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Jowett Papers - index of BJ's contemporaries L

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This page is an INDEX only. You will need to use the reference numbers listed here to find the relevant sections of the full catalogue.

Lacaste(?), Sir James: I H33 f76, H47 f76-7

Laing, Rev. Samuel (Balliol 1890): II A3/1-2 ; III C145, 154, 158

Laing, Mr. --: II: I6/9

Laird, Dr. -- 10

*Lake, Very Rev. William Charles (Balliol 1833): I E20/3-5, 9, E21/21, E23/16, F6/6, F7/33, F10/1, 31, 44-5, F13/1 ; II A21/48, H6/24 ; III S1, 9, 46-7

*Lancaster, Henry Hill (Balliol 1849): I C13 f4v, E5/4, E20/14, E21/16/3, E24/9, F13/13-16, H17 f32, H28 ff130v-132 ; II A21/49-50, A23, H4/4 ; III M27-8, 31, S50

Lancaster, Mrs. Margaret (wife of Henry): I F13/16 ; II A21/49-50

Landor, Walter Savage: I H27 f94

Lang, Andrew: I E5/7 ; III C123

Langford, Rev. Canon John Frere (Balliol 1860): II C1/94

*Langhorne, Elizabeth (cousin of BJ): I G15/9 ; II A20/27-9, 31, 35, 37, 42, 47-9, 2 J4/38, 76

Langhorne, George: II A20/23, 44, 46

*Langhorne, Rev. William Henry: I G15 passim, G16/2/31-2, G16/4/12 ; II A16/21, A20 passim, A22/13, D4/51, J4/76

Langhorne, Mr. --: I E23/16

Lankester, Professor ---: I H77 f36

Lansdowne, Marquess of, SEE Petty-Fitzmaurice.

*La Touche, Rev. James D.: I E4/1, F11/11-14, G16/2/33, H29 f96, H75 f22-3 ; II A9 passim, A21/51-2, H6/12 ; III N365

Lavelye, --- de: I H28/111-114v, H40 f30, 32

Law, C.: IV A3

Law, David Edward (Balliol 1857): I C13 f68v

Law, Francis H.: II A21/53-4

Lawes, Sir John: I H59 f82, H63 f5-7, 9v

Lawley, Hon. Rev. Stephen Wiiloughby (Balliol 1841): IV A21

Lawrence, George Alfred (Balliol 1845): I C12 f34

Lawrence, Sir John Laird Mair, Lord Lawrence, Viceroy of: India 1863-9: III N42, 61, 141, 148, 156, 242

Lawson, Henry Lawson Webster, 1st Viscount Burnham (Balliol 1881): II D4/52

Leach, R.E.: II A20/41

Leaper, Mr. --: II JD/29

Lee, Rt. Rev. James Prince, Bishop of Manchester: III N22

Legge, Professor --: I H63 f21-2

Leighton (born Figgins), Robert Leighton (Balliol 1867): I A14/1A, B3/25A ; II A21/55-6

Leighton, Stanley (Balliol 1855): II D4/53

Leckie, Mr. --: I D54 f78

Lecky, William Edward Hartpole: III N75, 155

Leopold: I (of Belgium): I H30 f39

Leopold, Prince, SEE Duke of Albany.

Leveson-Gower, Hon. E.F.: II C1/95

*Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 2nd Earl Granville: I F1/17, F2/39, H33 f53-4, H59 f30(?), 64(?), H67 f74 ; III M97, N203, 300, 302, 471

Leveson-Gower, Sir George Granville (Balliol 1876): I E4/2

Lewis, Cornewall: III S1

Lewes, George Henry: I E20/13, H31 f81, 85 ; III N62, 349 ; IV B4/7

Lewis, Sir George: III N164

Lewis, Rev. Daniel Rowland (Balliol 1876): II D3/13

Leycester-Penrhyn, either Edward Hugh or Rev. Canon Oswald Henry (both Balliol 1846): I C12 f6v ; III S45

Liddell, Adolphus George Charles (Balliol 1865): III N256, 258

*Liddell, Very Rev. Henry George, Dean of Christ Church: I E10/1-2, E14/7, E19/5, F10/2, 34, F11/41, F13/36, G15/16/35, G16/4/49, H34 f23, H56 f35, H82 f28-9, 31 ; II A21/57-9, D4/54, I1/17, I2/19 ; III C61, N45, 156, 220, 243, S1, 11, 29, 51, 68, 76 ; IV B10/5

Liddell, Louisa (wife of the Dean): II C1/96 ; III N243, 277, 399 ; IV B4/20

Liddon, Rev. Prof. Henry Parry: I H27 f105, H28 f46v ; III N57, 68, 123, 340

Lightfoot, Joseph Barber, Bishop of Durham: I F6/33 ; II: I1/18

Lightfoot, Joseph Prideaux: I E10/1-2 ; IV A19/10

Lind, Jenny: III N604, S28, 37

Lindsay, Walter: II D4/55

Lingen, Emma (wife of R.R.W.): I H17 f32 ; II C1/97, D5/10 ; III N591

*Lingen, Ralph Robert Wheeler, 1st Baron Lingen (Fellow of Balliol 1841): I D8, D14 f67-8, E3/35-9, E7/1, E11/18, E24/6, F6/54, F7 passim, F10/48, 64, F11/54, F13/1, F16/4, G3/5-6, G16/1/17, H26 f79v, H28 f20, 21, 27v, H33 f58, 62, H34 f33-4, H38 f18, H40 f29, H44 f4, H51 f79, H57 f62, H59 ff143, 149-50, H71 f34 ; II A1/2/7, A8/1-3, A21/60-1, A22/14, C1/98-100, D4/56 ; III C136, M5, MA22, N128, 141, 148, 155, 167, 299, 318, 429, 430, 488, 591, 685, S9, 39, 100 ; IV B15/1

Linwood, Mr. --: I H57 f20 ; III S1

Linwood, W.: II A1/2/8

Llewellyn Brown, Mrs. --: II K2/38

Lock, C.S.: I E21/21

Lock, Walter: II A24/1

Lockhart, Laurence William Maxwell: III N299

Longley, Rt. Rev. Charles Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury: III N22

Longman, Thomas: I E12 passim

Longman, T. Norton: I E12/8

*Lonsdale, Rev. Prof. James Gilby (Balliol 1833): I D9 f1(?), E20/7, E21/21, E25/10, F5/3 ; II C1/101 ; III S1, 21, 10, 44, 59 ; IV B14/1

Lopes, George de Arroyave (Balliol 1890): II C1/53

Lopes, Henry Charles 1st Baron Ludlow (Balliol 1845): I D8, E20/7 ; III M100

Lothrop, Mr. --: I H71 f21

Lott, Rev. William Buckland (Balliol 1839): II D1/10

Lowe, Georgina, Lady Sherbrooke (wife of Robert): I F12/53-56, G16/2/34 ; II C1/102 ; III N145, 281 ; IV B4/1

*Lowe, Robert, Lord Sherbrooke: I D54 f77v, E20/8, 13-14, E21/11, E21/16/3, F2/21, F7/54, F12/53-56, H24 f43v-44, H26 ff15-16, 31, 38, H27 f24, H28 f20, 25-6, 35, 43, H30 f38v, H33 f57, H44 f52, H49 f62, H59 f24, H81 f6-10, 115-18, H22 ff1-3, H91 p8-11 ; II A7/7, 23, 26, C1/102, 114-16 ; III M22, 26, 30, 39-40, N70, 74, 83, 92, 101, 104, 113, 114, 121, 124, 127, 128, 136, 140, 141, 144, 145, 147, 153, 155, 156, 177, 178, 184, 222, 224, 236, 242, 244, 271, 272, 273, 277, 278, 281, 285, 294, 320, 326, 345, 362, 382, 430, 471, 582 ; IV B1/2, B4/1

Lubbock, Sir J.: I H37 ff156, 160

Lucas, Thomas: II D4/71-2 ; IV B18

Ludlow, Lord, SEE Lopes.

*Luke, George Rankine (Balliol 1855): II A4/16 ; III M11, N9, 110, S101

Lushington, Edmund, Professor of Greek at Glasgow: I F4/29, H54 f80 ; III C49, 53, 68

*Lushington, Godfrey: I D8, F4/34 ; II D4/57 ; III N45, 49, 102, 150, 266, 268, 627

*Lushington, Dr. Stephen: I E20/15, G16/9/5, H90 p4-30 ; III C11, N12, 40, 66, 81, 222, 308

Lushington, Vernon: II H6/29 ; III N349

*Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyn: I D9 f1, E11/25, E19/5, F12/49-50, H78 f7, 69, H79 f7 ; II A21/62, C1/103, I2/24 ; III N631 ; IV B12/2-4

Lymington, Viscount, SEE Wallop, Earl of Portsmouth.

Lyon, Sir James: I H28 f3

Lyons, Lord of 1877: I F2/11

Lytton-Bulwer, Edward George Earle, 1st Baron Lytton: I H90 p2-3 ; II A6/10

Lytton, Edward Robert, 1st Earl of Lytton: II A6/10 ; III N376, 492

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- Robin Darwall-Smith, 1993

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