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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries M

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Macallister, Dr. --: I H77 f46

Macauley, Miss F?: I H34 f44-5

*Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st Baron Macaulay: I A25/36, E20/20 ; III N330, S58

Macbride, Dr. J.D.: II E3/2

MacClymont, Colin Ritchie (Balliol 1868): I A14/1A, B3/25A, D54 f77v

McConnell, Primrose, Lecturer in Agriculture: III N569, 570

McDougall, Prof. Dugald Gordon (Balliol 1888): II K2/29 ; IV A16 passim

MacEwen, Rev. Prof. Alexander Robertson (Balliol 1870): I E26/6, G16/2/35 ; II A21/63 ; IV A27

McFadyen, Prof. John Edgar (Balliol 1890): I B14/bcF, E19/4iii ; II A3/1-2, 4, I6/1-13

*Mackail, Prof. John William: I G16/2/36 ; II A1/2/9, C1/1 ; III C107, 118

Mackay, Baron ---: I H28 f44v

Mackenzie, Mr. (fl. 1867): III C34

Maclachlan, Norman: I G16/4/53

Maclagan, Dr. 93v

Macmillan, Frederick: I G16/4/11

Macmillan, Malcolm Kingsley (Balliol 1875): I B22 fcA(?)

Macpherson, Sir A.: I F11/45

MacVicar, Herbert Montgomerie: II K2/3, 19-20

MacVicar, J.D.: II K2/19-20

Madan, F.: II A22/15

Magnus, L. (of Magdalen c.1892): I B16/bcA

Magrath, John Richard (Provost of Queens 1878): I E10/4-6, G16/2/37-8 ; II A22/16, D4/58, I2/15

Mahaffy, J.: I E11/13

Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner, Corpus Professor of Jurisprudence at Oxford 1869-78: III N277, 519, 520, 567

Maitland, Edward Francis, Lord Barcaple: I G16/6/83 ; II A7/24 ; III N101, 277, 292

Malan, Mr. -- (fl. 1845): III S1

Malcolm, W.B.: I H38 f17

Malet, Sir E.: I H79 f72

*Mallet, Sir Louis: I H30 f111, H33 f68-71, H34 f63, H42 f5-6, 9-11, H51 f90v, H66 f17 ; III M43, 56, 82, N244, 286, 414, 446, 457, 486, 492, 545 ; IV A18/6

Mallinson(?), P.: II A21/64

*Mallock, William Hurrell (Balliol 1870): I H29 f99 ; III N332

Mammatt, Rev. Arthur Simmonds (Balliol 1867): I D3/bcA

*Manning, Cardinal Henry, Archdeacon of Chichester, Archbishop of Westminster (Balliol 1827): I D37/1, E24/6, F13/9, H28 f14, H36 f11; III N84, 92, 108, 109, 392, 394, 395, S52 ; IV A8/8

Markby, Lady Lucy (wife of Sir William): I G16/2/39-40, G16/5/97 ; II A21/65

*Markby, Dr. (later Sir) William (Fellow of Balliol 1883): I D8, E17/2-3, 5, 7-10, 13, 16-17, E20/13, E21/20, E22/6, E23/6, 7, F11/42, 49, G16/1/18, G16/2/41-3, 46, 49, G16/5/22, 24, 100, 102, G16/6/2, 21, 80, 84, H42 f1, H51 f49-50, H72 f61-2, 70(?) ; II A4/9, A21/66-9, C1/1, D2 passim, D4 passim, D6 passim, H1/5-6, H6 passim, H7/1, I1/19, I2/17, 19-21, 28, 35 ; III C191, MA38, N535, 569, 570, 573, 577, 696, 698 ; IV A15/1, 7, B3/31, B15/2

Marriott, J.A.R.: I G16/4/1 ; II A21/70

*Marshall, Professor Alfred (Fellow of Balliol 1883): I E21/17, F11/15-20, G16/2/44, G16/4/28, G16/9/13, H33 f94v, H34 f64, H40 f20, H41 f47, H43 f37-9, 88, H45 f34, H58 f74, H76 f3, H77 f45, 47, H79 f8-9, H81 f40-8, H82 f25 ; II A21/71-80, C1/41, 104-13, H6/9, I2/22 ; III C67; IV B16/5

Marshall, Mary (wife of Alfred): I E21/17, E24/9, F11/15-20, G16/2/45, G16/5/8 ; II A21/71-80, C1/41, 104-13, D3/14 ; IV B16/5

Marshall, John: II A1/2/10

Martin, A. Patchell: II C1/114-16

*Martineau, Dr. James: I D54 f78, E11/22, E21/16/3, F11/25, G7/1, H30 ff127v-8, H37 f40, 44-8, H60 f8v-9, H66 f30, H70 f47-8, H77 f2, H79 f77-8 ; III C95, 153, 168, 213, MA21, N399, 601, 614, 624, 625

Martineau, Miss --: I D54 f78

Matheson, Alexander (Balliol 1891): II A4/15, 17

Matheson, P.E.: I G16/4/34 ; II C1/117

Matsukata, Kojiro (Balliol 1893): II C1/155

Matthews, F.: I H31 f98

Maude, Thomas William (Balliol 1850): I C13 f23v, H30 f40

Maude, Mr. --: I B12 p177 (of University College)

Maugham, David (Balliol 1891): II K2/1-2

Maurice, Rev. Frederick Deniston: I F10/15, H14 f142v ; III N544, S1, 51

Maurice, Mr. --: I A10 p55

*Max Müller, Prof. Friedrich: I A10 p73, E14/2, 4, 5, E19/6, F5/6, F10/47, F11/30, 32, F13/3, 4, H17 f32, H28 f40, H32 f45, H38 f25, H42 f65, H48 f11, H51 f84v, H57 f67, H59 ff138-42, 144 ; II: I3/48, L1 p1-21 ; III M63, 65, N326, S33, 41, 89 ; IV B14/3-4

Max Müller, Mrs. -- : IV B14/3

Maxwell, C.: III C85, 103, 106-7

Maxwell, Thomas Doveton (Balliol 1892): II H2/4

Maxwell, Sir William: III C68

Mayo, Lord, SEE Bourke.

Mazzini, ---: I G3/3, H91 p16-21 ; II A21/37-9 ; III N153, 164, 313, 330, 351, 357

Merk, Frederick Holland (Balliol 1882): II C1/118-19

Meyer, Charles Julius (Balliol 1888): II K2/29

Merivale, H.: III S1

Merivale, Herman Charles (Balliol 1857): I C13 f32v-33, 69v

Merry, Rev. William Walter (Balliol 1852): II A21/81

Midleton, Lord, SEE Brodrick.

Mill, John Stuart: I E20/20, E23/1, H18 f66, H89 p65-75, 139-41 ; II A16/71 ; III M59, N192, 193, 200, 201, 208, 247, 382

Mill, -- which one?: I H28 f100

Miller, Thomas: III M98-9, 106

Mills, A.: I H42 f8

Mills, Arthur (Balliol 1834): IV B6 passim

Milman, Mr. -- (fl 1845): III S1

Milne, William: II D4/59

*Milner, Alfred, 1st Viscount Milner (Balliol 1873): I E5/11, H54 f65 ; II C1/120 ; III M107, N576, 577 ; IV B11/12-14

Milner, Rev. Herbert Wilson (Balliol 1890): II A3/1-2, 4, I6/2-8, 10

Milroy, ---: II H6/8

Minto, Lord, SEE Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound.

Mitchell, Richard Arthur Henry (Balliol 1861): I E32/8 ; II A21/82

Mitford, A.B.: I H33 f 97, 98

Moberly, William Octavius (Balliol 1869): II C1/121

Moberly, Rt. Rev. George, (Balliol 1822), Headmaster of Winchester and Bishop of Salisbury: I F7/19 ; III S20

Mohl, Julius von: III N12, 15, 44, 60, 115, 117, 124, 329, 357, 371, 381, 391, 472, 474, 604

Mohl, Mary: III N324, 474, 604

Moncrieff, Rev. George Robertson (Balliol 1834): I E20/9 ; III S34

*Monier-Williams, Prof. Sir Monier originally Williams, Monier (Balliol 1838): I F5/6, F11/29-37, H34 ff103-4 ; II A21/83-4, C1/122, D4/60, I1/21-2 ; III M63 ; IV B3/9

Monier Williams, Lady --: I F11/29-37

Monro, Robert Webber (Balliol 1857): I C13 f75

Monson, Sir Edmund John (Balliol 1852): II D4/61

Montague, Professor Francis Charles (Balliol 1876): II A4/9

Montague, Mr. --: I H41 f43

Montague, Rt. Rev. --, Bishop of --: III S2

Montefiore, Claud Joseph Goldsmid (Balliol 1878): II C1/123

Moore, Aubrey L.: II: I1/23

Moore, E.: II: D4/105, I1/24

Moore, Harry Christopher (Balliol 1890): II A3/1-2, I6/2-3

Morant, Sir Robert Laurie: III N580, 645

More, ---: II H6/24

Morfill, W.R.: I G16/6/29

*Morgan, Sir George Osborne 1st Bt. (Balliol 1843): I A24/102, D8, E24/6, F7/19, 22-4, 39 ; II A1/2/11, D4/62 ; III S9, 19, 26, 28, 42

Morier, Lady Alice (wife of Sir Robert): I H26 f67(?) ; II A21/85-8 ; III Mpassim, MApassim, N247, 293 ; IV A8/16, B4/43

Morier, David Richard (father of Sir Robert): III M13, 21, 73, 83, 84, MA5, 43, S47

Morier, Dorothea Clara (sister of Sir Robert): III MA39

*Morier, Sir Robert Burnet David (Balliol 1844): I C12 f35, D8, D54 f78, E11/23, E19/5, E21/16/1, E23/1, 4, F6/12, F10/14, 44-5, 47, 50, H24 f58v-61(?), 68v-69(?), H25 f44(?), H26 f61, 74(?), 75(?), 86v, H28 f32, 119-21, H30 ff132-4(?), H34 f87(?), 89(?), H42 f41-2, 48-51, 56, 68-9, H43 f47(?), H54 ff10v-11(?), 13-16(?), H64 f3-4, H66 f8-9, 32, H72 ff1-3(?), 31, 35-8, 42-3, H75 f42, 59, H76 f60, 66, H78 f25, H79 f4-6 ; II A7/2, 8, A21/85-8, C1/147, D3/3, 15, D4/63-4 ; III C57, 67, Mpassim, N148, 156, 244, 247, 259, 260, 280, 293, 300, 308, 320, 324, 362, 369, 376, 391, 392, 423, 442, 448, 463, 471, 482, 499, 520, 587, S33-5, 40-1, 43 ; IV A8/1-3, 5, 7, 8-9, 11-14, 16, 20, 29, 36-9, B4/43, B11/18, 29

Morier, Victor (son of Sir Robert): I E23/1 ; III M93, 95-6, 98-9, 101-2, 104-6, 108-13, 118-19, 123-4, 127, MA1, 2, 7-21, 23, 25, 27, 29-30, 32-35, 37 ; IV A8/29, 33, 35, 37

Morley, Lord, SEE Parker.

Morrell, G. Herbert: II K2/21

Morrell, Philip Edward (Balliol 1889): II A3/1-2, 4, I6/2

Morrell, Bishop --: III C36

Morris, Francis John Albert (Balliol 1888): II K2/29

Morrison, Walter: I E21/19

Morse Stephens, Prof Henry: I G16/9/11

Moseley, Edwyn Samuel (Balliol 1857): I C13/32v-33

Mosely, Prof. --: I H59 f100

Moss, Rev Henry Whitaker, Headmaster of Shewsbury School: II A21/89-90, H6/21, K2/26-7

Mottram, E. Chapman: II H6/15

Mount, William George (Balliol 1842): II D4/65

Mowatt, Mr. -- (fl. 1877): I H30 f98

Mowbray, Sir John Robert, 1st Bt.: I H57 f58-9 ; II D4/66

Mowbray, Sir Robert Gray Cornish, 2nd Bt. (Balliol 1868): I B3/25A, D3/bcA, II D4/67

Moyle(?), J.B.: I G16/5/16

Muir, William (Balliol 1875): I B22 fcB

Muir Mackenzie, Sir Kenneth Augustus, Baron Muir Mackenzie (Balliol 1864): II D4/68, D1/11 ; III N212, 214

Mulvany, T.R.: II A20/14, 22

Mulvey(?), Annabel C.: II A20/40

Munro, Prof Hugh Andrew Johnstone, Kennedy Professor of Latin at Cambridge: III N155

Munro, John Arthur Rushton (Exeter 1882): I C15 f5, 5v, 12, 13v, 14v

Munro, W.B. (of Oriel): IV A5/11

Munro, Mr. --: I H57 f19v ; III C53

Murray, A.H. Hallam: I G16/2/46-7, G16/4/33, G16/5/64, 84, 97, G16/6/6, 48, 63, 69

Murray, Allan Robertson (Balliol 1867): I B3/25A

Murray, J.J. (fl 1856): I H17 f32

*Murray, Sir James Augustus Henry (Hon. Fellow of Balliol 1885): I H59 ff101-2, H64 ff11-13 ; II A21/91 ; IV B8 passim

Murray, John: I G16/2/48-9, G16/4/10, 21, 37, 45, 49, G16/5/63, 81, 83, G16/6/7, 16 ; II A16/11, A19/13-15 ; IV B10 passim

Murray, Lady Mary (daughter of George Howard, 9th Earl of Carlisle q.v.): I E19/4

Myers, Ernest James (Balliol 1863): III C28

Myers, Mr -- (fl. 1849): III S39-40

Myers, Mrs. --: I H45 f63v

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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