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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries G

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Galton, Captain: I H30 f7

Gardiner, R.B.: I E21/5 ; II A22/5

Garnet, Dr. --: I H51 f46, H79 f68-9

Gaskell, James Milnes, M.P.: III N205, 376

Gathorne-Hardy, Sir Gathorne, 1st Earl of Cranbrook: I E21/9

Gell, Edith Lyttleton (wife of Philip): I E20/18, G16/4/46, 57-8 ; II C1/54-5 ; III N646, 647

*Gell, Philip Lyttleton (Balliol 1872): I D9, E5/7, 11, E13 passim, E19/4, E20/18, E21/14, 20, G16/4/3, 16-18, 24, 35, G16/5/28, 34, 110, H29 f134v, H63 f29-30, H70 f31-2, H75 f57 ; II A15 passim, A18/1, 3, A22/6, C1/1, 55-56, H1/7, I3/47, J4/26, O passim; III C120, 199, N588, 646, 647 ; IV A15 passim B15 passim

George, Mr. -- (lectured at Balliol 1867/8): I D6/5

Ghose, Mahimolan (Balliol 1890): II A4/9

Gibbs, Henry Hucks, 1st Baron Aldenham: IV B8 passim

Gibson, Walter Sumner (Balliol 1868): I B3/25A, D3/bcA

Gibson, Mrs. --: I H44 f59

Gilbert, Sir Joseph Henry, Professor of Rural Economy at Oxford: III N568

Gillespie, George Robertson (Balliol 1868): I B3/25A, D3/bcA

Gilman, C.W.: I E11/2

Girdlestone, Mr. --: I E14/5 ; IV A19/1-6

*Gladstone, William Ewart: I C18, C40/46, E20/16, E21/14/1, E21/16/3, F2/1-2, 8, 16, 21, 23-4, 38, 37, 39, F4/34, F10/35, 48, 65, F12/17, 37-8, H24 f71, H44 f24, H59 ff116-18, H64 f25-6, H76 ff15-17, H81 f69-70 ; III C103, M25-6, 34, 40, 45-7, 54, 56, 63, 69, 71, 76, 83, 87, 90, 105, 107, 109-10, 125, MA1, 7, N13, 24, 32, 39, 42, 67, 68, 81, 82, 83, 101, 104, 106, 111, 113, 114, 124, 127, 143, 144, 14, 178, 184, 188, 195, 200, 203, 218, 222, 237, 239, 244, 250, 252, 253, 260, 261, 271, 272, 320, 327, 405, 411, 423, 429, 430, 449, 576, 631 ; IV A8/1, 3, B13/2-4, B20

*Godley, John Arthur, 1st Baron Kilbracken (Balliol 1866): I A14 f1A, B3/25A, F11/38, 43-5, 48-53, G16/1/11, H42 f63, H76 f48 ; II: I2/1-2, 5-6, 8-10, 23, 36 ; III N295, 573, 631 ; IV B12/5-6

Godly, --: I H75 f16

Goetz, Charles Edward George (Balliol 1891): II A4/2, B5 bcA

Goldner, Alfred Leopold (Balliol 1888): II K2/29

Golightly, Rev. Charles Pourtales: II E3/2

Goodlake, Thomas Surman (Balliol 1866): I D3/fcB

Goodwin, Alfred (Balliol 1875): I B22 fcB

Goodwin, W.W.: I G16/8/1

Gordon, Charles James Mackay (Balliol 1887): II A6/6 ; III C173

Gordon, Mr. --: I F7/16-17

Gordon, General George: I F2/37, H63 f4, 21-2 ; III N556

Gordon, Henry (Balliol 1846): IV A8/3

Gordon, Ishbel Maria, 7th Countess and 1st Marchioness of Aberdeen: I H70 f67

Gordon, John Campbell, 7th Earl and 1st Marquess of Aberdeen: I H70 f67, H72 f10

Gore, Rt. Rev. Charles (Balliol 1871): II A21/31, C1/56

*Goschen, George Joachim: I D54 f78, E11/16, F6/25, H28 f83, H29 f107, H31 ff15, 102-7, H33 f83-4, H34 f90(?), H44 f61, H51 f41-5(?), 82, 84, H59 f96-8, 164-5, H64 f3-4, 6, H66 f17, H67 f20(?), 22-22v, H82 f47 ; III M20, 71, 77, 109, MA35, N178, 222, 231, 236, 237, 239, 271, 272, 273, 277, 320, 537, 564, 586 ; IV A26/3, B2/4, 9/45

Goschen, J.: I H37 f75-6

Goulburn, Edward Meyrick (Balliol 1834): I E20/1, 3-5, 9

Gower, L.: I D54 f78

Graham, John, Jr.: I H47 f69-70, H67 f66

Graham, Rutherford James (Balliol 1868): III N208, 256, 258

Grahame, Walter (Balliol 1891): I B16/bcA, D34/2-3, H29 f130v(?) ; II A4/15, 17

*Grant, Sir Alexander of Dalvey, 10th Bt. (Balliol 1844/5): I A24 f102, A34 p115, C21 f109v, C37 f34, D23 pp134-6, E19/6, E20/13-14, E21/15, E24/6, F3/1, F10/6-24, 44, 47, 57, 64, H31 f48-51, H37 f24, H42 f26, H47 f61-2, H49 f40, H54 f66, H64 f20(?) ; II A7/24 ; III C105, 112, M9-10, 30, 105, MA1, N155, 167, 204, 218, 251, 515, 516, 544, S89 ; IV B14/3

Grant, Sir Alfred Hamilton (Balliol 1890): II A3/1-2, C1/4, D4/34, I6/3, 10

Grant, H.W.L.: II K2/14

Grant, Sir Ludovic : I F10/18, 20, 22-3

Grant, Lady Susan (wife of 10th Bt.): I E20/11, F10/6-24 ; II C1/57, J4/27-8

*Grant Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone (Balliol 1847): I D33 f50, F12/43, H24 f84, H25 f63, H33 ff17, 27, H75 f9-11 ; II C1/58, J4/29-30, K2/15 ; III N162, 222, 231, 283, 284, 448, 492, 627, 670

Grant, Mr. --: I A34 p115

Granville, Lord, SEE Leveson-Gower.

*Green, Charlotte (née Symonds; wife of T.H. Green): I E8/4, E17/4, 9, 14-17, E19/5, E20/12-13, E21/20, F12/29, F13/50-1, G16/1/12, G16/4/29 ; II A18/2, A22/7, C1/166, D3/8-11, J4/31-7 ; III C184, 187, 190, 193, MA/31, N542, 543, 563, 574 ; IV A31

*Green, Prof. Thomas Hill (Balliol 1855): I D28 pp1-40, 90-110, D37/1-2, E20/8, 12, E23/1, E24/4, 6, F2/33, F10/11, F11/1, F13/24, 26, 53, H24 f45v, H25 f55-7, H26 f22-4, H28 ff1-1v, H32 f60-3, H33 f67, H38 f29-30, H51 f76-7, H53 f38, H54 f43, H58 f53, 55, 57 ; II A21/147; III C107, M30, MA38, N278, 332, 371, 378, 382, 387, 433, 456, S115 ; IV B5/12

*Greenhill, Dr. William Alexander: I E20/1, F10/26-43 ; II C1/59 ; III S69

Greenhill, Mrs. W.A.: I F10/26-43

Greenwood, Mr. --: I H41 f58

Greg, Favour James (Balliol 1866; committed suicide 1870): I A14 f1A, B3/25A ; III N285

Grenfell, Mr. ---: II H6/2

Grey, Rt. Rev. Robert, Bishop of Cape Town: III N203

Griffith, G.: II D3/4

Grosvenor, Hugh Lupus, 1st Duke of Westminster (Balliol 1843): I H47 f29 ; III N412

Grosvenor, Hon. Richard Cecil (Balliol 1866): I A14/1A, B3/25A ; III N163, 164, 184

*Grote, George: I B19 pp7, 170-1, B29 pp30-3, B37/22A, C2 f64v-65, C21 f31, 35, 49, C47 f40-3, F3/1, F10/11 ; II A7/5, L23 f70, 248v-251v, 259v-264 ; III C16, 47, N62, 71, 76, 321, 418, S108 ; IV B14/3

Grote, Mrs. Harriet (wife of George): I E20/14, F5/11, H30 f101, H31 f77, H34 f8-10 ; III N70, 379, 381, 418, S103, 108 ; IV A5/12, B14/3

Grove, Sir George: I E7/11, E9, G16/5/71 ; II A21/32, A22/8

Grove, Lord Justice --: II JD/29

Guildford, George Henry: II D4/35

Gull, Sir William: I H71 ff16-17, 31 ; III N589, 596, 618

Gut, Mr. -- (fl. 1875): I H24 f53

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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