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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries T

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

*Tait, Most Rev. Archibald Campbell, Dean of Carlisle, Bishop of London and Archbishop of Canterbury (Balliol 1830): I A10 p57, D14 f44-5, 61-62v, D15 ff1-19, D16 f1, D23 p135(?), D26 p1, D37/1-2, E3/13, 71, 107, E7/5, E20/6, 9, 13-14, 18, 20, E21/2, 21, E24/6, E25/10, F2/31, F7/37, F10/31, 65, F11/1, F13/9, 55, G15/16/20, H18 f48v H17 f32, H28 f44, H30 f60v-61, H33 f25v, H37 ff169-71, H40 f37, 40, H56 ff12v-13, H21 f72v-73; II J3 f29; III N19, 22, 129, 164, 220, 237, 299, 300, 392, 395, S1-2, 15, 46, 51, 68, 80, 83, 93, 97, 105, 107, 115; IV A5/8, A19/3, B5/4-16, B14/1

Tatham, Meaburn Talbot (Balliol 1877): II D4/89

Tatton, Robert Grey (Balliol 1867): I A14/1A, B3/25A; II A21/146-7, C1/1(?)

Tavistock, Marquess of, SEE Russell, Duke of Bedford.

Taylor, A.: I H18 f90

Taylor, Aubrey Charles Ashworth (Balliol 1845): III N214, 290, 292, 300

*Taylor, Sir Henry: I F11/15, 25, F13/64-7, H28 f52, H30 f123v, H33 f41-2, H41 f56-7, H44 f23bis, H51 f51v, H63 f1, H66 f34-6, 47; II A21/148-51, J4/83; III N200, 290

Taylor, Una (daughter of Sir Henry): II A21/148-51, C1/153, J4/83

Tebbs, Mr. --: III C25

Teissier, George Frederick de ( Corpus Christi 1838): II A1/2/17

Temple , Beatrice Blanche (wife of Frederick): III N628

*Temple, Most Rev. Frederick, Bishop of Exeter and London and Archbishop of Canterbury (Balliol 1838): I D37/2, E5/2, E11/19, E20/7, 14, 21, E21/16/3, 21, E24/6-7, F6/33, F7/11, 13-16, 19, 25, 30-1, 34-5, 47, F10/44, 48-50, 57, F13/1, 3, H17 f32, H27 f84, 99-100, H29 f105, H30 f129, H33 f21-2, H56 f25-7, 33, 37-53, H66 f68, H82 f5, H88 p21-2; II A17/4, D4/90-1; III C38, 40, M30, 32, 35, 79, N7, 128, 218, 242, 256, 262, 265, 267, 272, 349, 628, S6-7, 11, 21, 30, 43, 58, 64, 73, 87, 89, 108; IV A8/4, B14/1

Tennant, Dorothy (wife of H.M. Stanley): III N633

Tennant, Margot, SEE Asquith.

*Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Lord Tennyson: I A12/48(?), E3/14, 41, 45, E20/18, 21, E21/20, 22, E22/3, F2/20, 41-2, F4/11, 23-38, F10/7, 9, 44, 55, 66, F15/3, H31 ff108, 110, 115, 118-19, H33 f18, H34 f17, H38 f6, H40 f18, H41 f61, H45 f47, 49, 50v-53, 56, H51 f23v-27, 87, 90, H57 f51, H66 f7, 13, H67 f80, H71 f26, H72 f6, 45, H75 f8, H79 f96v-115v; II A21/127, C1/84, 168-70, D3/21-23, JD/28; III M9-10. 77, 126, MA23, N4, 34, 42, 44, 49, 57, 58, 64, 104, 126, 136, 154, 184, 194, 222, 240, 256, 289, 339, 572, 591, 633, 645; IV A8/39, B16/4

Tennyson, Emily, 1st Lady Tennyson: I F4/23-38; II A7/11, C1/167-9, D4/92, D3/20-21; III N104, 154, 240, 591

Tennyson, Hallam, 2nd Lord Tennyson: I F4/23-38, G16/5/49, 53; II A22/28, C1/170-1, D3/22-23; III MA22, N567

Thackeray, Mr. --: I B32/90

Theodore: II, Emperor of Ethiopia: III N241

Thirlwall, Rt. Rev. Connor, Bishop of St. David's: I H27 f9-9v; III N22, S97

Thomas, Sir W.: I H27 f82, H91 p13-14(?)

Thompson, George Ernest (Balliol 1890): I B14/bcE; II A2/2, 4, I6/1-2, 4-6, 11

Thompson, H.L. G16/2/66

Thompson, William Hepworth, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge: II: I C/2-3; III N452

Thompson, Dr. --: IV X14Q/1

Thomson, James: III N520

Thomson, Ninian Hill (Balliol 1849): I C13 f25v

Thomson, Rt. Rev. William, Archbishop of York: III N22

Thomson, Sir William: I H47 f68; III N331

Thornton, Joseph: II A21/152

*Thynne, John Alexander, 4th Marquess of Bath: I D23 p135(?), H37 f88-98, H40 ff1-1v, H41 f51, H44 f11, H47 f78-81, H54 f82, 84v, 86

Todd, George (Balliol 1865): I A14/1A, B3/25A

Toke, Leslie Alexander St.Lawrence (Balliol 1891) I B16/fcF, bcA, D34/1, 4

*Tollemache, Hon. Lionel Arthur (Balliol 1856): I E23/4-5, E26/5, G16/4/62; II A21/69, 153, A22/29

Towers, Rev. William M.: II A20/34

*Toynbee, Arnold (Balliol 1875): I D37/1-2, E4/7, E19/1, E23/1, F2/33, F11/15, F13/8, 55, H38 f43, H44 f58, 62, 78-9, H54 f65, H63 f34; II A21/154; III C107, MA7, N511, 529, 531, 532, 534, 577; IV B3/2

Toynbee, Charlotte M. (wife of Arnold): I E19/112; II A21/154; III C187, 189

Toynbee, William: I E19/16-7, 13

Treherne (alias Thomas), George Gilbert Treherne (Balliol 1857): I C13 f80v; II D4/93

Trench Rt. Rev. Richard Chenevix, Archbishop of Dublin: I F7/56; III N190, 253, S6, 23

*Trevelyan, Sir Charles Edward, Ist Bt.: I D54 f78(?), F10/7, F11/54-5, H31 ff12-13, H41 f54, H66 f49(?); III N26, 55, 156, 204, 224, 280

*Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, 2nd Bt.: I D54 f78(?), F11/54-5, H28 f67-8, H76 f68; III N291

Trevor, Lord, SEE Hill-Trevor.

Tulloch, Mr. -- (Principal): I H33 f88v, H37 f54

*Turgenev, Ivan: I E20/13, F2/11, H34 ff12-15, 100

Turner, E.T.: I G16/5/78

Turner, John: I E21/8

Turner, --: I H24 f96v(?), 97v(?)

Twiss, Mr. -- (fl. 1845): III S1

Twistleton, Mr. --: I H17 f32

Tyler, Dr. --: I H67 f70-1

Tyndall, Professor John: I E20/13, H30 f57, 95v-96, H34 f62; III N275, 285; IV B4/32

Tyrrell, R.Y.: I E11/1

Tysache, Mr. --: I B32 p90

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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