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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries E

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Eden, Rt. Rev. Robert John, Bishop of Bath and Wells: III S72

Edgeworth, Prof. Francis Ysidro (Balliol 1867): I D3/fcB

Edward VII: I H75 f76, 79 ; III S99-100 ; IV B3/9

Edwards, M. C.: I G16/6/13, 38, 44, 58, 87

Edwards, W. Herbert: II D4/26-7

Egelston, Mr. --: II C1/1

Elcho, Viscount, SEE Wemyss-Charteris-Douglas, Earl of Wemyss.

Elgin, Lord, SEE Bruce.

Eliot, Sir Charles Norton Edgecumbe (Balliol 1880): III N577

*Eliot, George (Marian Lewes, later Mrs. Cross): I E20/8, 13, E21/16/2, E23/1, F2/35, F5/16, F11/1, F13/53, H24 f45, H31 ff11, 80(?), 82-3(?), 109v(?), H33 f75, 78, H38 f20-3, 48, 56(?), H40 f62, H43 f42-3 ; III M90, N286, 348, 349, 376, 391, 405, 419 ; IV B4/7

Eliot, Mr. --: I H42 f72, H63 f31-3

Ellicott, Rt. Rev Charles John, Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol: I H75 f29 ; III N390

Elliot, Arthur: I G16/1/7

Elliot, Frederick Augustus Hugh (Balliol 1866): IV B12/8, B16/6

*Elliot, Lady Charlotte: I E8/12, E20/13, F11/8 ; III C66

*Elliot, Rev. Hon, Gilbert, Dean of Bristol: I A12 f47, E20/12, E24/7, F4/1-2, 4-5, 7, 10, 14-15, 21, F7/37, F12/5, F13/3, H43 f88v-89 ; II C1/45-8 ; IV A34

*Elliot, Margaret (daughter of Gilbert): I E8/11, F4/3, 8, 11-13, 16-20, 22 ; II A21/26, A22/4, C1/45-8, D5/7, JD/37, 39-54 ; IV A34

Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Emma Eleanor Elizabeth, 3rd Countess of Minto: I H43 f24

Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, William Hugh, 3rd Earl of Minto: II A7/24

Elliott, E.B.: II B2 f10A

Elliott, R.J. (of Lincoln): I C15 f5, 6, 12v, 13v, 14v, 15

Elliott and Fry (photographers): II A21/27

*Ellis, Robinson (Balliol 1852): I E11/30, E24/6 ; II D4/28 ; III C107, N227, 229, 234, 256, 261, 274

Ellis, W.D.: II: I6/1, 9, 11-12

Elton, Charles: Isaac (Balliol 1857): II D5/8 ; III M100 ; IV A4 passim

Emanuel, Montague Rousseau (Balliol 1891): II A4/15, 17

*Erskine, Thomas: II A7/20, K5/9-10 ; III N101, 209(?), 210(?), 212(?), 213(?), 217(?), 255(?), 292, S103

Estcourt, George Thomas John Sotheron, Baron Estcourt (Balliol 1857): I C13 f41v(?)

Evans, F.D.: II: I6/1

Evans, Herbert Arthur (Balliol 1866): I A14 f1A, B3/25A

Evans, Evan (Master of Pembroke): I E19/11-3, 6

Evans, Sophie: II C1/49

Evelyn, --: II H6/18

*Ewing, Rt. Rev. Alexander, Bishop of Argyll and the: Isles E20/21, F12/9-10, H58 f86, H21 f119v ; II A21/19-20, K5/10 ; III S40, 51, 72; IV A8/1, 7

Ewing, Mrs. (wife of Alexander): I F12/9 ; III S34

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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