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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries K

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Karslake, Rev. William Henry (Balliol 1843): I A24/102

*Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James: I F7/13-14, 16, 19, 34-5, H91 p12, 15 ; III N55

*Keene, Charles Ruck (Balliol 1843): I F7/3, 44 ; III S11-13, 19

Kekewich, Sir Arthur (Balliol 1850): I C13 f22v ; II D5/9

Kekewich, Sir George William (Balliol 1859): I H76 f33 ; II C1/88, I1/8, K2/18 ; III S104

Kelly, F.: I H42 f43-4

Kemp, John Charles (Balliol 1847): I D33 f79v

Kennedy, Hugh (Balliol 1847): I D33 f79v

Kent, Armine Thomas (Balliol 1874): III N456

Ker, Prof. William Paton (Balliol 1874): I B22 fcB

Kerry, Lord, SEE Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquess of Lansdowne.

Kershaw, John Felix (Balliol 1892): II C1/34

Kiddle, Arthur William (Magdalen 1890): I B16/fcD, D34/1-2

Kimberley, Lord, SEE Wodehouse.

King, Bolton (Balliol 1879): II D1/9 ; III N520

King, Charles Montague (Balliol 1890): II A4/1

King, Rt. Rev. Edward, Bishop of Lincoln: II: I1/13-14

King, Sir Henry Seymour, 1st Bt. (Balliol 1871): II: I1/15

King, ---: II H6/20

King Smith, Mr. -- (of BNC): I B32/90

Kington Oliphant, Thomas Lawrence (Balliol 1850): I C13 f22v

Kitchen, G.W.: II: I1/16

Knapp, Georgina M.: II A19/2, 10-11

*Knight, Martha: I E4/15, E17/1, 4, 12, 14, 16, E20/13-15, 19, E21/20, E23/2, 14 ; II A22/12, J4/52-3 ; III C172, 178, 180-1, 184, 187-8, 193, N610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656

*Knight, Matthew: I C23 passim, C61/1, E4/4, E16 passim, E20/13-15, E23/2, F12/14, F13/18, 31, 53, 56-8, 62-3, H51 f2(?), H67 f61; II A19/12, C1/89-93, 162, D4/50, E1/6-8, 14, J2/9/3, J4/54-74 ; III C43, 48, 51, 57, 71, 80, 107, 136, 150, 172, M77, 83, 84, N99(?), 200, 327, 439, 458, 463, 522, 590, 610, 613, 614, 653

Knight, William: I G16/4/27, G16/5/99 ; II J4/75

Kynaston, Mr. -- (fl. 1845): III S1

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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