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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries R

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Radstock, Lord, SEE Waldegrave.

Raleigh, Sir Thomas (Balliol 1870): II A4/13, B2 bcE-G, B7 f2A, K2/29

Ramsay, Fox Maule, 2nd Baron Panmure and 11th Earl of Dalhousie: III N53

Ramsay, Ida Louise, 13th Lady Dalhousie: III M77, N607

*Ramsay, John William, Lord Ramsay (in 1874-80), 13th Earl of Dalhousie (Balliol 1875): I D37/1, D54 f77v, E5/5, H41 f45-6, H43 f78, H44 f69(?), H54 f68, H64 f24, H67 f68, H80 f49v ; II: I1/29 ; III C51, M62, 75-7, 111, N544, 607, 623

Ramsay, Sarah Francis, 12th Lady Dalhousie: II: I1/29

Ramsey, Estelle (sister-in-law of the 13th Earl of Dalhousie): II: I1/29

Ramsey(?), Prof. --: I H72 f20

Rankine, Adam (Balliol 1866): I B3/25A

*Raper, Robert William (Balliol 1861): I G16/6/60, H78 f21, H79 f59 ; II C1/143, D3/16 ; III N208

Rathbone, William: III N156, 200, 425, 661

Rawdon, George Wordsworth (Balliol 1857): I C13 f32v-33

Rawlinson, Sir Henry: I F2/17, H33 f17, H38 f2

Rawnsley, Rev. Canon Hardwicke Drummond (Balliol 1870): II A21/118, C1/144, D4/81 ; III N544

Rawstone, Edward Buckley (Balliol 1889): II K2/29

Read, George (d.1862): III S104

Reade, William Henry Vincent (Balliol 1891): I B16/fcA, bcA, D34/1-3

Reay, Donald James, 11th Baron: I H33 f17, H63 f52-3(?), H77 f43 ; III N554, 555, 562

Reichel, Rt. Rev. Charles Parsons, Bishop of Meith: II: I1/30 ; III N551

Reichel, Sir Harry Rudolf (Balliol 1875): III N551 ; IV A8/20

Reid, Robert Threshie, Earl of Loreburn (Balliol 1864): I D54 f78 ; III M100

Reid, T. Wemyss: II A21/119

Rendel, J.: I H30 f30, H54 f48(?)

Rendel, James Meadows (Balliol 1873): I B22 fcA-fcB

Reynolds, Richard William (Balliol 1886): I B15/fcA, fcH, fcJ

Richards, Rev. (Prof) Canon George Chatterton (Balliol 1885): I G16/5/75 ; II A6/6, A19/16-17

Richards, Herbert Paul (Balliol 1866): I A14/1A, B3/25A

Richmond, Harry: Inglis (Balliol 1868): I B3/25A, D3/bcA

*Riddell, Rev. James (Balliol 1840): I D37/2, E20/7, E21/21, E24/6, F7/4, F10/44 ; II A1/2/13 ; III S43

Ridding, Rt. Rev. George, Bishop of Southwell (Balliol 1846/7): I D33 f83, 89

Ridley, Mr. --: II A1/2/14

Ridley, M.W.: II H6/10

Ridley, Sir Matthew, 1st Viscount Ridley (Balliol 1861): I D8, D54 f78

Ripon, Lord, SEE Robinson.

*Ritchie, Prof. David George (Balliol 1874): I E4/7, E11/26, G16/1/19 ; II A24/4, E2/3-4 ; III C186, 222

Robarts, C.H.: I G16/4/59, 68, 70

Roberts, Mr. -- (fl. 1877): I G16/5/42

Robeson, Ven. Hemming (Balliol 1850/1): II D4/82, H6/16

Robinson, Alfred (Balliol 1834/5?): II A21/120-1, J2/2

*Robinson, George Frederick Samuel, 2nd Earl de Grey and Ripon and 1st Marquis of Ripon: I D37/1, H66 f17 ; II: I2/3 ; III N13, 235, 535, 537, 539, 546, 548, 554, 556, 625, 637 ; IV B2/2-3

Robinson, Julian (Balliol 1867): I A14/1A, B3/25A

Robinson, Mr. --: I H41 f35, (of New College, fl. 1886): III N580

Roe, Reginald Heber (Balliol 1869): II C1/145 ; III N384

Rogers, G.H. (of Magdalen c. 1892): I B16/bcA

Rogers, J.J.: I H30 f102

Rogers, J.D.: I E23/1

Rogers, John Davenport (Balliol 1875): I B22 fcA(?)

Rogers, J.E. Thorold: I E20/16(?), E23/1

*Rogers, Rev. William (Balliol 1837): I D8, D37/1, E12/1-2, 6, E20/14-15, E24/6, F6/10, 24, F10/24, G16/2/18, H51 f82v(?), H59 f62, H82 f14(?) ; II D1/13, D4/83, E1/3 ; III C94, 117, M48-9, 97, N156, 217, 227, 231, 241, 263, 264, 269, 298, 317, 388, 391, 541, 588

Rogers, W.L. (Balliol 1848/9): I C13 f5

Rogers, Mr. --: I H28 f110 (of Oxford): I H13 f85v (author of Echoes of Faith)

Rolleston Dr. --: I H34 f22 ; IV B4/21

Rolt, Rev. H.G. (Balliol 1845/6): I C12 f9v

Rooper, Thomas Godolphin (Balliol 1866): I A14/1A, B3/25A

Rosebery, Lord, SEE Primrose.

Ross, Mr, --: I H76 f63-4

Roslayne(?), H.: I C39/2

Round, John Horace (Balliol 1874): I B22 fcA-fcB

*Round, J.T.: I E5/1

*Roundell (alias Currer), Charles S. (Balliol 1845/6): I C12 f60v, D8, E22/3, F11/10, G16/2/57 ; II A21/122, B2 bcC, D4/84, J4/10, 80-1 ; III M30, N114, 130, 155, 156, 346 ;

Roundell, Julia H. (wife of Charles): II C1/146

Rowbotham, John Frederick (Balliol 1869): I H40 f39 ; III N332

Rowley, J.: I D6 f1

Rowley, --: I H34 f99

*Ruskin, John: I E20/13, E21/17, E24/4, H27 f50, H63 f45, H64 ff16-17 ; II J4/11 ; III M67, N324, 387, 390, 544, S1 ; IV A8/8

Rulston, Mr. --: I H34 f11v

Russell, A.: III M30

*Russell, Adeline Marie, Marchioness of Tavistock (to 1891), 10th Duchess of Bedford: I D54 f77v, E3/19, 21-3, E19/5, F11/22-8, F12/4(?), 52, G16/1/20-2, G16/2/58, G16/5/73, G16/6/13, 46, 57, H41 f37-8(?), H51 f77v(?), H70 f38, 74, H82 f7-8 ; II A5/2/2, A22/24, C1/8, 147-8 ; III M107, N514, 516, 522, 526, 604, 649, 693, 694

Russell, Lord Arthur: I H76 f32(?), H82 f12(?) ; II C1/150 ; III MA36

Russell, Sir Claud Frederick William (Balliol 1890): II A4/11

Russell, Lady Elizabeth, 9th Duchess of Bedford: III N382

*Russell, Francis Charles Hastings, 9th Duke of Bedford: I E3/21, F6/48, H33 f34, H34 f2-3, H38 f5v(?), 24, H41 f38, H51 f11, H67 f74, H71 f59, H77 f34 ; II C1/64 ; III M34, N363(?), 412, 526, 604

Russell, George William Francis Sackville, Marquis of Tavistock (to 1891) 10th Duke of Bedford (Balliol 1870): I D8, D54 f77v, E(?)21, E24/6, F11/22-8, F12/52, H41 f29, H44 f5, 10v, H51 f78-9(?) ; II A5/2/2 ; III M107, N522, 526, 604

Russell, George, W.G. G16/2/59-60

*Russell, Herbrand Arthur, Lord Russell (to 1893), 11th Duke of Bedford (Balliol 1877): II C1/149 ; III MA36

Russell, John (Balliol 1868): I A14/1A, B3/25A

*Russell, John, 1st Earl Russell: I F4/8, F7/35, H28 f134v ; II A7/13 ; III M10, 15, 34, N81, 82, 113, 114, 127, 167, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 310, 388

*Russell, John Francis Stanley, 2nd Earl Russell: I F6/61 ; II C1/158, D4/85 ; IV A8/24

Russell, John Wellesley (Balliol 1869): I H79 f42 ; II K2/30

Russell, Katherine Louisa, Lady Amberley: III N313, 433

*Russell, Lady Laura (wife of Lord Arthur Russell): II A21/123-5, A22/25, C1/150, D4/86, D3/17

*Russell, Lord Odo: I F2/11, 21, 38, H31 f89-93 ; III M34, 42, 50, 67

Russell, --- Duchess of Bedford unspecified: II C1/1

Russell, --, (M.P. for Dundee c.1880): I H40 f21-2

Russell, Mr.: I H30 f45

Rutherford, W.G.: I E11/20 ; III C105, 110, 114

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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