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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries D

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Dale, Frank Harry Busbridge (Balliol 1890): I B14/bcB, E21/12 ; II A3/1-4, I6/1, 3-7, 9, 11-13

Daley, Lady --: III M16, 78

Dalhousie, Lord, SEE Ramsay.

Dampier, Mr. --: III S51

Damrong, Prince, of Siam: III N645

Darbishire, Dr. --: I H59 f130

Darwin, Charles: I D26 p9-11 ; III N285, 317, 318, 326, 513

Darwin, Ida: II C1/41

Das Gupta, Jogendrath (Balliol 1886): IV B12/7

Davey, J.S.: I H26 f49

Davey, Louisa H.: II C1/42

Davidson, Dr. Samuel: I F13/4 ; III N110, 111

Davies, E.O.: II: I6/2

Davies, Edward Read (Balliol 1888): II K2/7, 29

Davies, F.C.: II K2/7

Davies, M. Rees: II J4/12-13

Davies, William Robert (Balliol 1889): II K2/29

Davies, Mr. -- (of University College): I B12 p177

Davis, Prof. Henry William Charles (Balliol 1891): I B16/fcE, bcA, D34/1-4

Davy, J.S.: I H26 f49

Davy, Mr. --: III M30

Debus, Dr. --: I H27 f82

Denison, Ven. George Anthony: I E10/9 ; III S1, 54, 71-2, 80

Derby, Earl of, SEE Stanley.

Deutsch, Mr. -- (fl. 1870): I F13/3

*Dicey, Albert Venn (Balliol 1854): I D8, G16/2/10, H33 f52, 85, H67 f57, 59, H70 f21, H91 p7 ; II C1/43, J4/14, 487

Dicey, Elinor Mary (wife of Albert): II C1/43, J4/14

Dickens, Charles: I E21/22

Digby, Sir Kenelm: II A22/2

Dilke, Sir Charles: I F11/22

Dillon, Theobald, 15th Viscount Dillon: I F6/36-7

*Disraeli, Benjamin, Lord Beaconsfield: I D22 pp95-8, F2/14, H30 f104, H31 f89-93 ; III M26, 40, 78-9, 82-3, 86, N39, 114, 127, 144, 146, 147, 156, 178, 197, 200, 400 ; IV A8/14

Dixon, Mr. --: I H67 f25

Dixon, Prof. Harold Baily (Fellow of Balliol 1886): I D37/1

Dobbs, Mr. --: I H63 f36

Dobell, Walter Duffield (Magdalen 1891): I B16/bcA

Doble, C.E.: II A15/10, A(b)6/17

*Döllinger, Dr. Johann Joseph: Ignaz von: I H26 f52, 57, 60-60v, H36 f13 ; III N463

Donaldson, Mr. --: III C124, 126, 213

Donkin, Arthur Edward: I G16/2/12

Donkin, Prof William Fishburn: II JD/29 ; III S1-2, 4

Donoughmore, Earls of, SEE Hely-Hutchinson.

Donovan, Michael F.: II K2/32

Douglas, H.A.: I E21/21

Doyle, John Andrew (Balliol 1863): II D1/6

Drewitt, John Arthur James (Magdalen 1891): I B16/bcA

*Drummond, Lady Henrietta Blanche, 7th Lady Airlie: I D8 f47v, D23 p134, D54 f77v, E11/35, E20/13, F1/17(?), F2/1-4, 38-42(?), F4/36, F6/5, 46, F16/2, G16/5/90, G16/6/51, H26 f18(?), H29 f130, H30 f62, H33 f89v, H37 f68, H42 f57, H43 f65-6, 69, 72-3, H44 f13, H46 f25(?), H54 f70-1, H71 f3, H75 f85 ; II A7/20, A21/21-5, A22/3, D5/6, J4/52 ; III C66, M4, 13, 77, 79, 89, 118, N155, 163, 211, 239, 240, 258 IV B4/13

Drummond, David Graham, 7th Earl of Airlie: I D54 f77v, F2/3-4, F6/5, 34, 44 ; II A7/14, 20 ; III N162

Drummond, Mrs. --: III C153

Duckworth, Mr. --: I B32/90

Dufferin and Ava, Marquess of, SEE Blackwood.

Dugdale, Alice: I G16/1/5 ; II A6/7-8

Dugdale, William Francis Stratford (Balliol 1891): II A6/7-8

*Dugdale, William Stratford (Balliol 1846): I C12 f29

Dugdale, Mrs. W.S.: I D45 f9, E20/13, 24, F4/22

Duncan, Hon. Patrick (Balliol 1889): II: I6/16

Duncan, Lord, SEE Haldane-Duncan, Earl of Camperdown.

Dunsany, Lord, SEE Plunkett.

*Dyer, Louis (Balliol 1874): I D46 f69v, E11/5, F13/6-8, G16/1/6, H33 ff1-2, H47 f28, H75 f67 ; II C1/44 ; III C168

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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