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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Paget, Lady --: I H43 f78v, 80(?), H54 f83

Paget, Sir Augustus: I H43 f79

*Palgrave, Francis Turner (Balliol 1842): I A24/102, E21/20, F7/39, F10/44-66, H82 f41 ; II A21/100-4, A22/20, C1/168, D4/73, H6/22 ; III M9-10, N279, 286, S108

*Palmer, Ven. Edwin (Balliol 1841): I E20/14, E21/21, E22/3, E24/6, F10/65 ; II A1/2/12, A21/105-7 ; III N232 ; IV B2/1, B5/18

Palmer, Rt. Rev. Edwin James (Balliol 1887): IV B5/18

Palmer, Lady Sophia: I G16/2/54-5 H81 ff15, 17

Palmer, Prof. -- (of Harvard): I H63 f39-40

Palmer, Ralph: II: I1/28

*Palmer, Roundell, 1st Earl of Selbourne: I E11/31, E17/1, F13/1, H66 f46, H81 ff15v-16 ; III M45, N66, 69, 108, 114, 188, 232, 237, 252, 366, 394, 395, 507, S1, 31-2

Panmure, Lord, SEE Ramsay, Earl of Dalhousie.

Papillon, Rev. Canon Thomas Leslie: II A21/108

*Paravicini, Baron Francis de (Balliol 1862): I H91 p20 ; II C1/1, H2/4 ; III N131, 382 ; IV A24

Parker, Augusta, SEE Nash, Augusta.

Parker, Sir H.: I H42 ff12-13

Parker, William: II A4/5

*Parker, Albert Edward, 3rd Earl of Morley (Balliol 1861): I D8, D54 f78 ; II A21/109, D4/74 ; III N211, 222, 225 ; IV B3/1

Parnell, Charles Stuart: III N631

Parnell, Frank: I E23/13, G16/2/56

Parry, probably Rt. Rev. H.H., Bishop of Barbados (Balliol 1845/6): I D33 f83

*Pater, Walter: I H45 f1 ; III N324

Paton, W.H.: III M30

Patteson, J.H. (Balliol 1846/7) C12 f48

*Pattison, Mark, Rector of Lincoln: I E19/6, E20/8, E21/13, F2/40, F13/3, H18 f90, H27 f77, H38 f73-5 ; II: I8 ; III C116, M10, 67, N340, S10, 89, 109 ; IV B14/3

Patton, Frederick Joseph (Balliol 1870): II D1/12

Payne, P.H.S.: I E25/10

Peach, R.E.M.: II A20/19-21

*Pearson, Rev. Hugh (Balliol 1835): I D28 pp41-89, 131-2, D37/1, E20/13-14, F2/33, F11/1, H30 f39, H41 f48, H42 ff18, 62 ; II C1/50 ; III C107, S9, 30, 104

*Peel, Sir Arthur Wellesley, 1st Viscount (Balliol 1848): I D8, E11/4, E19/3, F6/48, F13/10, 40 ; II A21/110, D4/75-6 ; III C136, M109, N68, 155, 225, 231, 572, 573, S50 ; IV A8/6

Peel, William Robert Wellesley, 1st Earl Peel (Balliol 1885): IV B11/19-20

Pelly, Sir Louis: I H57 f5

Pembroke, Lord, SEE Herbert.

*Percival, Rt. Rev. John, Bishop of Hereford: I E21/20, F5/9, G16/4/36, 60 ; II H6/23 ; III C36, 38, 79

Percival, Louisa (wife of John): II C1/139

*Perroud, J.M.: I E17/1, 8, 9, 12, 16, E20/13, E21/20, H75 f21v ; II D4/77

Perry(?), J.F. (of Magdalen c.1892): I B16/bcA

Peterson, Mr. --: I H59 f94

Peto, Emily L.: I E23/9

Petty-Fitzmaurice, Edmond George, 1st Baron Fitzmaurice: III N471

Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne: I F7/22, 34

*Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry Charles Keith, Lord Kerry (to 1866), 5th Marquess of Lansdowne (Balliol 1863): I C16/1a, D37/1, D54 f77v, E6/11, E20/10, 15, E22/3, E24/6, F6/29, F10/65, F12/30-51, F15/13, H42 f17, H44 f62-3, 64 (?), H59 f28, H78 f69 ; II A21/111-14, A22/21, I2/7, K7/2 ; III C34, M92, N70, 117, 118, 119, 124, 163, 164, 211, 225, 310, 351, 353, 357, 433, 471, 488, 623, 624, 625, 630, 637, 643, 660, 670 ; IV B1/3, B4/26, B11/21, B12/8-9

Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry William Edmund, Lord Kerry, later 6th Marquess of Lansdowne (Balliol 1890): II: I2/7 ; IV B11/21

Petty-Fitzmaurice, Maud Evelyn, 5th Marchioness of Lansdowne: I D54 f77v

Phillimore, Robert: I E10/8

Philpotts, Rt. Rev. Henry, Bishop of Exeter: I E21/20 ; III S30, 52

Phinn, Rev. C.P. (Balliol 1846/7): I D33 f58v

Pickard Cambridge, Sir Arthur Wallace (Balliol 1891): I B16/fcG, bcA, D34/1-3

Pinker, H. Richard: II C1/140-1

Pius IX, Pope: III S20

Plumptre, F.L.: IV A13/9-10

Plunkett, Edward, 16th Baron Dunsany: III N551

Pitt-Rivers, General --: I H57 f8, H59 f158

Pollack, C.E. Baron Pollock: I E21/7 ; II A21/115

Pollock, F.: I D6/2C

Pollard, Mr. --: I H70 f9-10

Ponsonby, Arthur Augustus William Harry, 1st Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede (Balliol 1890): I H28 f2, 5(?) ; II A24/2-3

Poole, R.S.: I H54 f33

Pope, Dr. ---: I H79/6v

Pope, Rev. George Uglow (Chaplain of Balliol 1886): II D4/78

Portsmouth, Earl of, SEE Wallop

Poste, Mr. --: I F10/45

Pottinger, Henry A.: II A22/22

*Powell, Prof. Baden: I G16/1/1 ; III S52, 102

Powell, Dr, Douglas: I H77 f52 ; III N654

Powell, Rev Evan Worthington (Balliol 1890): II A3/1-3, I6/2, 11 ; IV A9

Poynton, Arthur Blackburne (Balliol 1885): III C114

Pratt, Rev. J.N.: II A22/23

Prendergast, ---: I H27 f80

Price, Mr. --: I H57 f3

*Price, Bartholemew: I E19/8-9(?), E21/14/4, H82 f31 ; II D4/79

Price, Bonamy: I F11/15 ; III S2

Prichard, Mr. -- (fl. 1849): III S45

*Primrose, Archibald Philip, 5th Earl of Rosebery: I E5/8, F11/28, F12/44, H72 f75(?) ; II C1/142, D4/80 ; III C173, 213, M106-7, 125, 127, MA21, N657 ; IV B4/27, B11/12-30

Primrose, Rt. Hon. Sir Henry William (Balliol 1865): I A14/1A, B3/25A ; II: I2/26

Princep(?), Major: I H31 f116v

Pringle, Miss A.L.: I F10/22 ; III N601, 627

Pritchard, Prof C.: I E14/2-3, 5-6, F7/19, 30, 33 ; III S1, 15

Prothero, R.E.: I E23/6, G16/5/74 ; II A21/116-17 ; IV A11

Puller, Christopher Cholmely (Balliol 1858): I C13 f32v-33

Purves, John (Balliol 1860): I C12 f85v-86, E20/10, F10/8 ; III N127

*Pusey, Prof. Rev. Edward Bouverie: I A10 p5, 9, 32-3, 55, E9 passim, E10/9, E21/8, 13, E21/16/3, E22/6, E25/10, E26/9, F4/4, 34, H28 f47, H34 f19, H36 f12 ; III M19, N45, 68, 73, 93, 123, 154, 176, 186, 200, 220, 244, 283, 285, 302, 340, 370, 494, S58, 69, 82, 95 ; IV A10/10, B5/7

Putnam, G.P.: I G16/4/15

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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