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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries C

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Caird, Caroline Frances (wife of Edward): I G16/2/8, II J4/35

*Caird, Edward, (Balliol 1860) Master of Balliol 1893-1907: I C39 f2, D1 f22-4, D24 p1, E11/34, E19/42, E19/6, E21/20, E23/8, E24/6, E26/3, F13/3-5, 22, 29-30, G3/2, G16/1/2-4, G16/3/41, G16/5/1, 88, 92, G16/6/1, 5, 49, 88, H32 f92-4, H54 f76, H63 f46, H64 f19, H70 f45v-46v; II A10/3-4, A16/8-9, C1/29, D6 passim, J4/26, 75; III C13, 54, M30, N110, 382, 544, 603; IV B7/5

Caird, Sir James: I H57 ff1-2; III N519, 520, 526, 537, 569, 570

Cameron, Capt. --: I H37 f142, 146

Cameron, Julia Margaret: I F4/11

Campbell, Fanny (wife of Lewis): I D54 f77v, G16/5/2, 76, G16/4/ 43, 47-8, 52, 56, 64; II C1/27; III C passim, N244, 614

Campbell, Sir George: I H27 f83, H30 ff105-6, H51 f85; III N439, 453, 492, 515

*Campbell, Prof. Lewis (Balliol 1849): I C13 ff18, 29v, 30v, C25, C39/2, D1 f20, D8, D24 p1, D54 f77v, E3 passim, E5/7, E6/1, 7, E7 passim, E8 passim, E10/3-4, E11/6, E17 passim, E19/3-4, 6, E20/10, 13, 19, E23/10, 12, E24/2-3, E26/4, 10, E27/11, F7/40, F13/3-4, 23, G15/10-11, G16 passim, H27 ff107, 117, H71 f52(?), H79 f76; II A1/2/3, A10/1-2, A12 passim, A16 passim, C1/28-33, D4/19-22, J4/10; III C passim, N164, 214, 244, 295, 309, 325, 362, 687; IV A1/2, A8/21, B4/8-9, B11/6, 17

Campbell, Macleod: I F4/9*

Camperdown, SEE Haldane-Duncan.

Cannan, Charles: II D4/24

Capes, --: I H91 p24-5

Capes, John Moore: I E20/20; III S37, 95

Capper, J.B. G16/6/76-7

Cardwell, Lord: I E24/6; III M40, N127, 239

Carlisle, Earl of, SEE Howard.

*Carlyle, Thomas: I A10 p26, E21/22, E23/1, F2/21, F4/36, H29 f74, H31 f121; III N116, 119, 158, 387, 390

Carnegie, Andrew: IV P4 f225

*Carpenter, William Boyd, Bishop of Ripon: I C16 f1c, H72 f79; III M97, MA 21, N670 ; IV B4/39

Carr, J.: I E20/9, E25/10

Carter, Reginald (Balliol 1886): II A6/6; IV B11/22

Cartwright, William Chauncy (later Sir): I H33 ff19-20, H41 f41-2

Cary, C.: III C39

Case, Thomas: I G16/4/42

Case, Mrs. Thomas: I G16/4/53

Castellani, Mr. --: I C39/2; III C144

Castle, R.: I H47 f82, H57 f66

Cave, Stephen: I E24/6

Cavour, HEY????: I H31 f62

*Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury: I E19/15, E25/4, F2/24, 39, H28 f94, H83 f1; III C64, M80-3, 86, N285, 293, 395, 423, 431, 439, 453, 474, 521, 546, 580; IV B3/2-31, 9/32

Chalmers, Kenneth Edlmann (Balliol 1892): II K2/6

Chamberlain, --: I H31 f16

Chandler, H.N.: II: I1/6, 25

Chapman, Edward: II D4/24

Chapman, Rev. John Michael (Fellow of Balliol 1824): I E20/6, 9, E25/10

Charles(?), Mr.--: I H45 f64

Charteris, Alfred Walter, son of the 10th Lord Wemyss: I F12/57 ; III N407

Charteris, Sir Evan, son of the 10th Lord Wemyss (Balliol 1887): III N605

Charteris, Hon. Francis, son of the 10th Lord Wemyss (Balliol 1864): III N293, 294, 300

Chavasse, Albert Sidney (Balliol 1858): I C13 ff32v-33

Cheape, Rose: III C7

Childers, H.C.E.: III M40 ; IV B1/1/6

*Chitty, Sir Joseph William (Balliol 1847): I D8, D33 f73, D54 f78, E21/21, H33 f56 ; II D5/3 ; III M100

Christie, Richard Copley: II A1/2/4

Christie, Lady Drummond: II D5/4

Churchill, Rev. Charles James Scott: II C1/34

Churchill, Lord Randolph: III N562

Chute, Chaloner William: IV B1/1/1

Chyne(?), Mr. --: I H63 f11

Clarke, Rev. Robert Lowes (Balliol 1866): I A14 f1A, B3/25A

Clarke, Mr. -- (of Balliol, but unidentifiable): I B22 fcB

Clayton, Rev. Horace E.: II D4/25

Clifford, E.: I H37 f72

Clive, Archer Anthony (Balliol 1860): I C12 f85v-86(?)

Clive, Charles Meysey Bolton (Balliol 1861): III N124

*Clough, Arthur Hugh: I E20/1-5, 19, F4/11, F10/47, F13/1 ; II E1/13 ; III M10-11, N9, 17, 36, 41, 92, 116, 153, 194, 256, 267, 268, S2 ; IV B14/1

Clough, Blanche (wife of A.H.): I E3/12 ; II A21/15 ; III N124

Clough, Anne Jemima (sister of A.H.): III C42, N201, 263, 264, 268, 269

Coar, Rev. Charles John (Balliol 1849): I C13 f18v

*Cobbe, Frances Power: I F4/12-13, 16-17, F12/5-7 ; II J4/11

Cohen, Harold Albert (Balliol 1890): II A3/1-2, 4, I6/2, 5-7

Cole, Robert William (Balliol 1889): II K2/29

*Colenso, Rt, Rev. John, Bishop of Natal: I A10 pp18, 26, 57, 66, E20/13-14, F2/23, F11/11-13, H29 f96, H58 f70, 87 ; II A6/1, A9/2-4 ; III N22, 55, 62, 222, 463, 464, S105

Coleridge, Lady Amy Augusta Jackson (wife of 1st Baron Coleridge): II C1/35

*Coleridge, Ernest Hartley (Balliol 1866): I A14 f1A, B3/25A, H30 f4, H41 f28

Coleridge, F.: I H81 f29

Coleridge, Herbert: I E20/7

*Coleridge, John Duke, 1st Baron Coleridge (Balliol 1838): I C18, D37/1, D54 f77v, E11/36, E21/28, 21, E24/6, F6/50, F10/65, F15/2, H30 f68-9, H31 ff121v, 122-123v, H33 f88(?), H34 f37, 40-1 45(?), 58(?), 67, H38 f47, 49, H40 f26-8(?), H42 ff14, 45, H57 f33-4(?), H59 f160, H63 f20, 53v-54, H64 f52, H66 f38-41, H67 f81-6, H70 f76, H75 f2-3, H76 f86-88v, H77 f28-9, H82 f35, 48-9, H81 f27, 30-1, 33 ; II A7/25, A21/16-17, C1/70, H2/6 ; III M100, N108, 114, 127, 128, 136, 141, 395, 645, 684 ; IV B4/18

Colley, Edith, Lady Pomerey Colley: III N544, 545

*Collins, John Churton (Balliol 1868): I F11/5-7, F15/11-12, 16, G16/4/14, 25

Collins, Vere Henry Graz (Balliol 1890): II A3/1, 3, I6/2, 4-5, 8

Congreve, Richard: I E23/10

Congreve, Mr. --: III S1, 14

*Conington, Professor John: I E8/19, H57 f19 ; III C107, N264, S40

Conroy, Sir John, 3rd Bt. (Fellow of Balliol 1890): I D37/1, E17/7 ; II C1/36

Conybeare, Mr. --: III S1

Cook, Sir Edward T.: III N695, 696, 697, 698, 699

Cook, H.F.: I E2/fcB

Cook, Rachel: III C42, N309, 328

Cooper, Henry Bickersteth (of Keble): I C15 ff13v, 14v

Cope, J.S.: II C1/37

Corbett, Eustace Kynaston (Balliol 1873): II C1/120

Cordery, John Graham: I H42 f70, H91 p1-2

Cossus, Manuel B.: II A5/3/1

Costelloe, Mr. --: I H51 f80

Costelloe, Benjamin Francis Conn (Balliol 1874): I B22 fcA ; II D1/5

Cosway (later Halliday), William Halliday (Balliol 1846): I C12 f60

Cosway, Mrs. Maria M.: II A7/9, 15

Cottesloe, Lord, SEE Fremantle.

Cotton, Mr. -- (fl. 1847): I F7/16

*Courthope, John Bryan: I F1/4

Courthope, William John: II: I2/18-19

Courtney, W.L.: II J2/9/2

Cowley, Lady --: I H31 f94-5

Cox, George W.: I E12/5

Cradock, Mrs. Henrietta: III N243 ; IV A17

*Craig Sellar, Alexander (Balliol 1854): I D8, E20/14, H33 f43, H34 f32, 120 ; II A9/2 ; III N285, 441

Craig Sellar, Gerard Henry (Balliol 1889): II C1/38, H6/5(?) ; III N661

Craig Sellar, Gertrude (wife of A. Craig Sellar): I G16/2/62 ; II A21/18, C1/39, D5/5 ; III N285, 442, 643, 661

Craigie, Sir William: III C157

Craik, Rt. Hon. Sir Henry, 1st Bt. (Balliol 1865): IV B11/9-11

Cranbrook, Lord, SEE Gathorne-Hardy.

Creighton, Rev. Mandell: II: I1/7

Critchley, John William (Balliol 1890): II A3/1-2, 4 ; III C171, 209

Croft, Sir John Frederick, Bt. (Balliol 1846): I C12 f27v

Crombie, Mr. --: III C143-4

Cross, John Ashton (Balliol 1868): I B3/25A, D3/bcA

*Cross, Sir Richard Assheton, 1st Viscount Cross: I F11/41-2, 44, 46, 49-50, 53 ; II: I2/31

Cruikshank, --: III S37 ; IV X14Q/1-2

Crum, Walter Ewing (Balliol 1884): II A21/19-20, C1/40

Culley, Edward Hugh: I G16/2/9

Cumin, Patrick (Balliol 1841): I D8, E20/7, E21/21

Cumming, J.G.: I F11/43-4

Cunliffe, Arthur Tabor (Balliol 1890): II A3/1-2, C1/4, I6/1, 3-5, 8-11

Cunningham, H.C.: I G16/4/2, G16/5/7

Currer, SEE Roundell.

*Curzon, Hon. George Nathaniel, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston: I H75 f1 ; II C1/93

Cutler, Edward (Balliol 1849): I C13 f2

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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