27, J3 f50-4, M passim; III C153, M64, N passim, S69, 72 ; IV A2 passim, B4/9-10

Northbrook, Lord, SEE Baring.

Northcote, Lady Cecilia Frances, 1st Countess: Iddesleigh: I H33 f63 ; III N486

*Northcote, Stafford Henry, 1st Earl of: Iddesleigh (Balliol 1835/6): I D8, E20/3-5, E24/6, F2/24 ; III M63, 82, 85, MA10, N156, 158, 160, 161, 164, 173, 195, 197, 486

Northcote, Walter Stafford, 2nd Earl of: Iddesleigh (Balliol 1863): II J4/77-8

Norton, Charles Eliot: III N244

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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